Have you eaten wrong before? "Nature" research: No matter how much DHA is supplemented, it is difficult to supplement the brain! Eating the right kind can increase your memory by 7 times

Have you eaten wrong before? "Nature" research: No matter how much DHA is supplemented, it is difficult to supplement the brain! Eating the right kind can increase your memory by 7 times

With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology (AI), modern society is gradually moving towards an era where computers can keep pace with human intelligence, or even surpass it. Humanity’s dependence on 3C and AI is increasing day by day, and it is convenient to obtain a large amount of information in a short period of time, thereby reducing the frequency of brain use, subtly changing reading behavior and brain operation, causing distraction and memory loss. Faced with the decline in memory and concentration, how to effectively supplement the nutrients needed by the brain has become the focus of research by scientists.

A study led by biochemistry authority Dr. David Lawrence Silver found that lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC-DHA), a new nutrient extracted from marine phospholipids through patented technology, is expected to completely change the traditional method of supplementing “DHA”. Way. This breakthrough discovery was not only approved by the US FDA for use as a new dietary ingredient, but also quickly caused a sensation in the global brain science community.

No matter how much DHA you eat, it won’t replenish your brain? Doctor: Fear of not being able to overcome the “blood-brain barrier” problem

Chen Minxiong, Vice President of Weigong Memorial Hospital and Chief Physician of Neurosurgery, shared that the maintenance of brain function is closely related to neurodegenerative diseases (such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease), and DHA is a top priority for brain health. As one of the essential fatty acids of Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be absorbed through diet. Sufficient amounts of omega-3 help maintain the structure and function of nerve cells, thereby improving memory and concentration. force.

However, after the DHA in traditional fish oil is digested and absorbed by the human body, it will be preferentially transported to the heart, liver, eyes and other organs for storage and utilization, and there is a natural barrier “Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)” before entering the brain. , limiting the possibility of DHA being effectively absorbed by the brain after ingestion. There is now a new form of “LPC-DHA” that can directly enter the brain through the transporter MFSD2A and be quickly absorbed.

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LPC-DHA nutritional chart breaks through the blood-brain barrier and directly reaches the brain nerves, such as “quick clearance” when going abroad

A study published in the internationally authoritative journal “Nature” by Dr. David Lawrence Silver of Duke University in Singapore found that MFSD2A is closely related to the transport of LPC-DHA, and LPC-DHA has a unique structural form different from ordinary DHA. According to animal experimental studies, the effective absorption amount of LPC-DHA transported to the brain through the blood-brain barrier is twice that of general free DHA. Sufficient LPC-DHA can be used as an important raw material to maintain the health of nerve cells.

According to research, a sufficient amount of LPC-DHA can effectively activate brain nerves and improve memory by up to 7 times. In addition, BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is an indispensable substance for the growth and healthy operation of nerve cells. When LPC-DHA is decomposed and used by the brain, it can also triple the production of BDNF, further Supports the healthy maintenance of human neural networks.

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Will the advantage of fast clearance decrease with aging? Medical advice: Supplement appropriate amount of LPC-DHA while you are young

Xu Jinyi, Director of the Elderly Integrated Care Department of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, shared that although MFSD2A acts as a fast channel for LPC-DHA to assist the brain in effectively absorbing it, as the human body ages naturally, MFSD2A existing on the blood-brain barrier will still increase with age. Gradually reduce or even disappear; in other words, the total amount of LPC-DHA supplemented through the “quick pass” advantage of MFSD2A will also decrease year by year. In order to maintain brain health, start maintaining brain health from a young age and supplement with adequate amounts of LPC-DHA as early as possible.

According to the latest statistics, about 70% of consumers will carefully consider ingredients, dosage and sources. This trend shows that more and more people are aware of the importance of correct DHA supplementation. Director Xu Jinyi emphasized that no matter how high the concentration of DHA is, it cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier, so “no changes are possible.” When people choose DHA supplements in the future, they should give priority to its form and choose highly bioavailable nutrients. Ensure that the body can effectively absorb and utilize it to avoid taking it into the body but not using it accurately.

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The global brain health care market is rapidly rising, and the era of “healthy brain” and “healthy aging” are simultaneously unfolding

Ross Norris, general manager of Aker BioMarine Asia, shared that as the global population ages and young people are increasingly paying attention to cognitive health, the future growth potential of the brain health care market is unlimited. According to a market research report, the global cognitive health supplement market will grow rapidly at a high compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2021 to 2028, and the market value is expected to reach tens of billions of dollars. Not only the elderly, but also young people are increasingly aware of mental health and brain care. They will also pay more attention to the ingredients, sources and scientific basis of products. This will also make the market more transparent and credible, which is exciting and exciting.

“Healthy aging” is a goal that humans have always pursued. Young adults hope to have a flexible and clear brain to cope with various challenges in life; while the elderly hope to maintain ideal cognition and memory and enjoy the benefits of old age. Live a comfortable and happy life. No matter what age you are, a brain-building program should be started as early as possible. Through a balanced diet, establishing exercise habits, brain exercises and smart selection of appropriate DHA, you can achieve comprehensive brain health and meet the challenges at every stage.

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