Don't panic if you suffer from "COVID-19"! Chinese medicine practitioners give prescriptions and acupuncture tips to effectively relieve the "five major symptoms"

Don't panic if you suffer from "COVID-19"! Chinese medicine practitioners give prescriptions and acupuncture tips to effectively relieve the "five major symptoms"

The sequelae of the new coronavirus will have medium and long-term effects on the body. According to statistics, depending on the virus strain, about 7-20% of patients will have effects after recovering from the infection. Common symptoms of people suffering from the sequelae of the new coronavirus include: Fatigue , poor physical strength, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, coughing, palpitations, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, changes in smell and taste, anxiety, diarrhea, aches, rashes, menstrual disorders, etc.

Dr. Colin Qiaomei, a traditional medicine doctor at Yatong Memorial Hospital, reminds the public not to panic when faced with the sequelae of COVID-19. The discomfort caused by COVID-19 can be improved by diagnosis by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, and medication or acupuncture.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei summarizes the common clinical syndrome types of COVID-19 in traditional Chinese medicine as follows:

1. Deficiency of Qi and Yin

Patients who experience fever or diarrhea and are isolated at home or bedridden may easily consume Qi and damage Yin, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, labored breathing, inattention, dizziness, and sweating. Medicinal materials such as Scutellaria baicalensis, American ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, Rehmannia glutinosa, etc. can be used; acupoints can be massaged with scalp acupuncture (people can use a comb to massage the scalp at home), Zusanli point, Baihui point, etc.

2. Dampness traps the spleen

Dr. Lin Qiaomei pointed out that many patients infected with Omicron have very thick and greasy tongues, which is a “dampness evil” in traditional Chinese medicine, which may cause patients to have poor appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, poor digestion, dizziness, and excessive phlegm. . The medicinal materials can be Sishen Decoction, Patchouli, White Cardamom, etc., and the acupoints can be massaged at Yinlingquan and Fenglong points.

3. The residual heat is not cleared

Dr. Lin Qiaomei further said that some patients still feel uncomfortable in the throat or have cough symptoms after the separation, the tongue is still red in color, and the overall anger has not disappeared, which means that the heat evil has not been cleared away; Chinese medicine calls it “remaining heat that has not been eliminated”. clear". Medicinal materials such as Houttuynia cordata, peppermint, forsythia, etc. can be used for improvement; the acupoints can be massaged at Yuji and Chize points.

4. Phlegm and blood stasis blocking collaterals

For people diagnosed with COVID-19, the accumulation of inflammatory reactions due to infection may cause phlegm turbidity and even affect peripheral circulation, leading to poor breathing, chest tightness, changes in taste and smell, and numbness. The medicinal materials that can be used are red peony root, Trichosanthes trichosanthes, Pinellia ternata, etc.; the acupoints can be massaged at Tanzhong point and Neiguan point.

5. Qi stagnation and blood stasis

Dr. Lin Qiaomei pointed out that the multi-faceted stress caused by infection affects the patient’s mood and may lead to liver qi stagnation, poor sleep, stress and panic, abnormal menstruation, chest tightness and palpitations. Medicinal materials such as tangerine peel, rose, mint, etc. can be used for conditioning; the acupoints can be massaged at Taichong and Waiguan.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei said that the impact and time of COVID-19 on the human body are still unknown. Dr. Lin Qiaomei, a traditional medicine doctor at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, urged the public to seek medical treatment as soon as possible if they are unfortunately infected with the epidemic and find symptoms of COVID-19 after recovery. Treatment is carried out after diagnosis by a physician.

Further reading:

Who is Qingguan No. 1 suitable for? What symptoms is it effective for? What should I do if I get diarrhea if it’s too cold?

Can I receive oral medication if I am diagnosed with COVID-19? Who is applicable? 2 Must-read drug side effects and medication methods

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