Does drinking coffee before exercise burn more fat? How to supplement nutrition before and after exercise? Is it better to combine it with aerobics?

Does drinking coffee before exercise burn more fat? How to supplement nutrition before and after exercise? Is it better to combine it with aerobics?

Are you still trying to lose weight? Many people will try various ways to lose weight. In most cases, diet modification and exercise are still the most effective ways to lose weight healthily. However, due to a series of physiological reactions when the body burns energy, eating a sufficient and appropriate diet will be more conducive to weight loss. Maybe you would like to ask, what kind of diet should be supplemented before and after exercise, so that it may be easier to lose weight? Spanish research suggests that drinking coffee half an hour before exercise may help the body burn fat and achieve better fitness results.

Drinking coffee followed by exercise is more efficient in burning fat and combined with aerobic exercise is more effective

The study was initiated by the Universidad de Granada in Spain. The research team recruited 15 men to participate in the study. The average age of the subjects was around 32 years old. The subjects of the research team completed a total of 4 exercise tests at 7-day intervals. The subjects consumed either 3 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of caffeine (about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of strong Americano) or a placebo at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., each in random order. Tested under all conditions. Before each exercise test, the time since the last meal, exercise, caffeine or placebo consumption of subjects was strictly standardized, and the fat consumption during exercise was calculated accordingly.

After a series of precise tests, a research team from the University of Granada found that if subjects ingested caffeine 30 minutes before aerobic exercise testing, it would increase maximum fat metabolism during exercise. Not only that, Francisco. Jose. Francisco Jose Amaro said that fat consumption during exercise will vary according to day and night changes. Under the same fasting state, fat consumption in the afternoon is higher than that in the morning.

The study also concluded that caffeine will increase fat metabolism during morning exercise, and its effect is the same as not consuming caffeine in the afternoon. In short, the combination of caffeine in the morning and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the afternoon provides exercisers with the best solution to increase fat burning.

Drinking coffee without breakfast may harm your body. Diet is very important for effective exercise.

Based on the above, drinking coffee before exercise has a bonus effect on physical exercise, but if you only drink coffee without breakfast, can you still increase fat metabolism? According to information provided by the University of Bath in the UK, drinking coffee without breakfast in the morning will damage the body’s blood sugar control mechanism, which may lead to insulin resistance and increase adverse reactions to glucose metabolism by 50%; and If you didn’t sleep well the night before, the situation will be even worse. Harry, a researcher at the University of Bath. Harry Smith suggested that drinking coffee after breakfast in the morning may be better than drinking coffee as soon as you get up.

Not only drinking coffee before exercise can help burn fat, but consuming easily digestible carbohydrate foods before exercise is also very helpful for exercise, such as oat milk is a good choice. As for nutritional supplements after exercise, nutritionist Zhang Peirong suggests that the ratio of carbohydrates to protein can be maintained between 3:1 and 4:1. If there is a need to reduce fat, the ratio can be adjusted to 2:1. Zhang Peirong also reminded in her post that the synthesis of muscles requires sugar to stimulate insulin. If there are limited choices of sugary foods on hand, you can use a food processor to make fruit milk instead.

If you have recently found that the effects of exercising at home are not as good as expected, you may need to make changes in your exercise time or diet! Instead of doing a few more sets of squats or doing hundreds of push-ups and exhausting yourself to death, it is better to follow the nutritionist’s advice and take in the right nutrients before and after exercise to help the body build muscles, and alternate aerobic and heavy training exercises. Replacement may be more efficient than the original way of exercise.


Caffeine increases maximal fat oxidation during a graded exercise test: is there a diurnal variation?

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