Does COVID-19 also have "blood inheritance limits"?! Research: People with type A blood are more likely to be diagnosed?

Does COVID-19 also have "blood inheritance limits"?! Research: People with type A blood are more likely to be diagnosed?

Have you ever read the popular comic “ABO”? The four blood-type teenagers written by the author have distinct personalities: type A is cautious, type B is casual, and type O is enthusiastic. Type AB is so withdrawn that it looks like it comes from an alien planet, which just expresses the different personalities corresponding to different blood types in real life. And because blood types are medically endorsed, more people would rather believe in blood type divination than in horoscopes. Nowadays, countries around the world are raging due to the Indian variant of the virus, and the epidemic is facing severe situations in certain countries. Although the virus does not select people with specific zodiac signs to invade, according to Chinese research, blood type may actually determine whether you will be infected with COVID-19?

Is type A blood vulnerable to viruses? “This blood type” has a relatively low risk of infection?

A research team from China published a study in the British Medical Journal and found that different blood types will affect the chance of contracting COVID-19! The research team collected ABO blood type samples from 1,775 COVID-19 infected patients and 206 deceased patients from Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and collected 3,694 healthy people in Wuhan as controls. In addition, Shenzhen City also conducted research based on this model. The ratio of infected/healthy people in Shenzhen City was 285/23386 subjects.

According to data from the research team, the proportions of blood types A, B, AB, and O among 3,694 healthy people in Wuhan were 32.2%, 24.9%, 9.1%, and 33.8% respectively, while 1,775 pneumonia patients at Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan had blood types A The proportions of blood types , B, AB, and O are 37.8%, 26.4%, 10.0%, and 25.8% respectively. Comparing the two, you will find that the proportion of people infected with type A blood is much higher than that of healthy people. Patients with type O blood are just the opposite. Among the four blood types, they are the only ones whose infection rate is lower than that of healthy people. People with O blood type in Shenzhen also have the lowest infection rate, but unlike Wuhan, people with AB blood type in Shenzhen have the highest infection rate.

This result also shows that there is a relationship between ABO blood type and COVID-19 - people with A blood type may have a significantly increased risk of infection, while those with O blood type may have a lower risk of infection. In view of such results, the research team believes that although this study is still early for clinical research purposes, it still has potential clinical significance. For example, people with blood type A may need to strengthen epidemic prevention measures to reduce the chance of infection. Patients with type A blood who are infected with the epidemic may Need more treatment and so on.

Regardless of your zodiac sign, blood type or birth date, if you are not healthy, something may happen to you.

Although compared with the huge data of hundreds of millions of confirmed cases around the world, the number of patients sampled in this study is obviously seriously insufficient, and its authenticity is still open to question; and there are also arguments to support that blood type has no connection at all with susceptibility to pneumonia, but this study still The relationship between COVID-19 and blood types was further elaborated.

What is currently certain is that the mortality rate of COVID-19 may be higher if it is combined with other complications. People with cardiovascular disease, chronic diseases, and pulmonary insufficiency are all high-risk groups. No matter you are a water sign or a fire sign, type A or type O, you should take good care of your body during the epidemic; eat less sugar and fried foods; exercise moderately at home and avoid sitting for long periods of time. After all, a healthy body can effectively reduce the risk of The fatality rate of pneumonia is that if you have health problems, no matter how good your fortune is, you will not be able to escape the clutches of COVID-19!


Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility

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