Eating B-complex not only improves immunity, but also refreshes your mind and helps you sleep? Nutritionist reveals lack of high-risk groups

Eating B-complex not only improves immunity, but also refreshes your mind and helps you sleep? Nutritionist reveals lack of high-risk groups

Supplementing B complex increases virus resistance? Which foods have the most?

Can eating more B complex help improve immunity? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out in an interview that vitamin B complex includes thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B1, B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid, which will participate in the metabolism of macronutrients, as well as the body’s immune system, Metabolic operations of the nervous system. For example, white blood cell antibodies produce redox reactions that require the consumption of B complex. You can consume enough B complex in your daily diet, and you can supplement it regularly if you have individual needs.

However, simply eating B-complex cannot maintain normal body functions. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that B complex cannot provide bulk energy sources such as calories and protein, and mainly serves as an auxiliary metabolism. A sound immune function still requires sufficient nutrients to produce white blood cells and antibodies. Once the germs invade and “fight”, there will be enough energy metabolism to drive the immune response.

Which foods in your daily diet are rich in vitamin B complex? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that vitamin B1 is rich in unrefined whole grains (brown rice, sweet potatoes, pumpkins), while B2, B12, biotin, nicotine, pantothenic acid, and B12 can be obtained in animal foods, such as red meat. , Milk is rich in B2. As for B6, it exists in both animal and plant sources, and can be obtained from wheat, grains, and lean meat.

Can eating B complex refresh you during the day and help you sleep at night? For whom supplementation is effective

Can B complex help “refresh” people during the day? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua explained that B vitamins are water-soluble, unlike fat-soluble vitamins that need to be absorbed with fat, and can be supplemented before and after meals. For generally healthy adults, when energy needs increase, food intake will increase, and the intake of vitamin B complex will also increase, making deficiencies less common. People who are more “feeling” about supplementing B complex are usually those who are deficient in large amounts or who stay up late or drink alcohol.

In recent years, there has also been a trend of taking B-complex at night to help you fall asleep. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua explained that “melatonin” can help sleep, and the production of melatonin requires the metabolism of tryptophan into serotonin. This process requires the participation of various coenzymes including vitamin B6. Therefore, poor sleep habits or poor sleep quality For healthy people, appropriate supplementation of B complex can help stabilize sleep.

Which groups are more likely to be deficient in vitamin B complex? Being vegetarian may not be the reason

Dietitian Jian Yuhua pointed out that common people who are deficient in B-complex vitamins are those who drink and socialize, stay up late and work overtime, have an extremely unbalanced diet, or suffer from neuritis or angular stomatitis, which may all be affected by vitamin B-complex deficiency. Pregnant women at special life stages should pay attention to folic acid supplements to avoid fetal development disorders. In addition, some tuberculosis drugs and chemotherapy drugs will increase the consumption of B complex. You should follow the instructions of your doctor and nutritionist to adjust your diet or intervene in supplements.

In the past, most people thought that vegetarians were prone to lack of B12. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that in recent years, studies have found that B12 is produced by intestinal microorganisms. People with gastrointestinal diseases or the elderly are more likely to suffer from insufficient gastric acid secretion, or “intrinsic secretion of gastric acid”. If you don’t have enough “factor”, you will face a higher risk of B12 deficiency, which may not all be related to vegetarianism.

Should I pay attention to the dosage when taking B complex every day? The gut is also key to immunity

Is it safe to take regular B vitamin supplements? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that although B complex is a water-soluble vitamin and can be excreted through urine, the risk of accumulation in the body or poisoning is low, but it is still unknown whether long-term supplementation in large amounts will have negative effects, and whether it will affect personal physical conditions. , it is recommended that if you choose a B-complex supplement, you should not exceed the daily recommended amount by more than 200%.

In addition, physical symptoms are not necessarily caused by simple nutrient deficiencies. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that staying up late, eating irregular meals, and insufficient energy intake, such as not eating starch at all, may lead to mental decline or metabolic problems. It may not be caused by insufficient B-complex micronutrients. , you should review your living habits and daily diet and make appropriate adjustments.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that the synthesis of B12, biotin, etc. is related to the intestines, and the intestines are closely related to immune function. In addition to supplementing the vitamin B complex in an appropriate amount, attention should be paid to intestinal health and good absorption, and avoid ingesting easily Foods that cause intestinal inflammation, such as sweets, reduce the risk of incomplete intestinal mucosa, thereby preventing poor absorption of nutrients and even increasing the chance of bacterial invasion.

Further reading:

What is the healthiest way for children to eat when they are “schooling at home”? Nutritionist Gao Minmin reveals the “5 must-have foods”

The stronger your immunity, the better! How to maintain normal immune function? Nutritionist reveals the “5 major nutrients” you must eat

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