If you eat "2 Ice Creams" in summer, you will probably get hotter the more you eat it! Nutritionist reveals that "choosing this ingredient" is the best way to relieve heat

If you eat "2 Ice Creams" in summer, you will probably get hotter the more you eat it! Nutritionist reveals that "choosing this ingredient" is the best way to relieve heat

If you eat “2 Ice Creams” in summer, you will probably get hotter the more you eat it! Eating this way will raise your body temperature and make you fat

The temperature continues to soar, and various summer cooling products and ice products are on the market one after another. People often drink iced drinks to feel refreshed and refreshed. Can ice products and cold drinks really quench the body’s heat and thirst? Nutritionist Su Jiahua, director of the Nutrition Office of Losheng Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said that the cooling sensation when eating shaved ice or ice cream is only temporary and does not allow the body to truly achieve the cooling effect.

Nutritionist Su Jiahua said that taking ice cream as an example, it is made from milk, cream, sugar and other raw materials and contains a lot of fat. The fat, carbohydrates or proteins in food will cause the body’s body temperature to rise during digestion. The body does not dissipate heat easily. It can be seen that eating ice will only make the body hot and irritable, while drinking ice will undoubtedly quench thirst and add oil to put out fire.

Furthermore, even if the main raw material of chopped ice or clear ice is water, if it is paired with syrup, condensed milk, fruit, etc., or even a sundae ice dinner, in addition to the coldness of the chopped ice, it will also be paired with the condiments of the ice. The large amount of sugar in fruits can easily lead to accumulation of moisture in the body. It is worth noting that consuming ice cream at night or before going to bed is more likely to lead to heat accumulation and obesity.

Chopped ice is not as effective as boiled water in quenching thirst! Is eating ice on an empty stomach or at night very harmful to your health?

Nutritionist Su Jiahua explained that when people working outdoors or exercising are exposed to high temperatures and do not replenish enough water, body heat will not be easily discharged from the body, causing heat stroke. Severe cases can lead to high fever, coma, acute renal failure, and even death; and sudden entry from a high-temperature outdoor room into a low-temperature and cool air-conditioned room will also cause the capillaries and capillaries on the body surface to shrink rapidly, causing the hot air in the body to be unable to escape, resulting in headaches, nausea, Heat stroke with symptoms such as loss of appetite is often mistaken for fatigue or a cold and ignored.

Therefore, nutritionist Su Jiahua reminds the public that boiled water should be the main source of water intake, and diuretic caffeine drinks, high-calorie sugary or sports drinks should be avoided. Drinking water can be replenished in stages, preferably 150-200 c.c. each time. Seniors are advised to consume all the water they need for the day before dinner to prevent frequent nocturia.

In addition, there is no need to completely ban the consumption of ice products on hot days, but you should pay attention to the intake and content. It is recommended to consume it between 11 and 16 noon, rather than in the evening or before going to bed. As for those who often suffer from excessive sweating, dry mouth, constipation, etc., they should add less high-sugar foods such as condensed milk or jam when eating ice, otherwise it will make the body water sticky and make defecation or sweating more sticky. In addition, avoid eating ice on an empty stomach. It is best to eat it one hour after a meal to avoid mixing hot and cold foods to stimulate gastrointestinal discomfort.

The most refreshing foods in summer are not just watermelon and mung beans? Nutritionist reveals that “choosing this ingredient” is the best way to relieve fever

Finally, nutritionist Su Jiahua pointed out that to reduce the body’s feeling of heat, one should mainly consume “cooling” foods or ingredients, such as mung beans, red beans, grass jelly, aiyu, or black bean water, sugar-free grass tea, stevia and mint tea , chrysanthemum tea or wolfberry buckwheat tea and other drinks; appropriate amounts of fruits such as pear, lotus root, watermelon, carambola, cantaloupe and kiwi can also replenish the energy consumed by the heat and help recover from fatigue.

However, people with cold constitutions, pregnant women, and those who need to control blood sugar should avoid excessive intake of the above foods. It is recommended that people who have symptoms of suspected heatstroke should take appropriate amounts of warm water and seek medical attention as soon as possible. They should make adjustments based on their symptoms and physical constitution to avoid aggravation of symptoms.

Further reading:

Heavy moisture not only causes edema but 6 symptoms are caused by the body being too wet! Chinese Medicine Reveals How to Eat to “Clear Heat and Diuresis” in Summer

Is drinking beer to cool down in summer the same as drinking oil directly? Nutritionist warns: Two bottles a day will exceed the caloric limit

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