Don't just look at the blood sugar machine! Doctor: Those who fail to meet the three criteria for diabetes are more likely to have myocardial infarction and undergo kidney dialysis

Don\'t just look at the blood sugar machine! Doctor: Those who fail to meet the three criteria for diabetes are more likely to have myocardial infarction and undergo kidney dialysis

Diabetes increases by 160,000 annually in Taiwan and the risk of kidney disease doubles

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. In recent years, about 160,000 new cases of diabetes have been diagnosed in Taiwan every year. Many patients mistakenly believe that “diabetes control” only requires the numbers on the blood glucose machine to reach the standard. Wang Zhiyuan, Chairman of the Diabetes Health Education Association of Taiwan, said that after being diagnosed with diabetes, you must understand the three major control goals-glycated hemoglobin (A1C) below 7%, blood pressure (Blood pressure) less than 130/80Hg and cholesterol (Cholesterol) Less than 100 mg, but only 10% (12.9%) of patients in Taiwan meet the “ABC three indicators” at the same time.

A quality control survey by the Taiwan Diabetes Health Promotion Agency shows that about 60% (55.9%) of people with diabetes have failed to control their glycated hemoglobin within the target of less than 7.0%. Chairman Huang Jianning of the Diabetes Association of Taiwan explained that many people with diabetes have high blood sugar even if their blood sugar is high. But they mistakenly believe that there is no need to deal with it if there are no symptoms. However, the damage caused by high blood sugar to blood vessels is invisible. As the damage accumulates, it can easily lead to various large and small blood vessel complications. The rate of those who are complicated by chronic kidney disease or chronic renal failure and receive dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation has doubled from 9.2% in 2000 to 17.9%

In addition, the proportion of diabetes combined with hypertension and hyperlipidemia continues to increase. One out of two new diabetics also has high blood pressure, which increases the risk of complications such as stroke. Dr. Huang Jianning reminded that stable blood sugar control is the key to reducing large and small vascular complications. Through comprehensive assessment of comorbidities, age, high and low blood sugar risks, and lifestyle, doctors will formulate the most appropriate treatment plan for patients with diabetes. In addition to regular medication It should be combined with changes in lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise to achieve stable sugar control.

Will eating blood sugar damage the liver and kidneys and cause hypoglycemia? 50% of people with diabetes listen to word of mouth

There are many myths about diabetes medication. Will taking medication damage the liver and kidneys? Can hypoglycemic drugs cause hypoglycemia? Can I stop taking the medicine first if I have no symptoms? A recent survey of people with diabetes found that more than 50% (54%) of people with diabetes obtain relevant information through word of mouth from relatives and friends, or rely on the experience sharing of other people with diabetes on the Internet (54%). Dr. Wang Zhiyuan reminded that this kind of information that lacks credibility may mislead diabetes patients to have correct ideas and adjust or interrupt their medication on their own. This may also lead to blood sugar fluctuations and increase the risk of kidney and other complications.

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan said that the “Diabetes Wisdom Helper” LINE health education robot, which has been online for one year, has collected 60,000 interactive questions. It shows that most people think that if blood sugar is well controlled, they can adjust the dosage, suspend medication, or think that taking medicine is harmful. Kidneys, worried about side effects such as hypoglycemia, and even confused about measuring blood sugar and good blood sugar values. It shows how to promote correct concepts and set personalized treatment goals for patients with diabetes. The implementation of blood sugar control still needs to be continuously strengthened.

Diabetes that fails to meet the three ABC indicators may be complicated by myocardial infarction and kidney dialysis

In order to increase the correct concept and treatment confidence of diabetic patients in the face of diabetes, the Diabetes Health Education Association launched the “Sugar Control for Good!” earlier this year. Model Diabetes Friends Calling Project" will be upgraded to the “Taiwan Model Diabetes Friends Collection Project” in the second half of the year in conjunction with the Diabetes Association of Taiwan and the Taiwan Medical Association, inviting model diabetics to share their journeys in controlling diabetes, so that more people can Polysaccharide lovers understand the importance to health of meeting the three ABC indicators together.

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan emphasized that if one of the three ABC indicators does not reach one of them, it may increase complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, retinopathy, kidney dialysis, and amputation. Zhang Bizheng, Secretary-General of the Taiwan Medical Association, emphasized that when patients with diabetes find abnormal blood sugar values ​​during blood glucose monitoring and do not reach the blood sugar control target, it is recommended to return for follow-up visits every month. Patients with diabetes who have high blood pressure must do a good job Regular blood glucose monitoring.

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan reminded that diabetes treatment methods are diverse. In addition to long-acting and compound dosage forms, there are also drugs that can help prevent hypoglycemia and reduce the burden on the liver and kidneys. People with diabetes should not trust health foods or folk remedies of unknown origin and ignore guaranteed regular treatment. When you have any doubts about diabetes medications, you should first consult your attending physician and should not reduce or stop taking the medication on your own.

Further reading:

Is looking at weight and BMI obsolete? Jogging every day will not necessarily make you lose weight? Doctors reveal “2 major myths” about weight loss

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