Is "egg pain" caused by accessory testicular inflammation or testicular torsion? Doctor: In severe cases, the whole thing may be removed within 6 hours

Is "egg pain" caused by accessory testicular inflammation or testicular torsion? Doctor: In severe cases, the whole thing may be removed within 6 hours

What diseases are associated with testicular pain? Is it easy for your balls to ache if you have too much sex?

“Eggs” - the testicle is one of the most densely innervated organs in the male body. When subjected to external force impact, the pain is often stronger than other parts. Dr. Chen Junxiang, an attending physician at the Department of Urology at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, said that in addition to pain caused by external force, conditions such as inflammation of the accessory testis, varicocele or testicular torsion may also cause men into unbearable pain.

Dr. Chen Junxiang said that bacteria or viruses may invade the male vas deferens, causing inflammation of the accessory testicles or testicles. A small number of infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse. In terms of testicular pain, it is more likely to be caused by a urinary tract infection rather than sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis. In addition, prostate inflammation may also cause perineal pain and mild testicular pain.

Dr. Chen Junxiang explained that varicocele is caused by abnormal swelling of the spermatic vein in men. Generally, active treatment is not required when the condition is mild. It can be alleviated through proper rest and adjustment of work and rest. However, if the pain lasts for several days and is accompanied by swollen blood vessels in the scrotum, it is recommended to seek medical examination and receive appropriate treatment.

Can I apply ice to testicular pain? In this case, if I haven’t seen a doctor for 6 hours, I can only perform an excision?

Dr. Chen Junxiang said that if the testicle pain problem is not caused by external factors, such as inflammation of the accessory testicles or testicles, you can apply ice or take painkillers on your own first and seek medical advice as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and other drug treatments depending on the severity of the symptoms. For more severe inflammation, the medication may continue for more than 2 weeks.

However, if “testicular torsion” unfortunately occurs, you need to seize the golden “6-hour” treatment period. Dr. Chen Junxiang said that testicular torsion is still possible to recover from surgery within 6 hours. Once medical treatment is delayed, the testicular structure may begin to necrosis in half a day to a day at the earliest, and in severe cases, testicle removal may be required.

Dr. Chen Junxiang said that there were patients who delayed seeking medical treatment. After surgical exploration, they found that the inside of the testicles had turned dark purple due to excessive hypoxia, so the testicles had to be removed. Testicular torsion is more common among teenage boys who are still developing. If the pain is severe without external pressure and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other problems, it is recommended to seek medical treatment immediately and perform surgery within 6 hours to prevent testicular hypoxia and necrosis.

If long-term testicular pain is not treated, will it cause sexual function problems? Dr. Chen Junxiang believes that male sexual function problems are more related to the congestion function of the cavernous body and are not directly related to testicular pain. However, if the accessory testicles and testicles are severely inflamed but ignored, the inflammatory reaction may destroy the internal structure of the testicles and accessory testicles, and indeed damage the function of producing and transporting sperm, thus causing infertility. Men are reminded to pay more attention to changes in their “balls” to avoid irreversible damage to the testicles caused by inflammation or trauma.

Further reading:

Why does “Egg’s Sorrow” cause stomach pain? Remember to see a doctor quickly if you have these symptoms, otherwise you will not even be able to protect your “little brother”? !

4 signs to check the health of “Eggs”! Doctor: Testicular cancer is more likely to occur in young men. If there is a family history, the disease may be more dangerous.

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