One in three elderly people has "muscle loss"! Doctors urge you to quickly replenish "1 nutrition": it is equivalent to eating 50 eggs a day

One in three elderly people has "muscle loss"! Doctors urge you to quickly replenish "1 nutrition": it is equivalent to eating 50 eggs a day

One in three people over 65 years old has muscle loss! Isn’t it enough to “build muscle” just by eating protein?

Taiwan is about to enter a super-aging society. As of the end of April this year, about one-third of the counties and cities in Taiwan have entered the “super-aging” threshold. Research shows that one in three elderly people over the age of 65 is at risk of muscle loss. Not only does physical strength and muscle strength decline rapidly, but more seriously, it may cause disability or long-term bedridden, with an average of a long 7.4 years.

Peng Lining, director of the Taiwan Integrated Care Society and director of the R&D and Promotion Department of the Geriatric Medicine Center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, pointed out that muscle loss is a major obstacle for people to move towards “healthy aging”, especially muscle loss, disability in the elderly and the three high problems. There is a direct or indirect relationship. Paying attention to health-risk “muscles” and improving muscle health are new challenges in maintaining health and quality of life.

Director Peng Lining emphasized that many people think that they can avoid muscle decline by simply “building muscle” by supplementing protein in food. However, they do not know that protein can only build muscle and cannot prevent its loss. Therefore, it is more important to supplement “beta-hydroxy-beta-butyl butyrate” (hereinafter referred to as HMB) appropriately to inhibit muscle loss from the root cause. Scientific experiments have confirmed that HMB not only helps muscle growth, but also repairs muscle tissue and inhibits loss. It has the characteristics of “opening up” and “throttling” at once.

Are all kinds of diseases caused by “muscle loss”? Revolutionary nutrition “HMB” helps muscle growth

Director Peng Lining said that in order to help Taiwanese people understand new solutions to delay muscle loss, 11 authoritative sarcopenia doctors from medical centers in Taiwan gathered together for the first time to integrate domestic and foreign guidelines and research and jointly released the “HMB Sarcopenia” for Taiwanese people. “Treatment White Paper” proposes the recommended daily intake of HMB, explaining that to maintain muscle health, it is recommended to supplement at least about 0.75 grams of HMB every day. For patients with insufficient physical strength due to muscle loss or confirmed sarcopenia, it is recommended to increase the daily supplement.

Director Peng Lining further pointed out that the human body may lose about 40% of its muscle mass between the ages of 40 and 80. Problems such as high blood pressure and disability that Taiwanese are concerned about may increase the risk along with muscle loss. In addition to a nearly 49% increase in the risk of diabetes, a 36% increase in the risk of disability, and a 19% increase in the risk of hypertension, risks such as cognitive impairment and poor mobility will also continue to rise.

Overall, if muscle loss is allowed to occur, not only is there the possibility of being “suffering from all kinds of diseases”, but the quality of life and self-practice ability will also be seriously threatened. She further explained that in the past, there were limited solutions to improve muscle health. In the face of muscle loss, people could only be encouraged to supplement protein and exercise more. Although they worked hard to gain muscle, it was difficult to suppress muscle loss. Fortunately, research has found that HMB has dual effects. It can stimulate muscle synthesis and promote muscle growth. It can also stabilize muscle structure, protect muscle tissue and inhibit loss from the source.

How much HMB should be supplemented in a day? Doctors reveal: You need to eat 50 eggs and 8 kilograms of tofu

How to supplement HMB? How much intake is enough? Director Peng Lining used the “White Paper on the Treatment of Sarcopenia with HMB” as a guide, explaining that those with healthy muscles can supplement at least about 0.75 grams of HMB daily to maintain muscle status; those with insufficient muscle strength and physical strength who are at risk of early sarcopenia are recommended to supplement at least about 1.5 grams daily. grams of HMB; patients with sarcopenia are recommended to supplement at least about 3 grams of HMB daily.

Director Peng Lining said that HMB is a rare nutrient and it is difficult to absorb enough from natural diet. Taking people with muscle loss as an example, they need to eat about 50 eggs or about 8 kilograms of soft tofu to achieve 1.5 grams of HMB per day. The recommended daily intake; if you are a patient with sarcopenia, you need to double it, which is almost impossible to achieve with a normal diet. It is recommended that the public take HMB nutritional supplements with medical evidence and combine them with multiple proteins to provide the raw materials needed for muscle growth in the short, medium and long term.

Large study: HMB nutritional supplement intervention can help improve posture and reduce the number of sick days

Dr. Wang Yaoxian, director of Abbott’s Taiwan Medical Academic Department, said that although Taiwanese are relatively unfamiliar with HMB, it has long been widely used internationally to promote muscle health. A large-scale clinical study in Asia with more than 1,000 subjects found that compared with elders who only received nutrition education, nearly 40% of those who steadily consumed HMB nutritional supplements had healthier posture and nutritional status after six months. It was four times as much as those without supplements, and the upper arm muscle mass and lower limb muscle strength were also significantly improved, and the duration of illness was significantly reduced by about 4 times.

Dr. Wang Yaoxian said that in order to continue to upgrade balanced nutritional supplements, Abbott has been working hard to decipher the key of HMB to improve muscle health through global large and small clinical studies for many years, and recommends that the public use nutritional supplements with balanced nutrition and taste to improve health.

I always have “too weak muscles” and take all the problems on my own! Ren Xianqi encourages Taiwanese to “start again” towards healthy aging

Li Yanuo, General Manager of Abbott Taiwan Nutritional Products Division, pointed out that the issue of aging has become a public health issue that cannot be ignored around the world. Taiwan will also enter a super-aged society in 2025. Many people do not have a correct awareness of the decline of their own muscle health. We are honored to cooperate with Taiwanese experts this time, hoping to let more people understand the importance of muscle health. “We hope to help Taiwanese people live freely and unrestrictedly, and work together to create a beautiful and immortal Taiwan.”

The 58-year-old muscle health health and education ambassador Simon Yam shared through the video that he has always been keen on extreme sports and continues to challenge cross-country motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards and other activities despite his full schedule. As age increases and the rate of muscle loss accelerates, people will also worry about the loss of physical strength or muscle strength, so they start to maintain their physical strength through balanced nutrition very early.

Although Yan Xianqi has a full schedule, he still specially recorded a video to show off his cross-country cycling skills. He can do pole positioning and dolphin jumps at his fingertips, showing that even though he is over 50, he still maintains confidence in his physical strength and constantly challenges himself. Ren Xianqi also encouraged the public to follow the recommendations of the “HMB Sarcopenia Treatment White Paper”, develop a new concept of muscle health, get rid of the dilemma of having too soft muscles, and allow themselves to “start over” so that the road to realizing their dreams will not be interrupted.

Extended reading:

Exceeding 12 seconds may cause the risk of “muscle weakness”! Doctor: Men should pay attention to uneven nutrition and lack of exercise, which may increase sarcopenia

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