Does sexual frequency affect lifespan? 52 times a year, the mortality rate is reduced by 50%! Doctors reveal the "key benefits" of love

Does sexual frequency affect lifespan? 52 times a year, the mortality rate is reduced by 50%! Doctors reveal the "key benefits" of love

The more times you do it, the healthier you will be? Study: Sexual frequency linked to mortality

Sexual life is not only the satisfaction of physiological needs, but also a reflection of health status? The Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study in 2020 that analyzed the sexual frequency of 15,269 adults from the American Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. Studies have shown that groups with the highest sexual frequency have significantly lower overall mortality rates than those with the lowest frequency.

The study divided the sexual frequency of adults into three groups: low frequency: 0-1 times per year; medium frequency: 2-51 times per year (less than 1 time per week); high frequency: more than 52 times per year ( More than once a week), and analyze cardiovascular mortality, cancer mortality and all-cause mortality among different frequency groups.

Research points out that only about 36.1% of adults have sex more than 52 times a year. However, compared with the group with low frequency of sexual life, the mortality rate of the group with high frequency of sexual life was reduced by 1/3, and the mortality rate of the high-frequency group was reduced by 1/2 (hazard ratio 0.51). Researchers believe that sexual frequency may be one of the indicators of all-cause mortality and cancer mortality in adults.

Sex life reflects physical health, doctor: It is both exercise and happiness

“One-Minute Fitness Classroom” Dr. Scott posted on the social media that correlation is not equal to causation, and it cannot be directly inferred from this study that “sex life reduces mortality.” The possible explanation is that healthy people have better desires, abilities, and intentions, so they have more frequent sex. “Sexual life only reflects physical health, not the cause of health.”

In addition, frequent sex reflects a good relationship between partners, and a happy marriage (partnership) life is the reason for good health. Dr. Scott pointed out that a subgroup analysis of the study found that sexual frequency was associated with mortality only among those who were married or cohabiting, but not among those who were single or separated. Perhaps it is pointed out that a happy marital relationship is the secret of health for those who have frequent sex lives, rather than “sex life” itself.

Dr. Scott also believes that “sex life itself will promote health” and may also be related to increased exercise. Related studies show that men who have sex consume an average of 100 calories and women 70 calories. The activity intensity of men in sexual life is about 6.0MET and that of women is 5.6MET, which is a moderate-intensity exercise.

In addition, sexual intercourse also promotes the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain, which relieves stress, relieves pain, and promotes happiness. Dr. Scott pointed out that sex life is not only a kind of exercise, but also makes people feel happy. It is not surprising that it can promote health.

Is sex a heavy burden on the heart? Consumes about 100 calories on average

As for whether sex life will increase the burden on the heart, it is also an issue that scientists are concerned about. A comprehensive analysis of relevant literature by the Health Research Center of the University of Almería in Spain pointed out that sex will consume about 100 calories, and the average heart rate falls between 90-130bpm.

Interestingly, the average heart rate during sexual intercourse was higher among those with cardiovascular disease. However, after a 16-week exercise program, the average heart rate during intercourse among those at high cardiovascular risk dropped significantly (from 127 bpm to 120 bpm). ), showing that proper exercise has a protective effect on the sexual life of cardiovascular groups.

In addition, the “European Journal of Preventive Cardiology” also published a study in 2020 stating that people who maintain or increase the frequency of sexual life 6 months after a heart attack reduce their risk of death by 35%. Study author Yariv Gerber believes that sex life is a manifestation of personal health, physical function and life energy. It is usually related to a healthier lifestyle, and its benefits may not entirely come from sex itself.

Yariv Gerber pointed out that the lower risk of death among people who have frequent sex may be a reflection of improved physical fitness and good intimacy between partners. He also emphasized that the study was only an observational study and could not directly equate sexual frequency with mortality after heart disease. Maintaining a sexual life requires many physiological and psychological conditions, and more research is needed to clarify related issues.


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What Are the Physical Demands of Sexual Intercourse? A Systematic Review of the Literature

Trends in Sexual Activity and Associations With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among US Adults

Further reading:

Don’t want it every day? Does taking medicine affect sexual function? Antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, and stomach medicines are on the list

Could home isolation cause “sexual dysfunction”? Can I have sex after being diagnosed and recovered? Experts urge “6 things” to be done

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