A must eat in summer! Nutritionist reveals the TOP 8 best foods to relieve summer heat: help with defecation and detoxification

A must eat in summer! Nutritionist reveals the TOP 8 best foods to relieve summer heat: help with defecation and detoxification

Must-eat “heat-clearing and relieving” foods in summer! Nutritionist reveals the TOP 8 best foods to relieve summer heat

The hot summer will always make people lose their appetite. Wrong eating habits will make the body more hot and boring, which will affect daily life and even work efficiency. Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that the main purpose of summer diet should be “clearing away heat and relieving summer heat”. Although consuming ice products and hand-cranked drinks can provide a temporary refreshing feeling, the high coldness and high sugar content of ice products can easily cause the body to feel refreshed. The accumulation of moisture is undoubtedly “putting out oil to put out the fire”.

Therefore, nutritionist Zhang Yuxi suggests that people may wish to add the following ingredients to three meals a day, or enjoy them as snacks between meals, to help the body clear away heat and reduce the feeling of heat:

  1. Winter melon. It is rich in fiber, which helps promote gastrointestinal motility and aid digestion; it has a significant effect in clearing away heat and relieving heat, and can help eliminate excess water in the body.

  2. Bitter Melon. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and has a certain effect on reducing fire and removing summer heat. Bitter melon contains “moor melon”, which can promote the secretion of digestive juices and help digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

  3. Yam. It is rich in dietary fiber and has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach. It can help regulate gastrointestinal function, promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation.

  4. Mung beans. It has significant heat-clearing and detoxifying effects and is often used to make mung bean soup to relieve summer heat. Contains a variety of vitamins and minerals to help promote gastrointestinal health.

  5. Cucumber. Containing a large amount of water and vitamin C, it can effectively quench thirst and clear away heat, and help gastrointestinal motility, digestion and detoxification.

  6. Papaya. Contains “papain”, which can break down protein and promote gastrointestinal digestion. In addition, papaya also has significant heat-clearing and fire-reducing effects.

  7. Dragon fruit. It is rich in fiber, which not only promotes gastrointestinal motility, but also has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat, making it suitable for consumption in summer.

  8. Watermelon. Contains a lot of water and vitamin C, which helps diuretic detoxification and promote digestion.

Do you always feel “swollen” when you wake up in the summer? Eat “high potassium fruits” quickly to expel sodium ions

The humidity in Taiwan is generally high in summer. If coupled with the usual habit of eating salty and heavy-flavored foods, it can easily cause “edema”, a problem that beauty lovers are concerned about. Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi pointed out that if you find that your weight fluctuates more drastically, or if you look in the mirror the next day and your body is “swollen”, you can relieve edema by taking “high potassium plants” and help the body excrete excess sodium ions:

  1. Kiwi fruit. Rich in potassium ions, it can help regulate the water balance in the body; rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can enhance immunity and promote digestion.

  2. Banana. Helps replenish electrolytes and prevent muscle cramps. Bananas are also rich in dietary fiber, which helps with intestinal health and promotes bowel movements.

  3. Avocado. Rich in potassium, healthy fats and fiber, it’s good for heart health and digestive function when eaten in moderation.

  4. Mango. Rich in potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C, it can enhance immunity and improve digestion.

  5. Orange. It is a high potassium fruit and rich in vitamin C, which helps maintain water balance and strengthen the immune system.

  6. Strawberries. Contains a moderate amount of potassium and rich antioxidants to help reduce inflammation and promote gastrointestinal health.

  7. Cantaloupe. It has the function of maintaining electrolyte balance in the body and is rich in vitamins and water, which is very helpful for relieving heat and thirst.

  8. Dragon fruit. Rich in potassium and dietary fiber, it helps with digestive health and fluid balance.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi emphasized that high-potassium fruits can not only help replenish potassium ions, but also maintain the body’s water balance in summer and prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. However, people with cold constitutions, pregnant women, and those who need to control blood sugar should avoid excessive intake of the above fruits. It is recommended that people with suspected symptoms of heatstroke should take appropriate amounts of warm water and seek medical attention as soon as possible to improve symptoms and physical constitution to avoid aggravation of symptoms.

Extended reading:

Even breathing in summer can make your body dehydrated! Nutritionists confirm: “6 ways to replenish water” can best help quench thirst

Eat the right foods to eliminate edema! Nutritionist reveals the list of “Top 20 High Potassium Fruits”. These two kinds can also help relieve constipation.

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