Don't just do your homework to spell "Dragon Baby" in the New Year! Nutritionist reveals the "4 must-eat menus" during pregnancy

Don't just do your homework to spell "Dragon Baby" in the New Year! Nutritionist reveals the "4 must-eat menus" during pregnancy

Don’t just do your homework to spell “Dragon Baby” in the New Year! Nutritionist reveals the “4 must-eat menus” during pregnancy

This year coincides with the “Year of the Dragon”, and many expectant parents want to hold a “dragon baby”. In fact, it is not just about praying to gods and praying to Buddha, but it is also important to make sufficient preparations before pregnancy! When I used to work in a reproductive medicine center, I most often had to help patients solve the problem of “infertility”. In addition, the age of marriage and childbearing are gradually rising in Taiwan. Friends who need to prepare for pregnancy can take more of the following four nutrients. Can help make the pregnancy preparation process smoother:

  1. Helps improve egg quality: Inositol
    Recommended ingredients: corn, wheat, oats, oranges, cabbage

  2. Reduce stress and strengthen bones: Calcium
    Recommended ingredients: dried fish, milk, dried tofu, sesame seeds

  3. Help antioxidant: Vitamin E
    Recommended ingredients: germs, whole grains, beans, eggs, sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables

  4. Prevent miscarriage: folic acid
    Recommended ingredients: spinach, broccoli, dark green vegetables

Other pregnancy-preparing health foods such as DHEA, Q10, inositol, vitamin D, etc. can also be taken in moderation. Most literature on pregnancy preparation recommends a dosage of 75 mg of DHEA and 200-400 mg of Q10. However, individual physiques are different. It is recommended to supplement the dosage according to your own conditions and consult a doctor or nutritionist for the most accurate results!

In terms of diet, it is recommended to adopt a Mediterranean diet. In addition, it is also important to relieve stress and relax. Exercise and sleep are the only ways to relieve psychological stress. I would like to remind all expectant mothers that if you want to know your pregnancy preparation status, remember to test AMH first and then follow the doctor’s advice for the most accurate way.

Nutritional supplements cannot be stopped after pregnancy! What to eat during pregnancy to maintain fetal health

After successful preparation for pregnancy, nutritional supplements cannot be stopped! Here are some recommended nutrients to supplement during pregnancy:

  1. Help calcium absorption: Vitamin D
    Recommended ingredients: milk, fish, mushrooms, fungus

  2. Stabilize hormone secretion: iodine
    Recommended ingredients: kelp, sesame seeds, eggs

  3. Help fetal development: folic acid
    Recommended ingredients: broccoli, pork liver, spinach

  4. Helps smooth labor: zinc
    Recommended ingredients: shelled seafood, nuts, animal liver

  5. Prevent iron deficiency anemia & help improve complexion: iron
    Recommended ingredients: red meat, oysters, black beans

If you are worried about an unbalanced daily diet, or insufficient intake due to morning sickness or changes in taste, pregnant mothers can also supplement their mother’s milk powder or take pregnancy vitamins, which will also help to supplement the nutrients needed during pregnancy. The most important thing is to communicate thoroughly with obstetricians and gynecologists and nutritionists; if you have specific diseases before, you should also inform the specialist of your condition in advance.

Further reading:

Can eating Japanese food prevent “fatty liver”? Research reveals: “These three” of 12 major diets have the best effect

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