Will drinking soup or hot drinks that are too hot in winter cause cancer? Taiwan Health Promotion Administration warns: Beware of the risk of "esophageal cancer" when temperatures exceed 65 degrees Celsius

Will soups and hot drinks that are too hot cause cancer? “This move” increases the risk of esophageal cancer by more than 4 times
According to the Cancer Registration of the Health Promotion Administration and cause-of-death statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2,833 people were diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2019, and 2,030 people died of esophageal cancer in 2021; more than 90% of the cancer patients are male, and they are more likely to occur between 50 and 70 years old. Years old, it ranks 6th in the standardized incidence rate of cancer and 5th in causes of cancer death among men.
The esophagus is the only way for food to enter the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is often exposed to carcinogens and bacteria, which can lead to pathological changes. Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration pointed out that esophageal cancer occurs most commonly in men between the ages of 50 and 70, and the American Society of Clinical Oncology pointed out that bad habits such as long-term smoking, betel nut chewing, and excessive drinking increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Risk factors for esophageal cancer risk. According to the Taiwan Community Generation Study, the lifetime risk of esophageal cancer caused by tobacco, alcohol, and betel nut. People who drank alcohol, smoked, and chewed betel nut were 3.80, 2.29, and 2.62 times more likely to develop esophageal cancer than those who did not, respectively.
The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration stated that currently known carcinogens for esophageal cancer include: smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing betel nut, nitrosamine-containing foods (such as pickled and smoked foods), overheated food temperatures, previous corrosive damage to the esophagus, and swallowing function diseases. , gastroesophageal reflux, obesity and poor oral hygiene. It is recommended that implementing a healthy life, staying away from carcinogens and exercising regularly will be necessary steps to prevent cancer, such as quitting smoking, alcohol and betel nut, reducing the consumption of processed, barbecued and overheated foods, and avoiding damage or burden to the esophagus to reduce the risk of cancer. risk.
What measures can be taken to prevent esophageal cancer? Taiwan Health Promotion Administration urges the public to master the “4 major points”
Taiwan Health Promotion Administration further pointed out that the public should grasp the following four key points to prevent early to stay away from esophageal cancer:
Avoid overly hot food: The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies hot drinks exceeding 65 degrees Celsius as a possible carcinogen for esophageal cancer. When food feels hot to the mouth, it may reach a temperature that can harm the esophagus. Please send the food to When eating, be sure to pay attention to whether the temperature is too hot, or try to wait until the food is slightly cool before eating.
Reduce nitrosamine-containing foods: The American Society of Clinical Oncology points out that smoked, barbecued, pickled, processed meat and other foods will increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Reducing the consumption of such nitrosamine-containing foods will help “detachment.” “Keep cancer away.”
Quit bad habits: Smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nut are common risk factors for many types of cancer. People who have the habit of smoking and betel nut are urged to quit as soon as possible to avoid cancer.
Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have any abnormalities: In addition to difficulty swallowing, foreign body sensation or pain when swallowing, the symptoms of esophageal cancer may also cause food reflux, heartburn, hoarseness, back and chest pain, weight loss, upper abdominal pain and persistent cough. and other situations, and most of the early stages of esophageal cancer have no obvious symptoms, so you need to pay attention to your own discomfort and do not ignore it.
Finally, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration pointed out that there is currently no proven and effective screening tool for esophageal cancer. Implementing a healthy life, staying away from carcinogens and exercising regularly are necessary cancer prevention steps. The public is reminded that in addition to epidemic prevention, don’t forget to prevent cancer. If you have uncomfortable symptoms such as long-term difficulty in swallowing, foreign body sensation when swallowing, etc., you should still seek medical examination and treatment as soon as possible to seize the golden period of treatment.
Prevent esophageal cancer. Avoid cigarettes, gin, and alcohol. Stay away from cancer.
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