If you don't eat it, you might become a parent early! How to take the morning and after pill? Medical Reveals "Four Key Differences"

If you don't eat it, you might become a parent early! How to take the morning and after pill? Medical Reveals "Four Key Differences"

In addition to wearing condoms for men, taking contraceptive pills is equally important. Many women who need contraception will choose to take birth control pills, but how and when should they be taken to get the maximum effect? It has always been a question that many young men and women are eager to clarify. For this reason, Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration and Dr. Guo Anni from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Zhongshan Hospital said that morning-after pills need to be taken “regularly” to get the best effect.

How to take the morning-after pill? Do not stop taking the medicine without permission, otherwise it will lead to “this result”

Dr. Guo Anni said that oral contraceptive pills can be divided into two types: “morning-in pills” and “morning-after pills”. Preventive pills are divided into two designs: “21-day” and “28-day”: the 21-day dosage form requires one week of discontinuation every three weeks. During the withdrawal process, menstruation will occur, and the pill can be restarted on the 8th day after the discontinuation. 21 days of medicine for the next cycle. For the 28-day dosage form, there is no need to stop taking the medicine. You can directly continue taking the medicine of the next cycle after eating it. The medicines in the last 4 days of each cycle are “blank bombs” that do not contain contraceptive ingredients. The process of taking these 4 medicines will be Menstruation.

Dr. Guo Anni pointed out that when you first start taking the first box of morning-after pills, the first pill needs to be taken within 3 days before menstruation, and no later than the 5th day, and then it must be taken at a fixed time every day to maintain the medicine. The concentration in the body remains stable. If you forget to take it, you can take it again within 12 hours and the contraceptive effect will still be maintained. However, if you forget it for more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect will be affected. At this time, you should take it again immediately and use a condom to ensure the contraceptive effect.

If you forget to take it for more than one day, take 1 extra pill every day until you return to the original schedule, and you must use an additional condom for contraception during this medication cycle. Remember not to stop taking the morning-after pill without permission, otherwise it may lead to irregular menstruation.

Many young men and women mistakenly believe that the morning-after pill is only taken before sexual intercourse, and thus contraceptive failure occurs. Dr. Guo Anni reminded that pre-contraceptive pills must be taken regularly every day to be effective. Although some people take the pill every day, the taking time is not fixed. They take it in the morning and at night, which causes the concentration of the drug in the body to fluctuate, which may cause slight bleeding. Condition. In addition, long-term use of contraceptive pills will not affect fertility, but may cause side effects such as reduced menstrual blood and missed menstruation. It is recommended that the pills be stopped and rested after half a year to one year of use.

Does the morning-after pill have more side effects? Take your pills regularly to achieve the best contraceptive effect

What is the difference between the morning-after pill and the morning-after pill? Dr. Guo Anni pointed out that the working principles of the two drugs are essentially different: the morning-after pill inhibits ovulation, leaving sperm with no eggs for it to combine; the morning-after pill delays the release of eggs, reducing the chance of sperm-ovum union. However, if you have ovulated during sexual intercourse, taking the morning-after pill will have no contraceptive effect. Therefore, overall, the contraceptive effect of the morning-after pill is only about 70-80% successful, while the morning-after pill can achieve a 99% success rate.

Dr. Guo Anni reminded that the morning-after pill is a high-dose single-use medicine that can only be used as an emergency contraceptive measure. It is not a regular daily contraceptive method. It must be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, and the earlier it is taken, the better the effect. If you take the morning-after pill and your period does not come when it is supposed to come, you will need to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether you are pregnant.

Notice! Not everyone can use birth control pills!

Dr. Guo Anni pointed out that taking birth control pills may cause side effects such as edema, headache, gastrointestinal discomfort, breast swelling, and depression, and the side effects will vary depending on each person’s physical constitution. It is worth noting that oral contraceptives are not suitable for certain groups, such as those with liver and kidney function problems, severe digestive diseases, a history of thrombosis, a family history of coagulation factors, heavy smokers (especially those over 35 years old), and those with uterine It should not be used by those with endometrial hyperplasia, uterine tumors, breast tumors, and unknown vaginal bleeding.

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds that morning-after pills and morning-after pills are prescription drugs and must be evaluated by a doctor and issued a prescription before they can be obtained and used. When taking them, they must be used in the correct way to achieve the maximum contraceptive effect. If you experience side effects such as physical discomfort after use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Dr. Anni Guo also suggests that in addition to using oral contraceptives for contraception, condoms can also be worn correctly during sexual intercourse to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.


The most important thing is to take the morning-after pill regularly!

The morning-after pill is for emergency use only!

Further reading:

Taking birth control pills after sex may not prevent pregnancy? The pharmacist personally revealed: It will be too late to eat after “this time”!

Uterine fibroids causing “hemorrhagic collapse” have become a daily occurrence! She was in so much pain that she had to take morphine and be hospitalized regularly: See the doctor immediately if there are 3 signs of menstruation

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