How to eat to improve immunity? Nutritionist: A "garlic dish" supplements 3 major nutrients

How to eat to improve immunity? Nutritionist: A "garlic dish" supplements 3 major nutrients

Boost immunity and fight viruses? Protein, vegetables and fruits are essential

The number of confirmed cases has reached new highs every day. What nutrients should be supplemented to maintain good immunity? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that groups at high risk of contracting the virus, such as children and the elderly, should pay special attention to whether they consume enough protein. The human body’s immunity is a “systemic” component. From immune organs, immune cells to immune molecules, they all need to be made of protein. Therefore, to maintain good immune function, it is most important to eat enough protein. The recommended protein intake for adults is about 0.8-1g/kg.

In addition, the intestine is the largest immune organ in the body. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that sound intestinal function depends on good intestinal bacteria. In addition to supplementing probiotics, consuming more fiber is also an important key to intestinal health. During the epidemic prevention period, you should consider whether you eat enough fruits and vegetables on weekdays.

In terms of daily vegetable and fruit intake recommendations, adolescents and all male adults above the age of 12, as well as all adult women, should consume 7 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, including 4 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit. Fruit, which should include 5 servings of vegetables and 4 servings of fruit. However, if you have chronic diseases, you must work with a nutritionist to plan an appropriate portion size.

Refined grains are changed to whole grains and red quinoa dietary fiber to protect the intestines

To make your body more capable of fighting viruses, you should reduce the amount of food in your diet that causes inflammation in your body. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that refined cereals can be replaced by whole grains. It is especially recommended to use “red quinoa” as a dietary intake. According to official data from the Council of Agriculture, the dietary fiber of red quinoa is not only as high as 14%, but also higher than other whole grains. It is richer and also contains nutrients such as polyphenols, which have certain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that many people are intolerant of starches other than white rice, mainly because of the rough texture of the outer shell. The advantage of red quinoa is that it can be sprinkled directly on white rice or eaten with Western-style vegetable dishes, and the taste will not be affected much. It is a good way to replenish the nutrients needed for immunity and enjoy delicious food.

Insufficient zinc will affect white blood cells. Selenium regulates the immune pathway. Eating garlic can supplement it.

Among protein foods, in addition to chicken breast, you can also consume more seafood, fish and shellfish. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that seafood, fish and shellfish contain a certain degree of “zinc”, which can assist the body’s DNA and RNA synthesis and is very important for the regulation of the immune system. Insufficient zinc intake may also lead to reduced production and release of white blood cells. When there are insufficient immune soldiers in the body to fight, the probability of defeating viral infections will be reduced.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that another mineral, “selenium”, also has the function of regulating immune pathways and can be ingested in seafood and garlic foods. Garlic not only contains selenium, but also contains allicin, which has an auxiliary effect in fighting bacteria. You might as well cook garlic with clams to supplement zinc, selenium, and allicin, which are nutrients that affect the body’s immunity.

However, cooking will affect the release of allicin, so it is recommended to mince the garlic when cooking. You can also chop the green cauliflower into pieces and add it to your diet. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that green coconut contains sulforaphane, which is not only the king of cruciferous vegetables but also rich in high fiber. It can be eaten in moderation with other ingredients during the epidemic prevention period.

Can drinking more vitamin C help you get diagnosed faster? Pay attention to dosage and supplementation methods

Does taking enough vitamin C help improve immunity and fight viruses? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that vitamin C can indeed help white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses, but you need to pay attention to the dosage and method of supplementation. The recommended daily intake for adults is only 100 mg, and it is recommended not to exceed the daily upper limit of 2,000 mg. When consuming vitamin C foaming tablets and chewable tablets, you should pay attention to the content of each serving. If you usually eat enough fruits for the recommended intake, you do not need to supplement. It is also recommended to use more fruit sources with high vitamin C content, such as red guava, kiwi, citrus, etc.

In addition, vitamin C will be lost due to oxidation or high temperature, and fruits are the best source of vitamin C supplement. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that it is not recommended to store fruits for a long time after cutting and should be eaten immediately to avoid loss of vitamin C. For foaming tablets, be careful not to soak them in high-temperature water. If children are unwilling to eat fruits, they can add vegetables to make fruit juice, or eat them with unsweetened yogurt. The intake method can be adjusted according to family habits.

Lactose is good for gut bacteria, too much refined sugar may worsen inflammation

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that healthy and good immunity does not develop overnight. You should have good eating, exercise, sleeping habits, and drink enough water. Nutrient intake is also recommended to be diverse and balanced. For example, many people eat less dairy products due to lactose intolerance, but lactose is beneficial to the health of intestinal bacteria and also contains a certain amount of protein. You can use yogurt and yogurt to supplement dairy products.

What foods are best avoided during epidemic prevention? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua pointed out that all refined sugar foods with added “sugar” will promote inflammation in the body. If the body is fighting a virus and additional sugar intake will greatly affect the immune system, then even supplementing with more beneficial nutrients will have limited help in immunity. Therefore, it is recommended to eat as little refined sugar food as possible.

Further reading:

Dessert “Calorie Mine” has 700 calories per serving? Nutritionist: Follow 4 tips to avoid gaining weight by eating sweets

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