Does a man not shed tears easily? I'm afraid that breaking your "heart" and breaking your heart will shorten your life!

Does a man not shed tears easily? I'm afraid that breaking your "heart" and breaking your heart will shorten your life!

It’s been a few years since Taiwan, and you’re still saying, “A man won’t shed tears easily”? Wrong, boys who can cry are trendy! Experts point out that men in both the East and the West have long been taught that “crying is a sign of weakness.” If they hold back crying for a long time, they may become “heartbroken.” Men are more likely to suffer cardiovascular injuries and commit suicide, which may be related to their inability to shed tears.

Men, cry, cry, it’s not a crime, you have to suffer, don’t say anything, be careful, your life hangs by a thread

We all have similar experiences or feelings such as “it will be fine after crying” and “it will be fine after crying”, and this feeling is not groundless! Leo, a resident social worker in the Department of Neurology in the United States. Leo Newhouse showed in an article published by Harvard Health Publishing that crying is one of the many ways to vent emotions, which is very beneficial to the human body. Crying has long been regarded as a way to release stress and eliminate pain. switch. Newhouse also mentioned that if men are taught to suppress their emotions from an early age and do not express them through appropriate means, they are likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and other mental conditions (such as stress, anxiety or depression) as adults. etc.), and this will make men start to engage in deviant behaviors such as alcoholism, drug abuse, etc., and may even lead to suicide in the end! Therefore, the issue of face is really not as serious as your life. Next time you encounter stress or a low point, crying whenever you want is the best choice for your body.

oh! Tears are not only the taste of growing up, but also make you feel happy

“Tears” play a crucial role in crying. Scientists divide tears into three forms: reflex tears, continuous tears and emotional tears. The important functions of the first two categories are to remove dust and other debris from the eyes and lubricate our eyes to help protect them from infection. Emotional tears help the body expel stress hormones and toxins, and secrete “oxytocin” and “endogenous tears”. “Endorphins” (also known as endorphins) are substances that help relieve physical and emotional pain.

So, when you see Iron Man sacrificing himself to save the world (this shouldn’t be considered a thunderstorm, right!), witness displaced children becoming homeless, or even your boyfriend takes you under the Eiffel Tower in Paris just to give Your unforgettable marriage proposal experience… This is the most appropriate time to vent your surging emotions.

A song by the ageless male idol Andy Lau goes like this: “It’s not a sin for a man to cry. No matter how strong he is, he has the right to be tired.” Even after 20 years, it is still not outdated at all. Modern society has created a low pressure due to overwhelming pressures such as low wages, childcare, and buying a house. If these factors often make you breathless, just shed your manly tears in a handsome manner! Emotions are released in a window, and we are better able to face every challenge with a new attitude.

Source: Is crying good for you?

Image source: Shutterstock

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