Is drinking water enough to prevent urethritis? Experts recommend the best way to eat "cranberry + probiotics"

Is drinking water enough to prevent urethritis? Experts recommend the best way to eat "cranberry + probiotics"

Drinking too little water in hot weather may lead to bacterial infection and urinary tract infection.

Drinking too little water when the weather is hot is more likely to cause urethritis? Continuous high temperatures for days will cause the body to lose water faster. If the water is not replenished at this time, urine output and urination frequency will be reduced, causing bacteria to stay in the bladder and urethra for a longer time, increasing the chance of microbial reproduction and infection.

However, urethritis is mostly caused by infection and is generally divided into gonococcal urethritis and non-gonococcal urethritis. The latter is often caused by Escherichia coli or Chlamydomonas trachomatis, which accounts for about 90% of urinary tract infections. The germ is Escherichia coli.

Specialist Dr. Weng Zimin added that because women have shorter urethras than men, they are more likely to develop urinary tract inflammation than men. More than half of women will have at least one urinary tract infection in their lives. And once infected, it is easy to get infected again and again, especially women in the service industry who need to sit for long periods of time, etc., are a high-risk group for urinary tract infections.

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Dr. Weng Zimin pointed out that in addition to insufficient water intake, other possible causes of urethritis include drinking less water, holding back urine, and urinating less. In addition, poor hygiene habits before and after going to the toilet, irregular daily routine, and cleaning before and after sex may increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

Possible symptoms of a urinary tract infection include frequent urination, urgency, difficulty urinating, and burning discomfort during urination. If bacteria spread to the upper urinary tract, there may be pain on both sides of the waist (kidneys) and even cold sweats. Severe patients will have systemic symptoms such as fever, back pain, nausea, and vomiting. However, some patients with urethritis only experience symptoms of urinary odor, turbidity or hematuria, and the diagnosis must be based on urine tests.

In addition to urethritis, vaginitis is also a common urinary system problem in women. Because the female vagina and urethral outlet are very close, it is difficult to identify the cause of infection. Some vaginitis can also affect urination. Most cases of vaginitis include abnormal vaginal discharge. If you notice the above symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent bacteria from continuing to multiply in the vagina or urethra and causing chronic inflammation.

Can eating more cranberries reduce urinary tract infections? What are the benefits of cranberries?

Maintaining an acidic environment in the urethra can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Dr. Weng Zimin pointed out that among fruits and vegetables, cranberries contain A-Proanthocyanidin, which makes E. coli less likely to adhere to the surface of the urinary tract mucosa. In addition to Escherichia coli, it also has inhibitory effects on Proteus, Enterococcus, and Staphylococcus that commonly cause urinary tract infections.

In addition, cranberries are rich in concentrated tannins, which can reduce bacterial attachment and growth, indeed reducing the chance of urinary tract infections.

Dr. Weng Zimin suggests that if you are worried about consuming too much sugar and calories when consuming cranberry juice or dried fruits, or containing other less healthy additives, you can also choose health foods that contain extracts of relevant ingredients to avoid Consuming too much sugar and calories. When choosing, you can pay attention to whether it is a product produced by a major French factory, with a patented 300 times higher concentration of cranberries, and with multiple patents from many countries.

How to choose cranberries? Combined with mannose + probiotics for more effective health care

Dr. Weng Zimin suggested that women should pay attention to a healthy diet and balanced nutrition, and pay attention to hygiene and health care habits to prevent urinary tract infections. In addition to the French patented cranberry extract, ingredients that can prevent and protect urethritis are also recommended to be combined with D-mannose and probiotics to achieve a more comprehensive preventive and health care effect.

Dr. Weng Zimin explained that D-mannose is a monosaccharide found in natural fruits and vegetables. It can regulate the immune system, promote wound healing, and fight inflammation and certain bacterial infections. A 2016 study also pointed out that when the supplementation amount reaches 2 grams, D-mannose has the effect of preventing bacteria from adhering to the urethral wall and causing infection, prolonging the time of repeated infections and reducing the dosage of antibiotics. As for general maintenance, continue to supplement 1 gram per day to achieve preventive effects.

As for probiotics, which have been widely recognized to regulate the flora, they can not only inhibit pathogenic bacteria, adjust intestinal immune function, reduce vaginal pH, and prevent urinary tract infections. Literature published in the “American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology” in 2010 even pointed out that probiotics are well tolerated for short-term prevention of urinary tract disease and can reduce recurrence rates. Common probiotics used for the care of women’s private parts include Lactobacillus crispatus LCR01, Lactobacillus plantarum LP14, Lactobacillus fermentum LF11, Lactobacillus fermentum LF15, Lactobacillus salivarius CRL1328, etc.

Which women are cranberries suitable for? 4 key points to prevent urethritis

Dr. Weng Zimin reminded that women who sit for a long time, drink little water, and often hold back urine are relatively young and should pay more attention to preventing the occurrence of urethritis. Women who are busy at work and do not like to drink water are suitable for daily supplementation of cranberry probiotics. Taste. However, those with poor kidney function, those with kidney stones, those who are taking anticoagulant drugs, or those who are sensitive to aspirin should seek professional medical advice before consuming cranberries.

In order to prevent the occurrence of urethritis, Dr. Weng Zimin recommends that women:

  1. Do not hold back urine;

  2. Drink more water;

  3. Pay attention to a clean living habit of private parts;

  4. Maintain balanced nutrition and eat more acidic foods to keep the urinary tract healthy.

Towards an environment unfavorable for bacterial growth. When choosing cranberry health supplements, it is better to choose a proprietary probiotic compound that contains mannose and care for the private parts, which can also prevent urinary tract inflammation.

Further reading:

How should I take vitamin supplements during the epidemic prevention period? Four major categories of nutrients can be effectively supplemented in this way

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