Can eating pig's feet make your skin more elastic? "These" are not worthy of eating but will only make the body gain fat!

Can eating pig's feet make your skin more elastic? "These" are not worthy of eating but will only make the body gain fat!

We are currently at the peak of the epidemic, and many restaurants are restricting takeout only to prevent people from gathering indoors. After eating instant noodles for a long time, have you started to miss the braised pig’s feet at the alley snack shop next door?

The braised pork trotters are fragrant and melt in your mouth. Enjoyed with meals, it is one of many office workers’ lunch break lunch list. Because pig’s feet are so elastic and tender, it is rumored that it can beautify the skin and make the skin as elastic and elastic as pig’s feet. Do you want to look like you have an LED light cannon on your face with a soft light effect all the time? As a Shuishui person, don’t rush to the food stall yet! According to doctors and nutritionists, if you eat pig’s feet, the first thing that will catch your attention may not be your beautiful face, but the fat accumulated in your belly!

Can you break the skin of a pig’s foot by chewing it? All I can say is “It’s a beautiful idea”!

Gao Minmin, a nutritionist at Sun Yat-sen Medical University, said that pig’s feet themselves are high-calorie foods, and stewing them with marinade makes the calories skyrocketing. Therefore, women are eating foods rich in colloids, such as pig’s feet, chicken skin, and fish. You may feel that your face is “swollen” due to your skin, etc. In fact, to put it more unpleasantly, it means that your face has become “fat”, and not only your face has become fatter, but your body will also accumulate fat. Your belly may become fatter faster than your face. Beauty is so fast.

Gao Minmin added that although pig trotters contain protein, and protein is indeed beneficial to the human body, protein alone cannot produce collagen! She likened that the human body is like a factory, requiring many components to make a complete object; the same is true for collagen. Good collagen requires not only protein, but vitamin C and Q10 are also important materials for collagen production, such as bell peppers and cauliflower. Vegetables and fruits such as , bitter gourd, cherry tomatoes, etc. are all food sources rich in vitamin C; Q10 can be supplemented through fish, soybeans and green vegetables.

Auntie, don’t you want to work hard to become beautiful? Rejuvenate easily with this trick!

Apart from the hidden landmine of pig’s feet, what other foods can prevent women from becoming beautiful? Dr. Zhao Zhaoming, the current director of the dermatology clinic, said that fried foods and sweets are the most harmful to the skin. Sweets, for example, will cause a “glycation reaction” in the skin, causing the protein and lipids to deteriorate, causing The skin will loosen and accelerate aging; not to mention that the trans fats in fried foods will make the skin dry, thickened, and prone to acne.

If you really can’t avoid dietary restrictions, then you can always buy collagen powder and eat it, right? Zhao Zhaoming believes that it cannot be said that collagen products are useless, but because human collagen is made in many forms and the amount that each person can absorb is different, the effect is limited. It is recommended to start with daily life and diet control. Zhao Zhaoming added that in addition to the intake of sweets and fried foods, abnormal daily routine, prolonged exposure to the sun and excessive stress, these are all behaviors that can damage the skin.

Wanting to look as youthful and energetic as a college student forever is the goal of many women, but don’t think of time as your biggest enemy yet! First examine whether you have been “set up” by bad eating habits and a messy lifestyle. A pack of salty crispy chicken and a cup of full-bodied pearl black tea latte at midnight every day are enough to make the money spent on skin care products go away! If you don’t want to be called aunty at the age of 25, keep these details in mind!


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