Does the epidemic increase the risk of sarcopenia? Doctor: Not exercising and eating too little protein may increase "elderly mortality"

Does the epidemic increase the risk of sarcopenia? Doctor: Not exercising and eating too little protein may increase "elderly mortality"

Chronic diseases and dementia lead to uneven nutrition. Elderly people infected with COVID-19 may increase the risk of “sarcopenia”

As the epidemic spreads around the world, in addition to causing lung damage, the new coronavirus may also affect muscles and bones, thereby increasing the risk of sarcopenia. Studies have confirmed that the new coronavirus will affect nerves, musculoskeletal, and may cause sarcopenia. rises, and this effect has no age difference.

Dr. Cheng Xinhan from the Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics of Chi Mei Medical Center said that the risk of sarcopenia is higher than imagined. In addition to dental and oral problems, chronic diseases, dementia or stroke may also cause poor appetite or swallowing nerve conditions due to the disease. Uneven nutrition may lead to a sarcopenia crisis in the long term. In the period of coexisting with the new coronavirus, it is even more important to have balanced nutrition and regular exercise to slow down muscle loss and reduce the risk of sarcopenia.

Dr. Cheng Xinhan further pointed out that taking a 70-kg elderly person as an example, in principle, he should consume about 2,100 calories and 56g of protein every day. Insufficient intake will accelerate muscle loss, leading to an increased risk of death such as falls and fractures. Statistics point out that the second leading cause of death from accidental injuries over the age of 65 is falls. Once an elder becomes bedridden after a fall, muscle atrophy and loss will be faster, and the risk of death is approaching.

Muscle loss is twice as fast after the age of 50! Appropriate nutritional supplements can help maintain muscle mass

After the epidemic, Taiwanese people pay more attention to a balanced diet and nutritional supplements to maintain protection. However, survey statistics have pointed out that 15% of the elderly have stopped using nutritional supplements due to poor taste or single use, which is one of the challenges that caregivers need to face. According to research and surveys, muscle loss after the age of 50 is twice as fast as that in the prime of life at the age of 30. If you do not supplement nutrients as early as possible, you may be susceptible to sarcopenia or other complications in old age.

Elderly people have bad teeth, loss of appetite, and are more picky about the taste of food. Elderly people will refuse to continue using nutritional supplements because they taste bad and find them greasy, leading to an increased risk of muscle mass loss. Dietitian Chen Yichen shared that there was a 75-year-old patient named Chen who suffered from poor chewing function due to periodontal disease, resulting in long-term inability to chew meat and insufficient protein intake. However, through nutritional supplements and the intake of high-quality protein and “MCT” that can convert energy in a timely manner, the patient surnamed Chen has stabilized his physical strength and restored a lot of health.

Nutritionist Chen Yichen reminds that when preparing nutritional supplements for the elderly, we should consider “palatability” and “diversified tastes” to avoid the elderly refusing to continue using them. In addition, not only the elderly must pay attention to daily care, but the general public must also develop the habit of eating a balanced diet, maintaining exercise, and choosing to supplement nutrients such as high-quality protein and MCT high-quality oils.

How to reduce the risk of sarcopenia? 3 major steps to keep in mind

How to reduce the risk of sarcopenia while living with the virus? Dr. Cheng Xinhan pointed out that if you want to get rid of sarcopenia, you must keep in mind three major steps:

  1. Self-assess your physical condition through the Sarcopenia Scale to identify disease risks early.

  2. Ingest enough high-quality protein and fat in your daily life.

  3. Make a weekly exercise habit.

In addition, research has also confirmed that elderly people who supplemented about 6 grams of MCT every day could significantly improve their muscle strength test by 48%, and their grip strength and mobility also increased by about 13%. Faced with the diversified choices on the market, nutritionist Chen Yichen suggested that you can choose products with diverse flavors, balanced nutrition, rich in high-quality protein and MCT high-quality oils, and a focus on natural products, which are in line with the eating habits of the elderly. If the elders are willing to continue to use it, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Further reading:

Sedentary obesity and eating too much are causing the sudden increase in young people with diabetes? Doctor: If you neglect control, you may regret it later.

Don’t just train muscles and ignore “cardiorespiratory endurance”! It may increase the risk of dementia and depression. Use AI to self-test your heart and lung health in 2 minutes.

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