When eating barbecue, don't have a "straight-ball showdown" with the pots! Doctors teach you "3 tips" to save time and effort. Mom's pain in hands, shoulders and neck will disappear in one second

When eating barbecue, don't have a "straight-ball showdown" with the pots! Doctors teach you "3 tips" to save time and effort. Mom's pain in hands, shoulders and neck will disappear in one second

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with a three-day holiday. Many people choose to “have a barbecue and have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.” However, in previous years, many people often reported to orthopedic clinics one after another after the annual holiday. After asking, they found out that they were having a happy party. On this occasion, some people have experienced discomfort or even pain in their lumbar spine and wrists due to carrying heavy objects when purchasing, bending forward while grilling meat, or even using improper force to clean the stove after a party.

Buying a whole box of drinks before barbecue can easily end up costing you money! People with herniated discs should avoid “this posture”

Dr. Yan Kolun, an orthopedic surgeon at Guangtian General Hospital, reminds the public that after three consecutive days of large and small gatherings, the muscles and bones may suffer unnecessary damage. Therefore, people can follow the doctor’s advice in preparing before grilling, while grilling, and cleaning up after grilling to avoid muscle and bone strains, soreness and other conditions.

First of all, Dr. Yan Kelun suggested that in the past, people often bought whole boxes of soda, beer and other drinks at one time in order to get the best price. However, since there are many items to buy during the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is recommended to adopt the principle of “small quantity and variety”, such as drinking

For the materials part, buy first-hand (6 cans) or plastic bottles, which can not only increase the variety of choices, but also avoid injuries caused by moving too heavy at one time.

Furthermore, when dealing with relatively heavy goods, remember to “crouch low” when handling them and avoid bending down to pick them up directly. This is especially true for patients with a history of herniated discs. In addition, there are many items to buy for Mid-Autumn Barbecue, and it often takes 1-2 hours for people to go to the store. It is recommended to minimize the number of physical transports and make use of carts to make shopping easier when buying more or less.

Poor posture while barbecuing may injure your lumbar spine! Use “2 big tools” to bake easily without eating ash

In addition to purchasing before the exam, you should also pay attention to whether the barbecue posture is bad when grilling. Dr. Yan Kelun said that with the following 4 tips, you can enjoy barbecue while taking care of your lumbar spine safely:

  1. Avoid squatting and sitting low: The traditional barbecue grill is designed to be very close to the ground. However, sitting on a low bench for a long time, or the barbecue grill is too low, will cause the body to bend forward for a long time, which will increase the pressure on the lumbar spine and cause considerable discomfort afterwards. Therefore, it should be Raise the barbecue grill, raise it, or place it in a high place to reduce the number of bends when grilling.

  2. Long clamp assists: If the height of the barbecue grill cannot be changed, you can also use an extended clamp to increase the distance between the human body and the barbecue grill, so that you can sit on a higher chair and avoid squatting and sitting down, which may cause lumbar spine injuries.

  3. Use both hands: When facing heavier grilled items, such as large skewers, aluminum foil boxes, and large steaks, you can use both hands to clamp them to avoid overburdening or even spraining the heavy items with one hand.

  4. Electric grilling tools: The recently popular “electric grill pans” and “electric grilling tools” not only eliminate the trouble of starting a fire, but also allow people to bake indoors with air conditioning, or place them on the table to bake easily. It can even reduce soot, which has many benefits.

Don’t have a direct showdown with the pot after eating the barbecue! Doctors teach you “3 tips” to save time and effort

After eating barbecue, many people feel soreness or fatigue in their wrists and lumbar spine while they are cleaning up. How to “save effort” in protecting your wrists and lumbar spine? Dr. Yan Kelun suggested that these three simple points can not only save time on cleaning up, but also save more effort when cleaning the surrounding environment:

  • Aluminum foil prevents scorching. It is recommended that when grilling, you can use aluminum foil to wrap the ingredients, and mix it with a little moisture or rice wine, which will have a steaming effect and avoid scorching. This will make it easier to clean the pots afterwards. In addition, when using aluminum foil, remember to have a bright surface. It is correct to face the food and the mist side towards the heat source.

  • Handle charcoal correctly. It is recommended to cool down the charcoal first and then clamp it in batches to avoid being too heavy or causing burns. When moving charcoal bags or stoves, remember not to bend down to carry them directly, which may easily cause lumbar discomfort. In addition, when lifting water to cool down, you must also abide by the general principle of squatting down and lifting again. When pouring water, the bucket can be placed on your knees to reduce the risk of lumbar spine discomfort. Force.

  • Soak the pot in warm water. It is recommended to soak the stoves and pots in warm water or detergent first, so that it is easier to scrub away the dirt, and to avoid “straight-ball duel” with it, scrubbing too hard, resulting in wrist sprains or mother’s hands.

Finally, Dr. Yan Kelun said that modern people do less exercise and lack muscle endurance. Therefore, actions such as bending to carry heavy objects, squatting for a long time while grilling meat, and scrubbing with excessive force can easily cause soreness. It is recommended that everyone grill the meat. When doing so, try to follow the above principles to reduce the possibility of injury, so that every barbecue can be enjoyable, enjoyable, and clean and labor-saving.

Further reading:

Barbecue sauce is super hot! Eat 20 extra calories just by swiping once? Nutritionist reveals: These “4 kinds of additives” will make you fatter

Indulge in eating barbecue and mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival and be careful about your figure. It’s really “BBQ”! Nutritionist teaches “1 trick” to reduce guilt

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