Eating fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach is the best way to prevent cancer? Medical reveals the 7 major functions of phytochemicals: turning cancer cells into benign ones

Eating fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach is the best way to prevent cancer? Medical reveals the 7 major functions of phytochemicals: turning cancer cells into benign ones

Eating fruits and vegetables affects cancer risk! Doctor: Less than 4 servings is dangerous

The latest research in the authoritative international journal “The Lancet” points out that up to 45% of cancer deaths in 2019 are related to preventable risk factors, including unhealthy eating habits, smoking, drinking, and obesity (excessive BMI). These factors have caused a global epidemic. There are nearly 4.6 million cancer deaths annually. Doctors warn that insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables and a Westernized diet may be potential carcinogens.

Dr. Lai Jiming, CEO of the Taiwan Cancer Foundation, said in an interview with “healthorn” that scientific statistics clearly show that villages and tribal groups that eat more fruits and vegetables have a lower incidence of cancer. Further analysis of portion sizes revealed that consuming less than or equal to 4 servings of vegetables and fruits will significantly increase the risk of cancer or cancer progression, and lead to a shortened life span. To prevent cancer in the body, the key is to consume “more than 5 servings” of fruits and vegetables every day.

Dr. Lai Jiming explained that fruits and vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, which can cause various biological effects to delay the formation of cancer, including promoting apoptosis of cancer cells, inhibiting the initial division of cancer cells, reducing angiogenesis, increasing immune regulation, and increasing cell growth. anti-oxidation. In addition, phytochemicals can inhibit the formation of cancer stem cells and even reverse cancer cells into benign cells, inducing benign differentiation of cancer cells.

Gastric cancer has dropped from the top three spots year by year. Two major benefits of eating fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach

Will the time of eating fruits and vegetables affect the effect of anti-cancer ingredients? Dr. Lai Jiming pointed out that the public is encouraged to consume fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach as much as possible to achieve the purpose of “direct protection” and “easy absorption”. Eating fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach can protect the stomach wall and reduce the occurrence of gastric and esophageal-related cancers. Effective ingredients and nutrients are absorbed more efficiently on an empty stomach, which helps phytochemicals enter the blood and increase the ability to control cancer cells.

Dr. Lai Jiming said that in the early years, the top three cancers in Taiwan were “liver, lung, and stomach”. In recent years, gastric cancer has dropped to 7 or 8. The substantial reduction in the incidence of gastric cancer is largely related to improved diet and eating more fruits and vegetables. The Taiwan Cancer Foundation has been promoting “Five Fruits and Vegetables a Day” and “Rainbow 579” for many years, with the aim of making gastric cancer “preventable”. " disease.

Are the killers of colorectal cancer “three more and one less”? Early detection of polyps is key

Colorectal cancer has been the leading cause of cancer for many years, and many celebrities and entertainers have died from colorectal cancer. Dr. Lai Jiming pointed out that colorectal cancer is closely related to westernized diet, which is characterized by three more and one less: more fried food, more red meat, more fat, and less fiber. It is often related to the constipation problem of modern people, and the incidence ratio between men and women is quite close. , is the cancer risk for the entire population. To reduce the occurrence of colorectal cancer, dietary changes are the most important step.

Dr. Lai Jiming reminded that in order to detect colorectal cancer as early as possible, you must undergo regular fecal occult blood tests. The most common causes of fecal occult blood are hemorrhoids and polyps. If the polyps are not discovered and removed early, they are likely to transform into precancerous lesions in the intestine, eventually causing Colorectal cancer.

Dr. Lai Jiming emphasized that screening for occult blood and removing polyps are the key to preventing colorectal cancer. The Taiwan Cancer Foundation has organized the “Chasing the Polyp Boys” for many years to appeal to the public to find intestinal polyps early to avoid the threat of cancer.

Waiting until you have symptoms to seek medical attention is too late! Cancer screening should start early

Not only colorectal cancer, but also various cancer screening tests cannot be delayed until symptoms appear before seeking medical treatment! Dr. Lai Jiming emphasized that waiting until you have cancer warning symptoms to seek medical treatment is too slow to prevent and treat cancer. The public is urged to undergo regular cancer screenings when they are asymptomatic, and to eat more fruits and vegetables every day, which can significantly reduce the occurrence of various cancers and help find precancerous lesions early.

“Cancer is not terrible. If you have the correct concept, you can detect it early. People can effectively prevent it by adjusting their diet!” Dr. Lai Jiming emphasized that to make cancer gradually become a “preventable disease”, it requires the joint efforts of the whole people. Improve your diet to prevent cancer from silently coming to your doorstep.

Dr. Lai Jiming encourages the public to take advantage of the free screening for the five major cancers (colorectal cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, and low-dose computed tomography for high-risk groups of lung cancer) provided by the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, and undergo regular screening as soon as they reach the eligible age. Screening can provide the greatest protection for health.

Further reading:

Yu Yuanqi passed away from intestinal cancer/1 picture to understand the “intestinal cancer prevention” diet! Nutritionist: Master the controllable factors of diet

The stronger your immunity, the better! How to maintain normal immune function? Nutritionist reveals the “5 major nutrients” you must eat

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