Eating red yeast rice can lower cholesterol, but lack of coenzyme Q10 reduces the effect by half! Experts reveal that "ingredient matching" is the key

Eating red yeast rice can lower cholesterol, but lack of coenzyme Q10 reduces the effect by half! Experts reveal that "ingredient matching" is the key

Hyperlipidemia rejuvenation! The higher the cholesterol, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an important health risk for Taiwanese people, with the mortality rate second only to cancer. Many studies have pointed out that the higher the cholesterol concentration, the higher the likelihood of changes in the coronary arteries. According to data released by the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, Taiwanese people have a tendency to become younger with hyperlipidemia, which is inseparable from cholesterol control. Blood fat is divided into total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). Exercise and diet are the main influencing factors.

Among them, LDL-C, commonly known as bad cholesterol, easily accumulates in the endothelium of the arterial wall and is considered to be most relevant to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Whether in healthy adults or at risk for cardiovascular disease, maintaining healthy LDL-C concentrations is the key to preventing cardiovascular disease. Statistics show that for every 1% reduction in LDL-C, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by 1%. Adults should have regular blood fat checks to see if they have hyperlipidemia.

According to the dietary and lifestyle recommendations published by the American Heart Association to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, choose high-fiber whole grain foods, and eat fish twice a week, especially fish rich in fish oil. Planting seeds, eating less foods and drinks with added sugar, limiting sodium intake or adopting low-salt cooking are all lifestyle choices that can help support cardiovascular health.

Specialist physician Dr. Zhao Zihao pointed out that diet is closely related to cardiovascular health. Many studies have found that healthy foods such as natto and red yeast rice contain active ingredients that can prevent cardiovascular diseases and are relatively healthy and effective supplements for health products. However, when ordinary people choose natto and red yeast rice, they tend to overlook the importance of effective dosage and ingredient formula. In particular, the intake of red yeast rice should be supplemented with coenzyme Q10 to take into account overall health.

Extended reading: Recommended comparison of 8 commercially available natto red yeast rice, pay attention to 4 key points when choosing!

Can Natto lower blood pressure and eliminate blood clots? Fermentation product Nattokinase is the key

Natto is considered to be one of the key foods for Japanese longevity. The original method is to sterilize mature soybeans with hot water, then wrap them in straw and ferment them at appropriate temperature and humidity. The modern food industry uses bioengineering technology to purify “Natto bacteria”, ferment soybeans on a large scale, and then mass-produce health food.

It can be seen that the raw material of natto is soybeans, which are rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B1, soy isoflavones and other ingredients. The fermentation process not only retains various nutrients, but also increases vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin K2. What’s more noteworthy is that natto contains the fibrinolytic enzyme “Nattokinase”, which has been proven to help dissolve blood clots and lower blood pressure.

What are the health benefits of natto? How to choose natto health supplements?

Dr. Zhao Zihao said that natto has a variety of natural nutrients, all of which have the benefits of promoting cardiovascular health, dissolving blood clots, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the occurrence of arteriosclerosis. It can also help strengthen bones, protect intestinal health, and maintain the body’s immune system. normal.

How to choose natto health supplements to supplement your daily diet? Dr. Zhao Zihao said that the effective dosage unit of natto is “FU”, which refers to the concentration unit (Fibrin Unit) containing dissolved fibrinoprotein. The concentration unit will affect the effect of the ingredients. It is recommended to choose a product with 5,000 FU.

In addition, Dr. Zhao Zihao reminds that the food production and manufacturing environment will also affect the safety of ingredients. You should choose a nattokinase manufacturer that has been verified by the U.S. National Health Research Institute and a natto health product that has received the world’s award-winning certification (International Gold Medal). Blood vessel health is better guaranteed.

Can eating red yeast rice lower cholesterol? What are the health benefits of red yeast rice?

Red yeast rice is a health food that Taiwanese are very familiar with. Red yeast yeast is first grown on steamed rice and fermented to obtain red yeast rice. The red yeast rice is then crushed to obtain red yeast rice powder with health-care effects. Red yeast rice is fermented by red yeast rice and rice. It itself contains starch, protein, fatty acids, minerals and various components of the fermentation process, such as organic acids, red yeast rice (Monacolin K), and red yeast rice. The research on reducing blood lipids of vitamin C is the most abundant.

Dr. Zhao Zihao explained that Monacolin K has a similar structure to statin cholesterol drugs. Research literature points out that supplementing Monacolin K can reduce total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Risks occur. Systematic studies have also found that red yeast rice has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Animal and cell experiments have shown that red yeast rice can increase bone density and promote osteoblast proliferation.

Metabolizing red yeast rice will consume Q10! Insufficient intake of food may accelerate aging

Although red yeast rice and red yeast rice have benefits such as helping cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure, promoting bone health, reducing tumor volume and specific tumor indicators, you should still pay attention when supplementing because the human body’s metabolism of red yeast rice will reduce the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 , so it is better to choose a health supplement containing Coenzyme Q10.

In addition, you can also pay attention to whether it is Monacolin K 15 mg, whether it is produced by a world-renowned manufacturer, and whether the ingredients have been clinically proven to be effective. At the same time, it is ensured that heavy metals, citrinin, aflatoxin and other biological toxins are not detected, ensuring the quality and effect of food.

Dr. Zhao Zihao pointed out that Coenzyme Q10 is synthesized by the human body using amino acids and is present in various important energy-consuming organs. It is responsible for the effective operation of the cellular energy supply system and is also an important antioxidant. Q10 is also involved in the operation of the heart, kidneys and muscle tissue. When the body’s Q10 is insufficient, it will even accelerate aging.

When the body metabolizes red yeast rice, it will reduce the synthesis of Q10. Therefore, when supplementing natto red yeast rice, you must take into account the intake of coenzyme Q10. The recommended content is 30 mg. You can also supplement it from natural diet such as oils, fish, and meat. Doctors remind you that when choosing natto and red yeast rice, it is best to supplement the ingredients with patented coenzyme Q10, which is manufactured by a major manufacturer in the world to ensure their quality and safety.

How to choose Natto and Red Yeast health supplements? Experts remind 3 key points

Dr. Zhao Zihao emphasized that adequate exercise, healthy daily routine, and healthy food intake are all important for cardiovascular health. When choosing Natto red yeast health products, you should also grasp three key points:

  1. Whether the active ingredients such as nattokinase and Monacolin K are sufficient;

  2. Whether the ingredient mix contains Q10 from a major patented manufacturer;

  3. Whether the manufacturer is a world-renowned brand to ensure that the quality meets international standards.

Because of their ability to regulate blood lipids, Dr. Zhao Zihao reminds you to pay attention to drug interactions when supplementing natto and red yeast rice, and avoid using them together with blood lipid-lowering drugs. It cannot be consumed at the same time as grapefruit or grapefruit juice. People in special life stages, such as pregnant women, those with abnormal liver and kidney function, or those taking anticoagulant drugs, should avoid eating red yeast rice.

Dr. Zhao Zihao suggests that supplementing Natto and Red Yeast health supplements can be done after dinner, because HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol, has the strongest effect at night. It is the best time to supplement Red Yeast at night to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. If you have chronic diseases. If you have any health concerns, you should consult a physician or pharmacist before supplementing.

Further reading:

Uneven nutrition can easily lead to serious infections and COVID-19! 8 health products recommended by doctors to strengthen immune protection

Forgetfulness, brain fog, memory loss? Nutritionists name “5 major nutrients” to improve COVID-19 symptoms

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