Is it easier to stop watching too many porn movies? Study slaps the face: "6 reasons" are the culprits of sexual dysfunction

Is it easier to stop watching too many porn movies? Study slaps the face: "6 reasons" are the culprits of sexual dysfunction

Is it more difficult to get hard when you watch porn movies all the time? Research points to “six major reasons” as the culprit

Will watching too much pornography cause erectile dysfunction in men? A study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research showed that there is no significant correlation between pornographic content and problems with erectile function and sexual satisfaction.

Study author David L. Rowland and his team recruited 3,586 men online from English-speaking countries and Hungary for the study. Participants first completed a survey that included demographic questions, history of anxiety/depression, medical history, sexual orientation, number of sexual partners, sexual fetishes, relationship and sexual satisfaction, frequency of masturbation, frequency of sexual intercourse with a partner, and pornography Frequency of content usage. In addition, the subjects also completed questionnaires related to premature ejaculation and erectile function, and answered questions about delayed ejaculation.

The results suggest that factors that may increase erectile dysfunction include older age, anxiety or depression, cardiovascular problems, less frequent and less important sexual intercourse, and decreased sexual relationship satisfaction. Men with erectile dysfunction did not differ significantly from normal men in porn use. In addition, frequent masturbation has a minimal impact on erectile function problems; even when subjects controlled for masturbation frequency, pornography was not significantly associated with decreased sexual satisfaction.

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Rowland said that the results of this study overturned the previous public opinion about the impact of “porn”. Excessive viewing of pornography and masturbation will not cause erectile dysfunction. Therefore, the research team does not support the idea that pornographic content causes a decline in erectile function. Instead, factors such as the relationship between partners, age, and psychological state are more related to the occurrence of erectile function.

Rowland also pointed out that pornography has been a controversial issue in the past. Since the rise of the Internet, pornographic resources have become more accessible than in the past. Many scholars believe that pornography use is associated with negative outcomes, such as lower sexual attitudes toward partners, increased negative body image, more occurrences of sexual violence, and delayed ejaculation in men.

However, pornographic content has also been proven to have positive effects, such as sex education materials for underage teenagers, and even helping men or women with sexual dysfunction to regain the joy of sex. Rowland explained that although the use of pornography is not related to sexual dysfunction, it may also affect the relationship with a partner and even the sexual sensitivity during sex, so overuse is still too much.

How to avoid the risk of erectile dysfunction? Failure to implement 5 measures may lead to “immortality”

However, erectile dysfunction can have an impact on both your sex life and your relationship. What steps can men take to avoid the risk of erectile dysfunction? The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that the following 5 measures can help avoid erectile dysfunction:

  1. Quit the smoking habit. Smoking is associated with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, and smoking can also affect the body’s capillaries, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Studies have confirmed that patients with cardiovascular disease have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction than healthy men. Therefore, men should quit smoking or seek medical resources to assist in quitting smoking.

  2. Follow the diet plan. To help maintain normal erectile function, eat more whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and replace high-fat foods like red meat with lean meats, especially those high in saturated fat and sodium. Following a healthy eating plan can also help achieve a normal weight and control blood pressure and the risk of diabetes.

  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can help delay the onset of diabetes and lower blood pressure. Diabetes and hypertension are both high risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease is related to erectile dysfunction. Losing weight can help reduce inflammation, increase testosterone levels, and improve self-confidence, all of which can help prevent erectile dysfunction. Men should maintain their weight through healthy eating and exercise.

  4. Stay physically active. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, including the penis. If you do not usually exercise much, you should do lighter exercises in the early stages, such as walking or brisk walking. After that, you can gradually increase the amount of exercise, such as jogging, swimming or cycling. Men can try to exercise for at least 30 minutes within a week, which is also helpful for the prevention of erectile dysfunction.

  5. Avoid illegal drugs. The use of illegal aphrodisiacs may aggravate the occurrence of erectile dysfunction and may even lead to long-term sexual frigidity and decreased sexual desire. Therefore, when erectile dysfunction occurs, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible and take medication regularly according to the prescription prescribed by your doctor to recover from your symptoms as soon as possible.


Preventing Erectile Dysfunction - NIH

Do pornography use and masturbation play a role in erectile dysfunction and relationship satisfaction in men?

Further reading:

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