Will eating "Sudan Red" cause poisoning or cancer? Nutritionist explains: You can eat "3 major types of food" to help liver metabolism

Will eating "Sudan Red" cause poisoning or cancer? Nutritionist explains: You can eat "3 major types of food" to help liver metabolism

Will eating Sudanese red cause poisoning or cancer? Add food and understand the potential impact at once

A few days ago, Taiwan was shocked to hear that the carcinogen “Sudan Red” has spread throughout Taiwan, and food safety issues have once again become the focus of public opinion. In addition to reports of misuse of well-known snacks, Sudan red has also been detected in people’s livelihood foods such as duck egg yolk, fermented bean curd, or commonly used spicy seasonings such as chili powder, spicy medicinal soup powder, Xinjiang cumin powder, broth powder, etc. , causing a lot of panic among the people.

Su Jiahua, director of the Nutrition Office of Losheng Sanatorium, pointed out that Sudan red is an industrial dye. Because of its low price, easy availability and high stability, it is widely used in solvents, oils, waxes, gasoline and shoes to enhance the color. Currently, It has been classified as a Category III carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Although there is currently insufficient research evidence to determine whether it is carcinogenic to humans, it is still highly likely to cause cancer; and long-term, large-dose consumption may indeed be toxic to the liver and kidneys of the human body, and relevant units should treat it with caution.

Director Su Jiahua pointed out that Sudan red is a “fat-soluble poison” that inhibits the metabolism of certain enzymes in the body. If taken in excess, it may cause damage to liver and kidney functions, as well as skin allergies and other problems, so it must not be added to food. If consumers want to avoid buying food with Sudan red added, they should avoid food that is too brightly colored or priced too much below the market price, and be sure to read food labels carefully when shopping to avoid the dangers of Sudan red.

What should I do if I eat “Sudan Red” products? Ingesting 3 types of nutrients helps the body metabolize

What should you do if you accidentally ingest food containing Sudan red? Director Su Jiahua explained that although long-term and large consumption of products containing Sudan red may affect the human body, if people are too worried, they can still consume specific foods to help detoxify. The excretion of fat-soluble poisons needs to be metabolized by the liver and then eliminated through the intestines, so you can choose antioxidants related to liver metabolism and cellulose that help the intestines eliminate waste.

As for which foods can be added more? Director Su Jiahua said that for example, the phytochemicals in broccoli can increase enzyme activity, the vitamin C in seasonal fruits such as strawberries, oranges, willows, and dates, and the vitamin E in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, and beans, all can increase enzyme activity. It is a natural antioxidant and can be consumed in moderation. In addition, past experiments have proven that probiotics can help cultivate good intestinal bacteria and can be ingested through fermented food sources such as sugar-free yogurt, cheese, natto or kimchi.

Director Su Jiahua also reminded the public that when purchasing related foods, they should choose stores with good reputation and food certification, avoid choosing foods that are too brightly colored or too low-priced, avoid eating only specific foods or buying specific brands, and maintain a balance Only with good eating habits can you eat with peace of mind and prevent your body from being affected by unknown additives.

Further reading:

Taiwan’s fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides! A nutritionist teaches 3 principles and 7 tips for reducing residue when buying groceries

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