Does laser hair removal make armpits "sweat" or even smell? Doctor: "Two major factors" cause increased body odor

Does laser hair removal make armpits "sweat" or even smell? Doctor: "Two major factors" cause increased body odor

The climate in Taiwan is humid and hot. If you are not careful, your armpits will become wet, and the smell of sweat will come out, which is embarrassing. In order to improve such problems, many people seek professional medical assistance and maintain hygiene and freshness through laser hair removal. However, recently, there have been concerns on the Internet that some patients sweat more and even develop odor after laser hair removal, which has caused many netizens to discuss it. Is it possible for hair removal laser to have such an impact, and what are the reasons behind it? Dr. Wu Wanhua from Pure Aesthetics Clinic provides professional analysis on clinical cases and academic theories.

Does the amount of sweat increase after hair removal? Doctor: Mostly psychological effects

Dr. Wu Wanhua pointed out that if a patient feels an increase in sweating after removing armpit hair, it is probably because the hair in the area that originally blocked sweat has disappeared, so the sweat directly contacts the skin or clothing, causing the feeling of dampness and coolness instead. It makes people mistakenly think that the amount of sweat has increased, but the actual amount of sweat has no effect.

In addition, some people may be more sensitive and nervous when they first undergo hair removal treatments. When the sympathetic nerves are stimulated, sweat gland secretion may also be increased. However, Dr. Wu emphasized that these conditions will eventually improve with time or the frequency of hair removal. In the long run, laser hair removal can reduce the accumulation of sweat and bacteria in the hair, which is of great help in keeping the armpits refreshed.

Although the cases are actually not common, some netizens in Taiwan and abroad still discuss that they did not have any trouble with body odor, but they started to feel odor in their armpits after laser hair removal. What is going on? Regarding this point, Dr. Wu Wanhua said that the current academic circles can roughly divide it into two explanations: “bacterial balance” and “sebum secretion”.

There are symbiotic bacteria inside and outside the human body. Whether they are good bacteria or bad bacteria, there is a delicate balance between these microorganisms. Dr. Wu said that studies have found that the sudden loss of armpit hair can cause imbalances in the original flora and cause changes, further leading to an increase in body odor. But fortunately, this situation is usually rare, and after the microbial balance is re-established in the armpits, the odor will also improve, so the general public does not need to worry too much.

In addition, Dr. Wu also pointed out that some experts believe that the heat energy generated by hair removal lasers will take away moisture and stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete oil to protect the surface of the skin. When these secreted oils are oxidized or cause bacteria to breed, they may also produce odor. Therefore, moisturizing after hair removal and adding an appropriate amount of water are also very important post-operative care.

Laser cannot cure hyperhidrosis or severe body odor, but you still need to seek professional treatment.

As for people who are curious about whether laser hair removal can solve “hyperhidrosis” or “body odor”, Dr. Wu Wanhua believes that although clinical studies have found that laser heat energy can reach superficial sweat glands or apocrine glands, but in depth and energy In the case of relatively limited types, it is difficult to achieve the effect of eradicating hyperhidrosis or body odor. However, thanks to the advancement of medical technology, there are now many treatments that can help: For example, people with developed sweat glands can use botulinum toxin injections or receive fresh microwaves to improve it; and if the problem of body odor is serious, you can use Surgically remove the apocrine glands to achieve targeted treatment.

However, Dr. Wu emphasized that if the degree of sweating is still mild and the odor is mostly caused by sweat bacteria in the hair, then laser hair removal is still a basic treatment worth considering. As long as you choose a regular medical facility, have it operated by a professional doctor, and take correct post-operative care, it can be easy to feel refreshed and comfortable.

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