Does taking fish oil make you feel better? Harvard slaps you in the face: Unable to prevent depression, women's risk of depression actually increases

Does taking fish oil make you feel better? Harvard slaps you in the face: Unable to prevent depression, women\'s risk of depression actually increases

“Fish oil” rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can help improve mental illness and maintain a good mood?

Taiwanese people’s health awareness has increased, and taking health food has become a trend. Among them, “fish oil” is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy oils and have been proven to reduce plaque accumulation in blood vessels. The ingredients “DHA” and “EPA” contained in it are considered the “source of happiness”, helping to maintain emotional stability and alleviate psychological symptoms such as depression.

However, research from Harvard Medical School in the United States claims that fish oil and other foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may not have as good an anti-depressant effect as people imagine. Research shows that taking Omega-3 does not significantly improve depression; on the contrary, middle-aged women taking fish oil supplements every day may lead to a higher risk of depression.

Daily fish oil intake reduces risk of depression? Harvard study confirms: there is no connection between the two

The survey followed 18,353 depressed subjects, with an average age of about 50 years old. Nearly half of the team’s subjects took 1,000 milligrams of fish oil supplements daily, while the other half took a placebo. After 5-7 years of random visits, the team collected blood samples from two groups of humans and horses and found that the concentrations of DHA and EPA in their bodies were roughly the same.

The research team further analyzed the incidence and recurrence rates of depression in the two groups: the incidence rate and recurrence rate of the Omega-3 group were 90.7% and 9.3%; the placebo group was 90.8% and 9.2% respectively. The difference between the two was very large. micro.

In addition, the cases of vitamin D reagent testing and interaction with Omega-3 showed that there were 651 patients with depression in the Omega-3 group and 583 patients in the placebo group. The number of cases in the placebo group was lower than that of the group taking fish oil every day. Don’t. The results claimed that taking daily supplements containing Omega-3 ingredients, such as fish oil, was not significantly associated with reducing depression and other mental illnesses.

At the same time, the results also showed that women in the Omega-3 group had an increased risk of developing depressive symptoms. Olivia Okereke, study author and associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, said that this phenomenon may be related to women’s menopausal symptoms, and whether Omega-3 affects women’s emotional response after menopause remains to be further clarified.

Are health supplements of limited effectiveness in combating depression? Expert: It is more effective to maintain a good routine and prevent chronic diseases

JoAnn Manson, also the author of the study and currently the director of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the United States, added that behaviors such as getting enough sleep, regular exercise, eating a plant-based diet and maintaining social activities can help prevent depression. The effect of supplementing health products alone is limited. . Dr. Manson said that fish oil is difficult to improve depression symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people, and omega-3 supplementation should not be used as a single use.

“The causes of mental illness are relatively complex. Instead of taking fish oil every day, it is better to seek help from psychological counseling!” Dr. JoAnn Manson said that a healthy lifestyle is relatively important in preventing chronic diseases, including stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Studies have confirmed that symptoms of chronic diseases in later life are related to depression and anxiety. The incidence of depression in patients with diabetes is often 2-3 times that of ordinary people.

“Put an end to any form of chronic disease or inflammatory symptoms, and practice confiding in relatives and friends when you encounter difficulties. This will undoubtedly have greater benefits for middle-aged and elderly people to reduce their inner stress.” Dr. JoAnn Manson said.


The association between Diabetes mellitus and Depression

Harvard study: Fish oil doesn’t prevent depression

Effect of Long-term Supplementation With Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids vs Placebo on Risk of Depression or Clinically Relevant Depressive Symptoms and on Change in Mood Scores

Further reading:

Does vitamin D supplementation help? Study: No difference in mortality, 15% increased risk of cancer death

Insufficient nutrition when taking nutritional supplements and vitamin supplements? Nephrologist reveals the truth: Taking fish oil cannot replace eating seafood

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