It is effective only if you can breathe and sweat! Study: Regular exercise can help reverse the risk of type 2 diabetes

It is effective only if you can breathe and sweat! Study: Regular exercise can help reverse the risk of type 2 diabetes

Many studies have pointed out that regular exercise habits can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes; however, the academic community has not reached a unanimous conclusion as to whether it has the same protective effect for people with diabetes genes. A recent survey published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) finally confirmed that moderate to high-intensity exercise patterns can indeed help offset the genetic risk of diabetes.

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A team from the University of Sydney in Australia collected health data from 59,325 adults in the UK Biobank. The research team required each subject to wear a tracker on their wrist, and then began long-term tracking for seven years. Preliminary results show that people with a higher genetic risk score for type 2 diabetes have a risk about 2.4 times that of people with a low genetic risk.

The study ultimately divided subjects into groups based on how much they exercised. Data analysis shows that subjects who engage in moderate to high-intensity exercise for more than 1 hour a day have a 74% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes; even when other factors, including genetics, are taken into account, the association between exercise and the prevention of diabetes is still significant. . Additionally, those with a high genetic risk but the most physical activity actually had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with a low genetic risk but the least physical activity.

Melody Ding, the author of the study, said that although the role of “genetic inheritance” and “exercise” in the onset of type 2 diabetes has been fully confirmed, most of the research data so far are self-reported by subjects. There is still a lack of rigorous data analysis and a large number of samples to confirm that regular exercise can offset the genetic risk of diabetes. Now research shows that the genetic risk of diabetes can indeed be reversed through exercise.

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“We cannot control our own genetic risk and family history. But the results of this study are undoubtedly great news for people with a genetic risk of diabetes.” Ding pointed out that moderate to high-intensity exercise, including running, aerobic Dancing, hill climbing or fast cycling, and heavy gardening. All activities will leave the athlete feeling breathless and accompanied by profuse sweating.

The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare has also issued guidelines stating that moderate-intensity exercise means that after continuous exercise for more than 10 minutes, you can still talk to people smoothly, but you cannot sing. This type of activity will make people feel a little tired, their breathing and heartbeat will be a little faster than usual, and they will sweat a little. Moderate and moderate-intensity exercise can not only reduce weight and prevent obesity, but also regulate immunity and reduce stress and anxiety.

What kind of exercises are moderate and high-intensity exercises? Does lifting heavy objects and cleaning count?

Guidelines issued by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States point out that moderate exercise activities include brisk walking (approximately 6.4 kilometers in 1 hour), cleaning the room and carrying heavy objects (such as wiping windows, sweeping and mopping the floor), and riding a bicycle (1 hour). Cycling about 16 kilometers), playing badminton and tennis, the heart rate is about 107-127 beats/minute. It is recommended to implement the ones you are most interested in and the least difficult to do first, which can initially improve brain function.

Harvard University recommends that after adapting to moderate-intensity exercise, you can proceed to more strenuous exercise, such as mountain climbing, jogging 10 kilometers in one hour, carrying heavy objects, cycling 23 kilometers in one hour, a 3-on-3 basketball game, a In football matches or tennis singles, the heart rate is about 130-170 beats/minute. Harvard University also states that adults should engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week to maintain good health.

Source: Exercise may counteract inherited risk for diabetes

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