Eat less and still can't lose weight? The key is "muscle mass"? Doctor: You will still gain weight if you don't exercise!

Many people always have the option of “losing weight successfully” in their annual goal list. However, if you only rely on “not eating” to lose weight, you may fall into the dilemma of “the more you lose, the more you gain weight.” Dr. Hong Yuzhong, director of the Health Management Center of Lian On Clinic, pointed out that dieting to lose weight will not only accelerate muscle loss, but also make it easier to gain weight. It is difficult to lose fat by diet alone. Developing a regular exercise habit is the key.
Why can’t I lose weight if I eat less and less? “Muscle mass” is insufficient for a long time and still gain weight
Dr. Hong Yuzhong said that many patients who come for clinical health examination do not look fat, their weight does not seem to be too abnormal, and their body mass index (BMI) is within the standard, but their body fat exceeds the standard. This is commonly known as “bubble”. Lady". This group of people are often accustomed to only “eating less” to lose weight. Although the weight does drop slightly at first, not all fat is lost, and “muscle” is often lost together.
Dr. Hong Yuzhong pointed out that when muscle mass gradually decreases, the body’s energy consumption and basal metabolic rate will also decrease. Even if you eat less at this time, without additional exercise, the weight loss effect will be difficult to sustain and it will be easier to gain weight again. It is difficult to lose fat by diet alone. Therefore, increasing “muscle mass” to increase the body’s calorie burning is the real key to weight loss.
Under the same weight, the person with higher muscle mass will have better body metabolism and fat loss efficiency. Therefore, Dr. Hong Yuzhong recommends observing the following 4 values to help improve weight loss benefits:
Body fat percentage. The amount of body fat as a percentage of body weight. The standard value for men is about 11-22%, and for girls, it is about 21-35%.
Waist-to-hip ratio. Waist to hip ratio. The standard value for men is 0.85-0.9 and for women is 0.7-0.8.
Visceral fat. If the value is 1-9, it is normal, 10-14 is high, and 15 or above is too high.
Fat-free body mass index (FFMI): The formula is weight[kg] × (100% - body fat rate) / (height[m])2. The standard values for men are 19-20 and for women 14-16.
Visceral fat is the culprit! Doctor: If you want to burn fat, you must do aerobic weight training
Dr. Hong Yuzhong said that the most direct manifestation of visceral fat accumulation is “fatty liver”. In the past, fatty liver disease was mainly caused by drinking alcohol, but now more medical research has confirmed that “excessive intake of refined sugar” is also one of the main causes. Excessive fructose syrup in hand-shaken drinks, cakes and desserts will accumulate in the liver before the liver has time to metabolize it, causing fatty liver disease. In the mechanism of physiological metabolism, fat is usually the last one to be consumed, so if you want to burn fat, you must use exercise.
As for what exercises are suitable for weight loss? Dr. Hong Yuzhong explained that “aerobic exercise” and “weight training” are equally important. Effective aerobic exercise can burn a lot of calories and increase the heart rate by 60-80%. For example, walking, running, riding a bicycle or flywheel, swimming, aerobic dancing, and playing ball are all beneficial. Weight training helps increase muscle mass, including squats, weightlifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. There is no age limit, and people can choose the appropriate intensity.
Dr. Hong Yuzhong suggests that the exercise prescription for the general public is to exercise 3-5 times a week, with about 30-50 minutes of aerobic exercise each time, and 1-2 anaerobic exercises, such as strength training, on exercise days of the week. Because of the high intensity of anaerobic exercise, the muscles will be slightly injured, but after proper rest and nutritional supplementation, the muscles will become stronger.
Muscle starts to lose year by year at the age of 30! Beware of sarcopenia if you sit for long periods of time
Dr. Hong Yuzhong believes that the key to weight loss lies in “building muscle and reducing fat.” Through exercise, intake of high-quality protein and fats to promote muscle mass, help increase the body’s basal metabolic rate, and aerobic exercise to assist in calorie consumption. This approach is not only less likely to gain weight, it can also improve your posture.
Regardless of men and women, muscle mass will be lost at a rate of 0.5-1% per year by the age of 30. “Sarcopenia” may be a major problem faced by modern people. Dr. Hong Yuzhong encourages the public to maintain the habit of exercising as much as possible, regardless of age. If you remain in a “sitting still” state for a long time, your muscle strength will naturally decline rapidly.
Finally, Dr. Hong Yuzhong pointed out that whether you want to lose weight or maintain a good posture, you must have the correct concept and attention to body muscle mass and body fat rate, and choose the appropriate exercise intensity and diet according to your personal condition to successfully lose weight. Fat, healthy slimming from the inside out.
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