Why does "Egg's Sorrow" cause stomach pain? Remember to see a doctor quickly if you have these symptoms, otherwise you will not even be able to protect your "little brother"? !

Why does "Egg's Sorrow" cause stomach pain? Remember to see a doctor quickly if you have these symptoms, otherwise you will not even be able to protect your "little brother"? !

The testicles, commonly known as “balls,” are external organs suspended in the male scrotum. This positioning allows them to stay cooler than other parts of the body, maintaining the proper temperature to help produce sperm. However, many people experience “ball sadness”. When a male’s testicle is injured, it may cause pain, bruises and swelling. In more serious cases, testicular trauma may lead to rupture or even hematoma. Why do men experience such severe pain when their testicles are injured? Netizens even described the pain as “pregnancy pain for women”. Why does “ball pain” sometimes cause abdominal pain?

The intricate nerve endings of the testicles cause excruciating pain when impacted

First, let’s explain the process by which the body feels pain. When the nervous system detects tissue damage and transmits the damage message to the brain, people feel pain. There are a large number of nerve endings in the testicle. The high-density nerve configuration makes the testicle very susceptible to pain. It can also be said that the testicle is a “highly pain-sensitive” organ. In fact, the testicles have a protective mechanism, including their own mobility and elasticity, and the fibrous tissue called “tunica albuginea” can also provide a certain degree of buffering and protection. But these tissues basically only protect the testicles from serious damage, not completely prevent pain.

When the testicles are impacted by an external force, some people may also experience pain in their abdomen. This feeling is called “referred pain.” Since the testicles originally develop in the abdominal cavity, the nervous system of the testicles is connected to the groin. As a result, the brain sometimes cannot distinguish whether the pain comes from the testicles or abdominal organs, which in turn causes abdominal pain. This also explains why some people may feel vomiting and nauseated after testicular injury.

And if you are really unfortunate enough to be “hit in the egg” by an external force, how should you relieve the pain? In fact, most of the time, the pain in the testicles will subside within a short period of time. If the pain is really unbearable, you can lie down in an open place first, avoid any strenuous activities, apply ice to the injured area, and go to the hospital for treatment as appropriate. Get checked out and see your doctor or prescribe pain medication.

Severe trauma to the testicles leads to inflammation, which may necessitate removal if surrounding organs are endangered.

If testicular pain lasts for a long time and you don’t seek medical treatment in time, you may run the risk of testicular rupture, testicular torsion or adnitis! Testicular rupture will cause the tear of the tunica albuginea and cause damage to the testicle itself; testicular torsion may interrupt the blood flow to the testicle, leading to testicular ischemia; adnexal inflammation may even affect the function of the testicle, allowing male fertilization Decrease in ability. Testicular pain may be accompanied by discoloration or swelling of the testicles, bleeding or abnormal discharge from the penis; occasionally nausea and vomiting may occur. You should seek medical help as soon as possible, otherwise the inflammation of the testicles will be too severe and endanger the “little brother” or other It is possible to perform testicle removal if the health of the site is compromised. Male friends must not be careless.

In addition, the health of the testicles is closely related to “testosterone” which determines male virility. Testosterone is mainly secreted by the testicles. If testosterone is low, it may cause urination disorders, such as frequent urination at night, unclean urine, etc. In severe cases, it may even lead to prostate inflammation. It is recommended that men remember to seek help from a urologist when they have symptoms. They can also eliminate the stress of life through exercise, adjust their work and rest, and exercise appropriately, which are all positive for the health of their “balls”.

Whether due to the pain of external impact or poor daily living habits, the strength is weak. Remember to take care of your “balls”. If you have any urinary system or testicular symptoms, seek medical examination as soon as possible to avoid causing more serious problems!


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Anatomy and physiology of chronic scrotal pain

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