Does anyone have a myocardial infarction at the age of 30? Is it possible that overtraining can cause an attack? Doctor: There are 2 major risk factors, check quickly

Does anyone have a myocardial infarction at the age of 30? Is it possible that overtraining can cause an attack? Doctor: There are 2 major risk factors, check quickly

Why is myocardial infarction likely to occur in winter? Will “excessive sweating” in summer induce thrombotic reactions?

November and December each year are the transition period between autumn and winter, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is huge. If the elders in the family have a history of related cardiovascular diseases, they need to pay special attention to the risk of myocardial infarction.

Dr. Chen Jieyu, the attending physician of the Department of Cardiology at Cathay Hospital, said that when the weather is cold in winter, unstable plaques in the blood vessel walls rupture, which can easily cause acute thrombosis and myocardial infarction; especially when the cold wave hits and the weather warms up, the blood vessels contract violently. , dilation, the heart’s oxygen consumption increases, blood flow cannot return to the heart smoothly, and the chance of myocardial infarction increases.

In addition, Dr. Chen Jieyu emphasized that myocardial infarction does not only occur in winter, but is also uncommon in summer. Myocardial infarction occurs in summer, mainly because excessive sweating leads to dehydration and the blood becomes sticky, causing the patient to have a thrombotic reaction, which in turn induces the symptoms of myocardial infarction.

What are the symptoms of myocardial infarction? Who is at high risk for myocardial infarction?

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that if there is persistent chest tightness, chest pain, cold sweats, palpitations, dizziness, and excessive breathing, it may be a precursor to myocardial infarction. In addition, if there is a first-degree relative in the family, the male and female have a history of cardiovascular disease before the age of 55 and 65 respectively, and they have the above symptoms, they need to go to the hospital immediately for further examination.

In addition to congenital inheritance, acquired eating habits and daily routine are also closely related to the symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Chen Jieyu said that modern people’s diet is gradually becoming more refined, and they often consume high-fat and high-sweet diets. Coupled with bad habits such as staying up late and not exercising, they are prone to cardiovascular obstruction without even realizing it.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that the above-mentioned groups are particularly strenuous during exercise and prone to chest tightness; they even have difficulty speaking and are out of breath when speaking, which means they may have cardiovascular obstruction problems. In addition, young people are more likely to ignore their own risks of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Chen Jieyu reminds that young people around the age of 30 sometimes develop symptoms of myocardial infarction. If you have a related family history or high cholesterol, you must seek medical advice in time. Diagnosis by a specialist.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular problems. Dr. Chen Jieyu said that high blood pressure is called the “silent killer”. It usually does not have special symptoms, and even if it does, it is quite mild. The main sign of high blood pressure is a “heavy” head feeling, combined with symptoms such as headache, dizziness, stiff shoulders and neck, and occasional chest tightness. The above situations are warning signs of the occurrence of high blood pressure. If blood pressure is not measured regularly and there is no alertness to rising blood pressure, the cardiovascular load on the body cannot bear it, and related complications may occur.

Dr. Chen Jieyu calls on all men and women to develop the habit of measuring their blood pressure at least once a week, regardless of whether they are men or women. People with higher BMI and obesity should be more vigilant. For people over 40 years old, the best situation is to measure once a day to detect blood pressure problems early.

How to treat myocardial infarction when it occurs? Do anticoagulant drugs need to be taken for life?

Failure to seek medical treatment in time for myocardial infarction will greatly increase the risk of sudden death. Especially when a patient develops a sudden arrhythmia, it can only be corrected through first aid or electric shock to restore the dangerous heart rate to normal. If the diagnosis is acute coronary heart disease, cardiac catheterization must be performed immediately to have a chance of saving life. Dr. Chen Jieyu believes that the best way to save yourself is to seek medical treatment immediately. No matter the folk remedies such as pressing on the philtrum or bleeding, will not help, do not listen to rumors and delay medical treatment.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that for patients who have been diagnosed with myocardial infarction, “nitroglycerin sublingual tablets” will be prescribed. Once symptoms occur, hold the sublingual tablets under the tongue and you can see whether the symptoms have improved. If you take more than 2 tablets but still have no effect, you need to go to the emergency room for medical treatment immediately.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that if there is a history of myocardial infarction and the risk of cholesterol plaques in the heart blood vessels, the patient will be required to take aspirin or anti-thrombotic drugs “for life.” In addition, if atrial fibrillation, stroke and arrhythmia are combined, additional anticoagulants will be prescribed to the patient. Dr. Chen Jieyu explained that “anticoagulants” and “antiplatelet drugs” are two different kinds of drugs: anticoagulants mainly prevent hypercoagulated blood caused by arrhythmia and avoid subsequent thrombosis; and antiplatelet drugs Mainly inhibits the coagulation of platelets and blood clots.

If cholesterol plaque causes blood vessel embolism or atherosclerosis, cholesterol control must be strengthened and blood sugar must be controlled within a reasonable range. Dr. Chen Jieyu said that medical experience abroad or in Taiwan shows that the glycated hemoglobin of diabetic patients must be kept at least below 7.0. Young patients are more stringent and the value must be controlled below 6.5. Only elderly patients who are too old will relax it to above 7.5 due to the risk of hypoglycemia.

Can patients with myocardial infarction exercise normally? Could high-intensity exercise cause heart problems?

Dr. Chen Jieyu believes that if myocardial infarction is properly treated, patients can actually exercise as usual without being affected. What is important is that you should keep taking your medication regularly and go to the hospital for regular check-ups. Once you lose control, there is no guarantee that blood vessels will become embolized again in 3-5 years. If you exercise without proper control, myocardial infarction may suddenly recur. As for young people who have no family history or bad habits, exercise intensity is not a problem. However, if blood pressure and blood sugar are found to be too high during routine health examinations, exercise intensity must be adjusted according to tolerance and physician recommendations.

Dr. Chen Jieyu reminds patients with cardiovascular disease to avoid overtraining the “upper body” when doing weight training, so as not to rapidly increase the resistance of the heart. It is also necessary to appropriately strengthen the muscle training of the lower limbs, or to implement more gentle exercises instead, which can not only adjust the lifestyle and lose weight, but also improve blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that many young people are prone to arrhythmia, mitral valve prolapse (especially in women) and other conditions when exercising, which are mainly related to heart rate and are not necessarily caused by cardiovascular diseases. The faster the heartbeat, the greater the chance of arrhythmia. Excessive dehydration during exercise may cause mitral valve prolapse, and chest tightness and chest pain may also be aggravated. Therefore, if you find that you have chest tightness, discomfort, or severe wheezing when climbing stairs, walking or exercising, it is safer to first evaluate your cardiovascular condition or seek medical examination, and then choose an appropriate exercise mode according to your physical condition. .

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