Are you eating protein? Eating less meat at night reduces risk of heart disease? Quit these "low-quality" foods first

Are you eating protein? Eating less meat at night reduces risk of heart disease? Quit these "low-quality" foods first

According to statistics, cardiovascular disease is the most prevalent chronic disease in the world. It is also the reason why many young people die suddenly. Cardiovascular disease is nothing more than related to eating habits and lifestyle. Taiwan is known as the kingdom of gourmet food. Snack dishes high in oil and salt are very popular. This has also contributed to the fact that Taiwanese people have the “fattest body in Asia”, and the risk of cardiovascular disease naturally remains high.

However, there are still divergent opinions on how to eat in order to maintain good health. The most popular diet methods on the Internet currently include ketogenic diet, 168 fasting method and vegetarianism pursued by many people. Each has its own advantages. shortcoming. The latest research from Harbin Medical University believes that eating the right food at the right time is more helpful for cardiovascular health.

Eating “good food” for dinner may increase cardiovascular risk

A research team from Harbin Medical University in China conducted a study on 27,911 subjects, trying to clarify the relationship between nutrient consumption at breakfast and dinner and cardiovascular disease. They found that if you consume carbohydrates with low nutritional value at dinner time, such as refined grains, juices, peanuts, or animal proteins such as seafood, red meat, processed meat, dairy products, and eggs, you are more likely to increase cardiovascular disease. risks of.

In contrast, if you eat foods containing animal protein at breakfast, you are less likely to have cardiovascular disease than at dinner. Based on the above, the research team found that meal time plays an important role in body metabolism; in addition, an individual’s biological clock seems to also affect the body’s metabolic function.

The research team also explored the impact of “food replacement” on cardiovascular disease and found that replacing one portion of animal protein food with one plant-based protein food at dinner; or replacing low-quality carbohydrates (high glycemic index, such as white rice) with , noodles, bread) to high-quality carbohydrates (whole grains, non-starchy vegetables, beans) can actually reduce the risk of stroke by 12%; in addition, it can also reduce the risk of heart failure and heart attack by 10% and 8% .

Eating high-fat and high-sugar foods makes a healthy diet in vain

At this point the question arises: Since you need to eat more plant-based protein-rich foods for dinner, what are these foods? What foods are rich in high-quality carbohydrates? As for plant-based protein foods that are more easily available in life, there are soy milk, edamame, chickpeas, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, etc.; while high-quality carbohydrates include grains, roots, vegetables, beans, etc. According to CNN, it is recommended to eat carbohydrates in the morning and noon. Eating too many carbohydrates at dinner will cause blood sugar to rise rapidly and the food will turn into fat before it can be turned into a source of nutrients. This is a big problem for weight loss and health. hinder.

Different dietary methods have different advocates. If you want to stay in shape and not suffer from cardiovascular disease, the most basic dietary concept is of course to stay away from high fat and high sugar. If you still eat 1 pack of salty crispy chicken and 1 cup of chicken a day, If you use milk as a midnight snack, all healthy eating methods will be in vain for you!

If you don’t know how to start a healthy diet, you can start by eating less starch in the evening, or choose a more nutritionally balanced low GI meal box instead of a traditional bento. Remember to eat breakfast and lunch normally, reduce the amount of refined starch, and develop a good habit of calculating food portions. In the long run, you will naturally be healthy, avoid cardiovascular diseases, and maybe become more lean.


Meal Timing of Subtypes of Macronutrients Consumption With Cardiovascular Diseases: NHANES, 2003 to 2016

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