No distinction between men and women! Are the "12 Signs" a warning sign of menopause? Nutritionist: Eat these nutrients quickly to relieve symptoms

No distinction between men and women! Are the "12 Signs" a warning sign of menopause? Nutritionist: Eat these nutrients quickly to relieve symptoms

Will both men and women go through menopause at the age of 40? Pay attention to the 12 major signs of hormonal decline

Menopause is not just for women, men also go through menopause! Dietitian Gao Minmin pointed out in the community that getting older is something that most people don’t want to admit, but if you feel “irritable, prone to heat, and prone to depression” recently, you should pay special attention to the signs that it may be the onset of menopause. Both men and women experience hormonal decline in their 40s and 50s, so taking in specific nutrients is crucial.

What symptoms will appear when menopause arrives? Dietitian Gao Minmin explains that both men and women are prone to depression, irritability, poor memory, insomnia, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, decreased sexual desire, hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, etc. due to hormonal decline after the age of 40-50. Symptoms such as palpitations, high blood sugar and blood pressure. In particular, boys are less likely to notice it than girls because they do not have menstruation, so they need to pay special attention to it.

How to identify male menopause? Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that in fact, male hormones such as androgen and testosterone will help share many body functions when an individual is young. Therefore, once you get older and lack androgen, your body may suffer from symptoms such as sarcopenia, fatigue, osteoporosis, and memory loss.

Recommended reading: Male hormones decline after the age of 30? Top 10 symptoms of male menopause! Doctors reveal 1 trick to help androgen synthesis

To improve hot flashes and forgetfulness during menopause, a nutritionist recommends: Eat more of 4 major nutrients to relieve symptoms

If you want to improve the discomfort caused by menopause, what nutrients can you take in your diet to alleviate it? Highly sensitive nutritionists include:

  1. Calcium. It has the effect of promoting sleep, relaxing muscles and relieving stress, and helps prevent osteoporosis. Recommended foods include milk, yogurt, calcium tablets, sesame seeds, and dried fish.

  2. Vitamin B complex. It is the most important vitamin to maintain the operation of the nervous system, such as stabilizing mood, enhancing memory, and also helping to regulate metabolism. Recommended foods include whole grains, green vegetables, dairy products, and soy products.

  3. Magnesium can be said to be a natural neuroleptic, which can stabilize nerves and relieve restlessness. In addition, it can also help fall asleep and improve sleep quality. Recommended foods include green vegetables, seaweed, oats, nuts, and bananas.

  4. Omega-3 fatty acids. Helps improve the symptoms of hot flashes during menopause, relieves depression and delays brain degeneration. Recommended foods include deep-sea fish (such as mackerel, saury, salmon, sardines, etc.), algae oil, vegetable oil, and nuts.

If you want to achieve excellent improvement, nutritionists at Gao Min Min also recommend that men supplement zinc. Eating shelled seafood such as oysters, oysters, shrimps and crabs are all good choices to help improve testosterone secretion. Women can supplement with “soy isoflavones”, such as tofu, soy milk, soy milk and other soy products, which have similar effects to female estrogen.

In addition to the above-mentioned foods, people over 40 years old should also avoid diets high in oil, sugar, and calories to reduce the burden of inflammation on the body. In addition, you should also drink more water and pay attention to a balanced diet to help promote circulation and metabolism in the body. In addition, it is recommended to maintain exercise habits. You can perform various sports on a daily basis, such as running, hiking, swimming, etc., or combine aerobic and heavy training to maintain physical flexibility and balance.

Further reading:

“Auntie”’s return visit is not a sign of rejuvenation! See a doctor quickly if you experience “8 major symptoms” after menopause

Do male hormones decline after the age of 30? Top 10 symptoms of male menopause! Doctors reveal 1 trick to help androgen synthesis

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