The most effective exercise to "lower blood pressure" is not aerobic or heavy training! The benefits of medical treatment: it can be done at home without any equipment

The most effective exercise to "lower blood pressure" is not aerobic or heavy training! The benefits of medical treatment: it can be done at home without any equipment

“Hypertension” is known as the silent killer. According to the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, deaths from cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and hypertensive disease) caused by high blood pressure are among the top ten causes of death in Taiwan. 2nd, 4th and 6th place. And high blood pressure is not exclusive to the elderly. Many young people have unhealthy lifestyles such as staying up late, socializing, smoking and drinking, and the number of people suffering from high blood pressure is also increasing year by year.

Are aerobics, heavy training, and HIIT all effective? 5 exercise patterns to help lower blood pressure

Taiwan and abroad Research shows that developing a fixed and persistent exercise habit is one of the important measures to prevent hypertension. As for what kind of exercise has the best effect on lowering blood pressure? Dr. Wu Yicheng, the attending physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Luen Hsin International Hospital, posted on social media that different exercise methods are helpful for blood pressure control, but confirming the differences between them through randomized controlled trials is a “big project.”

Dr. Wu Yicheng explained with literature published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM): Research points out that more than 1.4 billion people worldwide have hypertension, and traditional “aerobic exercise” was the main recommended method of blood pressure control in the past; however, new forms of The exercise mode may have a more significant effect on lowering blood pressure.

The study conducted a comprehensive analysis of 270 controlled trials involving a total of 15,827 subjects and found that the main exercise patterns that can lower blood pressure include:

  1. Aerobic exercise (AET). Walking, running, and cycling were analyzed as aerobic subgroups.

  2. Dynamic resistance training (RT).

  3. Combination training (CT).

  4. High-intensity interval training (HIIT). Sprint interval training (SIT) and aerobic interval training (AIT) were analyzed as high-intensity interval training subgroups.

  5. Isometric Exercise (IET). Isometric grip strength training (IHG), isometric leg extension (ILE) and isometric wall squat (IWS) were analyzed as isometric exercise subgroups.

Can you do it at home without any equipment? Study: “Isometric exercise” has significant blood pressure lowering effect

Research results show that most of the above five major exercise modes can significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Among them, “isometric exercise training” is the most effective mode, reducing blood pressure by -8.24/-4.00mmHg; “mixed training” and “Dynamic resistance training” also had a significant effect, reducing blood pressure by -6.04/-2.54mmHg and -4.55/-3.04mmHg respectively.

Isometric training is the most effective at reducing systolic blood pressure, followed by mixed training, dynamic resistance training, aerobic exercise and high-intensity interval training. If broken down into subgroups, the order is isometric wall squats, isometric leg extension (ILE), isometric grip training (IHG), combination training (CT), cycling and running, which are all significantly better than walking. More effective.

Isometric training was also most effective at reducing diastolic blood pressure, followed by dynamic resistance, high-intensity intervals, mixed training, and aerobic exercise. If broken down into subgroups: running, isometric wall squats, isometric grip training, isometric leg training stretches, cycling, and dynamic resistance training are all significantly more effective than walking.

You don’t have to do any exercise to lower your blood pressure! Medical: The effect can be seen with persistence

Dr. Wu Yicheng said that according to the research results, aerobic exercise training, dynamic resistance training, mixed training, high-intensity interval training and isometric exercise training are significantly effective in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In contrast, isometric exercise training may be the most effective model. According to research recommendations, isometric exercise training is usually performed three times a week, with each session consisting of 2 sets of 4 minutes, with a 2-minute rest between each set.

Isometric grip training is usually 30% of maximum contraction, while isometric wall squats can use self-propelled wall squats. The knee angle can produce a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of 3.5-4.5/10 in the first round; No. The perceived exertion rate in round 2 was 5–6/10; the perceived exertion rate in round 3 was 6.5–7.5/10, and the RPE in round 4 was 8–9/10.

Finally, Dr. Wu Yicheng pointed out that there are relatively many studies on traditional aerobic exercise, especially the subgroup analysis results of running and cycling. Although this analysis supports the benefits of isometric exercise, given the variability in the trials analyzed so far, some caution is recommended in interpreting the conclusions. “In fact, no matter what kind of exercise it is, being willing and persisting in doing it is the more important thing!”


What kind of exercise is best for lowering blood pressure? - Dr. Wu Yicheng

Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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