Enhance cardiopulmonary function and stay away from high blood pressure, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. How many steps per minute are enough to "walk"?

Can developing exercise habits prevent cardiovascular disease? “Cardiopulmonary function” is an important indicator
Cardiovascular disease is one of the common epidemics in modern society. In addition, Taiwanese people have a Westernized diet and generally poor living habits, and they tend to become younger. “Exercise” is regarded as one of the main ways to prevent or improve cardiovascular disease. As early as the 1960s, there was evidence that exercise was significantly related to heart health.
Harvard Health Publishing, a subsidiary of Harvard Medical School, published a report stating that the latest two heart disease prevention studies both explored the importance of “cardiopulmonary function” for heart health. Cardiopulmonary function is related to the oxygen concentration that the heart and lungs provide to the muscles during exercise, and it also affects the chance of suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and even arteriosclerosis.
The stronger the cardiopulmonary function, the lower the mortality rate? Can reduce hypertension, diabetes and arteriosclerosis
In the first study, published in the European Heart Journal, 2,070 subjects tested their cardiopulmonary function on a flywheel bicycle and measured their exercise by wearing a fitness tracker during a 1-week trial. Effectiveness. The first measurement was taken 8 years apart from the second, and the research team compared the subjects’ current test results with measurements taken 8 years ago.
The results showed that during the two tests, subjects who took more moderate to severe exercise and walked more steps had significantly improved cardiopulmonary function, and regardless of the length of sitting time, their cardiopulmonary function was better than those who exercised less. . Subjects with higher-than-normal levels of exercise and daily step count also had above-average cardiopulmonary function. The research team also claimed that daily exercise activity can partially offset the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
The second study was published in “JAMA Network Open”. The research team used data such as age, gender, waist circumference and heart rate to estimate the cardiopulmonary function of 2,962 subjects. Professional instruments are also used to detect the degree of arteriosclerosis in subjects and early signs of atherosclerosis, such as plaque accumulation in arteries.
Over a 15-year period of monitoring, those with better cardiorespiratory fitness had healthier blood vessels, less plaque buildup, and significantly lower mortality than those with poorer cardiorespiratory fitness. The study concluded that better cardiopulmonary function can reduce the risk of hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Does walking improve cardiovascular health? The number of steps per minute exceeds this standard.
Harvard Medical School recommends moderate to vigorous exercise, such as cycling, brisk walking, or jogging, as an effective way to improve physical fitness and increase cardiopulmonary function. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also points out that moderate-intensity walking speed refers to a speed between 4 and 6 kilometers per hour. If you exercise regularly and are in good physical condition, the intensity can exceed 6 kilometers per hour.
For most adults, walking at a speed of 100 steps per minute (equivalent to a speed of 4.3 kilometers per hour) can be called brisk walking. To achieve vigorous intensity activity, you need to walk at least 130 steps per minute (slightly faster than 6.4 kilometers per hour, equivalent to jogging).
Hicham Skali, a cardiovascular physician at Harvard Medical School, said that the aforementioned two studies have proven the physical benefits of physical exercise for middle-aged people. “No matter how old you start training, you can improve your cardiovascular health.” Skali reminded that exercising more and reducing sedentary time can help improve indicators such as “cardiopulmonary function” and “cardiopulmonary endurance”, thereby improving cardiovascular health. For public health policy and health risk management, it is a clear and important direction that should be called for.
How physical activity keeps your heart in good shape
Methods to promote healthy physical fitness-Ministry of Education Sports Administration
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