Don't do these "3 behaviors" when you are ambiguous with the opposite sex! Study: More annoying than ugly and stingy

Don't do these "3 behaviors" when you are ambiguous with the opposite sex! Study: More annoying than ugly and stingy

Flirting is an important step in attracting a romantic partner, but bad flirting can lead to long-term singleness, poor relationships, and difficulty finding the right partner for you. Research published in “Personality and Individual Differences” shows that regardless of gender, there are roughly 12 behaviors that can make people feel disgusted and reduce the intimacy of the flirting process; 3 of them will significantly increase the failure rate of flirting.

If you don’t know how to flirt, you may fail to get single! “3 behaviors” are more annoying than being ugly and stingy

The University of Nicosia in Cyprus recruited 212 men and women. In order to understand what behaviors may lead to failed flirting, the research team asked the subjects to list their past flirting experiences through a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire listed a total of 69 factors that lead to failed flirting, such as narcissism, lack of humor, disheveled clothes, etc.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the experimental results, the research team provided 69 results to 734 different subjects to evaluate which results were the most disgusting. Experimental results show that 12 behaviors are the most detrimental to flirting or warming up a relationship. They are: poor hygiene, absent-mindedness, excessive concern for the other party, bad words, ugly appearance, lack of intelligence, excessive narcissism, and lack of humor. , inappropriate physical contact, excessive low self-esteem, stinginess, and inconsistent values.

The study pointed out that the top three behaviors that disgusted subjects the most were poor hygiene, absentmindedness, and excessive concern for each other. Menelaos Apostolou, the author of the study, said that the behavior of overly caring about the other party includes sending too many caring text messages, sending gifts, etc., which not only makes it difficult for the relationship between the two to become closer, but may also have the opposite effect.

“Improper care is probably more disgusting than factors such as appearance and clothing. In addition, hygiene habits are very important for establishing a first impression. Hygiene habits are often linked to a person’s self-discipline. Therefore, partners with poor hygiene habits often It may give people an image of lack of self-discipline and laziness.”

Women care more about flirting mines than men! The older you get, the more stringent the conditions for choosing a mate are.

Interestingly, there were still gender differences in the findings. Apostolou said that women expressed stronger disgust for almost 12 behaviors, especially the first three factors. This means that women may place much more emphasis on the relationship process than men. Male subjects, on the other hand, care about external factors such as appearance and body shape.

In addition, there were age differences in the study results. Older subjects rated 12 behaviors as more offensive than younger subjects. This may reflect that people gradually raise their dating standards as they age. This group is more inclined to find a partner that matches their romantic preferences and is more interested in the long-term management of romantic relationships.

Apostolou said that this research may provide direction for ethnic groups who want to improve their flirting methods and interpersonal relationships. “It follows that people can become more effective flirting initiators if they show confidence in their actions, avoid sexist, shaming comments, and refrain from ‘pressing’ behavior during flirting. The general improvement measures are to pay attention to personal hygiene and improve vocabulary, which can significantly improve flirting or interpersonal relationships.”


What constitutes bad flirting: An explorative study of dealbreakers

Further reading:

If a man isn’t bad, a woman won’t love him? Study reveals that “three negative traits” are related to more sexual partners

Are there signs that your partner is cheating? What are the characteristics of an affair person? Research reveals: Pay attention to “4 situations” when they arise

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