Is it easier to lose weight by "adding some oil"? Unsaturated fats promote healthy skin and brain! Nutritionist reveals "8 foods" you must eat

Is it easier to lose weight by "adding some oil"? Unsaturated fats promote healthy skin and brain! Nutritionist reveals "8 foods" you must eat

Many people who lose weight are afraid that eating too much “fat” will lead to obesity during the weight loss process. In fact, good fats are a relatively important part of a healthy diet. American certified nutritionist Kelsey Hampton said that first of all, it is necessary to clarify that fat is not always harmful. For example, “unsaturated fat” is often called “healthy fat”. Moderate consumption can become part of a healthy diet and help maintain hair follicles and skin. Healthy, protects organs, promotes brain development, and helps the body preserve fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K).

Saturated fat, on the other hand, while not entirely harmful, does contribute to obesity when consumed in excess and has been linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and other health problems. Therefore, Hampton recommends that in addition to avoiding excessive intake of saturated fat, those who lose weight can also eat more of the following 8 foods in daily life to obtain healthy fat sources:

1. Eggs.

In addition to being rich in protein, eggs are also an important source of fat. One egg contains about 5 grams of fat, most of which is unsaturated fat. In addition, eggs are rich in 9 amino acids required by the human body, as well as other key nutrients such as vitamin B12, phosphorus and antioxidants.

2. Nuts and seeds.

Nuts contain a lot of fat, with 1 gram of nuts containing approximately 0.54 grams of fat. Nuts also contain protein, vitamin E, copper, manganese, phosphorus and dietary fiber. As for 1 gram of seeds, it contains about 0.43 grams of fat, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and dietary fiber. It is recommended that both can be consumed as daily snacks, but their fat content is high, so excessive consumption should be avoided.

3. Dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is one of the few sweet foods that contains high-quality fat, but when eating it, you should mainly eat chocolate products with 85% cocoa content to avoid eating too much sugar. There are approximately 0.32 grams of fat per 1 gram of dark chocolate. In addition, dark chocolate also contains important minerals such as iron, potassium, zinc, copper, and phosphorus.

4. Deep sea fish.

Salmon and mackerel are the main sources of “Omega-3 fatty acids”, and Omega-3 helps maintain brain and heart function. Each serving of deep-sea fish contains about 4.5 grams of fat; deep-sea fish is also rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended that people use fish instead of red meat and processed meat when eating.

5. Yogurt.

Yogurt not only contains probiotics and has many digestive benefits, but it is also rich in healthy fats. 100 grams of full-fat Greek yogurt contains about 4.4 grams of fat and 9 grams of protein. Yogurt can be eaten with nuts, seeds, or fruits such as apples, bananas, and strawberries for higher nutritional value.

6. Beans.

Beans provide considerable nutritional value as they are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and contain 0.9 grams of fat per cup. Not only are beans a source of protein needed to build and maintain muscle mass, they also contain high amounts of fiber, which is thought to have benefits such as lowering cholesterol and lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

7. Avocado.

Known as a “superfood,” avocado is rich in nutrients including magnesium, potassium, protein, fiber, vitamins C, E, K, and vitamin B complex. It is also an excellent source of monounsaturated fat. Avocados are great for making spreads, adding to salads, and can also be made into avocado juice or avocado milk through a juicer.

8. Olives.

Olives are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, which helps protect bones; they also contain 11-15% fat, of which 74% is “oleic acid”, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid. Olive products such as olive oil can be added to daily dishes, or directly poured into salads and cold dishes.

Finally, Hampton appealed to the public that eating too much fat is still too much for the body. Therefore, before implementing a diet plan, you should consult a nutritionist and physician before making dietary adjustments. In addition, those who lose weight should also consume starch and protein in moderation and maintain a balanced diet of the “three major nutrients”, which will help make the weight loss plan smoother.


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