Have you eaten wrong before? The pharmacist teaches you the correct use of stomach medicine: "4 major ingredients" to understand

Have you eaten wrong before? The pharmacist teaches you the correct use of stomach medicine: "4 major ingredients" to understand

Taking the wrong stomach medicine will not only have no effect, but may even cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract? Smiling pharmacist Pharmacist Liao Weicheng pointed out in a social post that many people take stomach medicine to relieve stomach discomfort. However, the habit of abusing stomach medicine is widespread among Taiwanese people, and they will even ask doctors to add stomach medicine. But when it is really necessary to take stomach medicine, they often take it in the wrong way and misunderstand the role and purpose of the medicine.

Stomach medicine “taken this way” has the best effect! Pharmacists reveal the common “4 major ingredients”

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng explained that common stomach medicines are roughly divided into 4 types according to their functions:

  1. Antacids. The main function is to “neutralize gastric acid”. Antacids can immediately neutralize the gastric acid secreted by the stomach, with the purpose of immediately reducing the acidity of the stomach and improving the current stomach pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is mainly used when you feel that your stomach is uncomfortable. You can take it before or after meals, but it is recommended to take it two hours apart from other medicines.

    Common ingredients: calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide.

  2. Gastric acid secretion inhibitor. The main function is to “regulate gastric acid secretion.” This ingredient can reduce gastric acid secretion, but cannot neutralize existing gastric acid. The effect is to reduce the irritation of gastric acid to the gastrointestinal mucosa, allowing the mucosa to have space and time to breathe and gradually recover. It is suitable for conditions such as mucosal injuries, ulcers, and gastrointestinal bleeding. If such drugs are taken occasionally, they will not be able to exert their maximum effect. It is generally recommended to take at least one course of treatment (2-3 months) continuously, rather than taking them only when they feel uncomfortable. It is recommended to take it before meals and for one course of treatment as directed by your doctor.

    Common ingredients: cimetidine, famotidine, omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole.

  3. Mucosal protective agent. The main function is to “protect ulcer wounds”. Mucosal protection can actively adhere to damaged mucosal wounds, exert a protective effect and promote wound recovery. It is generally recommended to take it before meals to avoid food interactions.

    Common ingredients: sucralfate.

  4. Local anesthetic. Mainly used for “pain relief”. Taking it before or after meals does not affect the effect of the drug. It is usually taken together with antacids.

    Common ingredients: Oxethazaine.

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng reminds the public that they can first have a basic understanding of the ingredients of individual gastric medicines, so that when relevant symptoms occur, they can prescribe the right medicine for effective treatment. In addition, you should seek the advice of a doctor or pharmacist when purchasing related drugs. Choosing the wrong type may cause stomach damage and make it difficult to recover.

Is taking gastric medicine indiscriminately likely to affect the gastric environment? Remember the “5 Don’ts” before taking medicine

In addition to the basic ingredients of stomach medicine, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration also pointed out that when using stomach medicine, the public should pay attention to the following “5 principles” to avoid gastric discomfort and related complications after taking the medicine:

  1. Not required: When you are sick, you should not actively ask the doctor to prescribe antacids. Most drugs will not cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Whether to prescribe antacids should be judged by the doctor.

  2. Do not use together: Do not use antacids together without authorization, so as not to change the acidic environment of the stomach and affect the efficacy of other drugs.

  3. Not long-term: Long-term stomach pain may be a symptom of other serious diseases. Do not take stomach medicine for a long time by yourself, which will cause delay in seeking medical treatment.

  4. No irritation: If you have gastrointestinal discomfort, taking antacids can only temporarily relieve the uncomfortable symptoms. Maintain good eating habits and normal daily routine. Do not consume irritating substances such as coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, betel nut, and spicy food. This is the way to “protect the stomach”.

  5. Don’t buy indiscriminately: For drugs of unknown origin, the principle of “don’t listen, don’t believe, don’t buy, don’t eat, and don’t recommend” should be followed. If you have gastrointestinal discomfort, you should first consult a doctor or pharmacist. If you need to buy over-the-counter medicines, you should go to a legal pharmacy with a pharmacist.

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration stated that the public should abide by the above-mentioned “5 don’ts” principle, and remember to “see a doctor for medical treatment, and a pharmacist for medication.” Do not use antacids without medical consultation or instructions from a doctor or pharmacist. Taking antacids indiscriminately will worsen the condition. Gastrointestinal upset. If you have any questions about medication, you should seek help from medical professionals to avoid adverse drug reactions.


Correct use of “medicine” and “stomach” hello - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration

[Lifestyle Pharmacology EP.25 This is how you should take stomach medicine] - Pharmacist Liao Weicheng

Further reading:

Is it possible to develop esophageal cancer if gastroesophageal reflux is not treated? Doctor reveals how to improve “2 habits” to end heartburn

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