Can eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival also be "healthy"? Nutritionist reveals "Healthy Brown Rice Dumplings" recipe: it can be completed in less than 5 steps

Can eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival also be "healthy"? Nutritionist reveals "Healthy Brown Rice Dumplings" recipe: it can be completed in less than 5 steps

Are vegetarian rice dumplings lower in calories? The most common “Three Dragon Boat Festival Rice Dumplings” are the fattest

The Dragon Boat Festival has recently happened, and it is a custom in Taiwan to eat rice dumplings to suit the occasion. With the rise of health awareness, Taiwanese people are paying more attention to the calories and filling ingredients of rice dumplings, fearing that the “rice dumpling” taste will cause their weight figures to skyrocket. The following are the calories of three common types of rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. It is worth noting that the “vegetarian rice dumplings” that appear to be healthy have very little difference in calories from rice dumplings with red bean paste. People still need to eat them in moderation:

1. Meat rice dumplings (about 200g each)

  • Calories: 350 kcal

  • Carbohydrates: 50 g

  • Protein: 15 g

  • Fat: 15 g

2. Bean paste rice dumplings (about 180g each)

  • Calories: 250 kcal

  • Carbohydrates: 45 g

  • Protein: 8 g

  • Fat: 6 g

3. Vegetarian rice dumplings (about 160g each)

  • Calories: 200 kcal

  • Carbohydrates: 40 g

  • Protein: 10 g

  • Fat: 5 g

Do people who are losing weight not have to eat rice dumplings? 3 Tips to Say No to the Taste of Dragon Boat Festival Rice Dumplings

If you don’t want to burden your body with heavy rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many low-fat and low-sugar rice dumplings on the market to choose from, such as brown rice rice dumplings containing whole grains and multi-fiber fillings. For those who are in the weight loss stage , and people who want to eat rice dumplings during the occasion are undoubtedly a great boon. If you have eaten rice dumplings that day, in principle you should eat less staple food, such as rice or noodles.

In addition, it is recommended to control the amount of rice dumplings consumed and only take one per day. In addition to avoiding excessive calories, it is not recommended to eat too much glutinous rice at one time to avoid indigestion; or to eat rice dumplings with other vegetables or protein-rich foods to avoid nutritional imbalance.

It can be done in less than 5 steps! Nutritionist reveals “Healthy Brown Rice Dumplings” recipe

If you are tired of eating traditional rice dumplings sold outside, you may wish to make your own “healthy brown rice rice dumplings” at home, using low-fat meat, vegetables and fiber as the base. You can control the ingredients and cooking methods at your fingertips, and live the “healthiest” time. Dragon Boat Festival"! Here is the recipe, which can be completed in just 5 simple steps:


  • 2 cups brown rice

  • 200g chicken breast (cut into small pieces)

  • 5 shiitake mushrooms (sliced)

  • 1 carrot (diced)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Appropriate amount of bamboo leaves

Cooking Steps

  • Step 1: Soak brown rice overnight.

  • Step 2: Marinate the chicken breasts with a little salt and pepper.

  • Step 3: Add a little oil to the pot, sauté the mushrooms and diced carrots, add the chicken breast and stir-fry until cooked.

  • Step 4: Take a bamboo leaf, put an appropriate amount of brown rice, add the fried fillings, and wrap the brown rice into a zongzi shape.

  • Step 5: Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the wrapped rice dumplings, and cook for about 2 hours until the brown rice is cooked.

I hope people can enjoy delicious food and stay healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival!

Further reading:

Which one has the highest calories, northern rice dumplings or southern rice dumplings? Nutritionist reveals: “These ingredients” are the culprits of calories exploding

Is the rice dumpling too heavy in the stomach during Dragon Boat Festival? Nutritionists teach “three major menus” to improve constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort

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