Is eating barbecue during the Mid-Autumn Festival dangerous for colorectal cancer? Does not having a colonoscopy double the risk of cancer? Taiwan Health Promotion Administration reveals "5 tips" to protect the intestines and avoid the threat of cancer

Is eating barbecue during the Mid-Autumn Festival dangerous for colorectal cancer? Does not having a colonoscopy double the risk of cancer? Taiwan Health Promotion Administration reveals "5 tips" to protect the intestines and avoid the threat of cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the top ten cancers. Get screened as early as possible to identify potential tumors.

According to the cancer registration data of the National Health Service, colorectal cancer has ranked first in the number of cancers for the past 13 consecutive years. However, in order to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer, the National Health Department provides a medically proven quantitative immunoassay test method for people aged 50 to under 75 to conduct fecal occult blood tests. Regular screening every two years can effectively reduce colorectal cancer mortality by 35%.

In addition to regular fecal occult blood tests, follow-up follow-up of positive test results cannot be ignored.

According to empirical data, if a person with a positive fecal occult blood test result does not undergo colonoscopy, the risk of death from colorectal cancer will increase by 64%! If you do not have a colonoscopy for more than 6 months, the risk of cancer will increase. The National Health Department also calls on eligible people to undergo regular screening. If the fecal occult blood test result is positive, they must also cooperate with further colonoscopy to detect potential polyps and cancer in the body early.

If you are having a Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue, you are afraid that your stomach will become “intestinal”. Remember “two more, two less, and one” to ensure that your “intestine” lasts for a long time.

Family meals during the Mid-Autumn Festival are always addictive. However, you also need to pay attention to the amount of fried and grilled food to avoid adding too much burden to the intestines. High-temperature grilling can produce carcinogens. In response to the epidemic and health issues this year, Director Wu Zhaojun of the National Health Department reminds you to remember to master the 5 tips for protecting your intestines: “Two more, two less, and one important”, which means “more fruits and vegetables, more exercise, less red meat, less barbecue, and need to be screened” " can keep your health longer.

“Plenty of fruits and vegetables”: Choose vegetables that are fresh in season, rich in color, and rich in fiber, such as cauliflower, king oyster mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, etc., which can not only promote gastrointestinal motility and increase the feeling of satiety, but also avoid overeating.

“Exercise more”: The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that 21%-25% of colorectal cancer can be attributed to lack of physical activity. It is recommended that during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, you can take a walk after dinner and admire the moon. Not only can you lose weight, but exercise can also burn calories. It can also promote the metabolism rate in the body and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. There are many benefits in one fell swoop.

“Less red meat”: The International Agency for Cancer points out that consuming more than 50 grams (about 1.33 taels) of processed meat or 100 grams (about 2.66 taels) of red meat (pig, sheep, cattle) per day will increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%. cancer risk.

“Grill less”: According to the National Cancer Institute, when meat slices or gravy grilled on a hot surface drip onto a hot surface or fall into a fire to produce flames and smoke, they can form carcinogens - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs), which then adhere to food surfaces. Therefore, for the sake of good health, the intake of barbecue food should be reduced as much as possible.

If you occasionally want to satisfy your appetite, you need to master 4 principles: “less sauce, remove butter, remove skin and remove char”. First of all, in the sauce part, it is recommended that people reduce the amount of sauce used and choose low-salt ones. BBQ sauce to avoid excess sodium, and lemon juice for added flavor. When it comes to ingredients, you should reduce the use of margarine or remove fat or skin from meat to reduce calorie and saturated fat intake. Finally, when it comes to barbecue, it is recommended to avoid food being too close to the charcoal fire and shorten the grilling time to prevent it from being charred. Burnt food should be discarded and inedible.

“Screen required”: Colorectal cancer is more likely to occur in people over the age of 50, and the incidence rate will increase as age increases! The National Health Service reminds eligible people aged 50-74 that receiving a fecal occult blood test every two years can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 35%.

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