Eating rice dumplings from breakfast to dinner may cause indigestion! Nutritionists urge: Eat more of "these 5 foods" to avoid flatulence

Eating rice dumplings from breakfast to dinner may cause indigestion! Nutritionists urge: Eat more of "these 5 foods" to avoid flatulence

The Dragon Boat Festival is not only about eating rice dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan, but it actually also means “detoxification and health preservation”? In the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are sayings of “eating five yellow rice dumplings” and “maintaining healthy energy”. However, due to the busy life of modern people and changes in eating habits, many health concepts have gradually been forgotten; people more often eat too much rice dumplings, leading to indigestion. Wait for gastrointestinal problems.

Is the Dragon Boat Festival actually a “detox day”? 2 traditional customs hide health connotations

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, coinciding with the transition between spring and summer and the change of seasons. Due to the hot weather, germs are easy to breed, often causing various infectious diseases. Therefore, many traditional customs are spread to ward off evil spirits and protect health. The most well-known one is to absorb positive energy at noon when Yang Qi is strongest, such as drinking water at noon and eating five yellow foods (eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted duck egg yolk and realgar wine).

Through the above-mentioned customs, the ancients were able to help the body detoxify and control evil spirits, increase righteous energy, achieve the effects of expelling evil spirits, avoiding summer heat, and preventing diseases. In this regard, nutritionist Sun Yukuo proposed the “New Five Yellows” during the Dragon Boat Festival and shared 5 kinds of high-nutrient-dense foods so that people can enjoy the deliciousness of rice dumplings while also taking into account their health. He called for early supplementation of balanced nutrition to make health more efficient.

Eat rice dumplings for breakfast for several days in a row? Beware of the physical burden caused by indigestion

In fact, the traditional customs of “drinking noon water” and “eating five yellow rice balls” originally symbolized the ancients’ pursuit of health. The most well-known Dragon Boat Festival custom today is to commemorate Qu Yuan’s “eating rice dumplings.” Zongzi are mostly made of glutinous rice, and they also have the connotation of exorcising evil spirits. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people often make zongzi at home, buy them from outside, or even give them as gifts. It is common for people to eat more zongzi than they can finish, and even eat them for breakfast for several days in a row. Zongzi.

Nutritionist Sun Yukui pointed out that zongzi itself is not easy to digest. Eating glutinous rice or greasy food on an empty stomach in the morning can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, which is a huge burden on the body. Currently, there are many types of rice dumplings on the market. According to different methods and ingredients, the common types of rice dumplings can be roughly divided into the following five types:

  1. Alkaline rice dumplings: Made from glutinous rice soaked in alkaline water, often eaten with sugar and honey. Glutinous rice contains amylopectin and the cooked rice is highly sticky, which can easily cause flatulence and indigestion. The dipping sauce also contains sugar. If the amount is high, it is easy to take in too much sugar and affect your mental state.

  2. Hakka rice dumplings: made from glutinous rice flour and taste as soft as rice dumplings. The ingredients are dried shrimps and dried radish. Since the pickled food itself has high sodium content, it is eaten with soy sauce. A single rice dumpling can last more than a whole day. Total ingestible sodium content.

  3. Millet rice dumpling: It is based on millet, also known as “A rice dumpling”. It features sorghum, pseudophysalis leaves and bay leaves to increase the aroma. It is a relatively healthy rice dumpling.

  4. Southern rice dumplings: Steamed with raw or semi-cooked glutinous rice and fillings. Compared with northern rice dumplings, the texture is softer and the calories are relatively low. However, the ingredients are braised pork with skin and eaten with peanut powder, which affects the calories and fat. Intake is the key.

  5. Northern rice dumplings: Made by frying glutinous rice and fillings in oil before steaming, they have a salty taste and distinct grains. Due to the high fat content, and the addition of salted egg yolk, it has the highest calories among all types of rice dumplings.

Less than 20% of Taiwanese people’s vegetable intake meets the standard! “New Five Yellows” helps get rid of the burden of “Zong”

Nutritionist Sun Yukui said that the common nutritional problem of the above-mentioned common rice dumplings is the lack of fruits and vegetables to absorb natural nutrients such as vitamins and dietary fiber; and according to data from the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, less than 20% (17.6%) of Taiwanese people consume vegetables every day. Among those who meet the target, the daily fruit intake compliance rate is even lower (5.9%), which shows that Taiwanese people’s intake of fruits and vegetables is seriously insufficient, which makes them more likely to cause gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion and constipation.

Nutritionist Sun Yukuo also proposed the “New Five Yellow Rice Dumplings” based on the concept of “eating five yellow rice dumplings” during the Dragon Boat Festival, hoping that people can also take care of their health while eating rice dumplings during the festival. The “New Five Yellows” include sweet potatoes, colored peppers, carrots, pumpkins, and kiwis. They are all foods with high nutrient density and rich in dietary fiber. They are very suitable for eating with rice dumplings to supplement the body’s nutritional needs.

According to the Taiwan Cancer Foundation’s “Fruit and Vegetable Rainbow 579” healthy eating principles, yellow fruits and vegetables are mostly rich in vitamins, beta-carotene, flavonoids and other natural phytochemicals, which can help improve immunity, protect vision and other health benefits. ; Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and carotenoids and are very suitable for breakfast. Yellow peppers are rich in antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, which can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, golden kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, kiwi enzymes and various nutrients, which can help digestion and absorption, reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, and maintain a good gastrointestinal environment. It has extremely high nutritional value and is suitable for eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. In addition, natural nutrients are added to balance the body’s health and replenish vitality for the day.

Does skipping breakfast significantly reduce the quality of your diet? Nutritionist: May affect work and study efficiency

In addition to the balanced nutrition of “New Five Yellows”, nutritionist Sun Yukuo said that the key to mastering health is to establish good eating habits, especially breakfast. Foreign studies have pointed out that the overall diet quality of adults who do not eat breakfast is lower than that of those who eat breakfast.

According to the results of the “Survey on Breakfast Choices and Physical Health Performance of Taiwanese People” previously released by the Taiwan Cancer Foundation, it was found that Taiwanese people generally pursue convenient, fast and hasty solutions due to their busy lifestyles. People also eat out more for breakfast and are less likely to add fruits and vegetables. Because neglecting the importance of a balanced breakfast, coupled with the fact that most breakfast choices are mainly high-carbohydrate foods, can easily lead to mental depression, which will also affect work and study efficiency.

According to a study in the Journal of the American Nutrition Society, children and adolescents who eat breakfast regularly, including whole grains and fruits rich in dietary fiber and natural nutrients, can help improve their cognitive and learning performance, and improve their health. Often better. Nutritionist Sun Yukuo called on the public to pay attention to a healthy diet while enjoying the festive atmosphere, and to detoxify and maintain health starting from breakfast to avoid the burden of “rice dumplings”.

Extended reading:

No more indigestion after eating rice dumplings! Nutritionists recommend “5 smooth foods”: reduce bloating and relieve constipation.

Can eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival also be “healthy”? Nutritionist reveals “Healthy Brown Rice Dumplings” recipe: it can be completed in less than 5 steps

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