It is difficult to speak and you can only use breath sounds when chatting! Doctors reveal the treatment principles for "vocal cord atrophy": 4 tricks to revive the voice from the throat

It is difficult to speak and you can only use breath sounds when chatting! Doctors reveal the treatment principles for "vocal cord atrophy": 4 tricks to revive the voice from the throat

It is difficult to speak and you can only use breath sounds when chatting! Beware of possible warning signs of vocal cord atrophy

If you feel that you can only use your breath to communicate when talking to others, and it is extremely laborious when speaking, pay attention to the possible warning signs of “vocal cord atrophy”! Dr. Wang Yujun, the attending physician of the Department of Otolaryngology at Chimei Hospital, said that there was a 45-year-old woman who had received multiple medications, surgeries, and speech treatments for her hoarseness, but her hoarseness was still severe. She could only communicate with people through breath sounds on weekdays. And speaking was very laborious, which bothered the patient.

Dr. Wang Yujun pointed out that after endoscopic examination, it was found that the patient’s vocal cord structure had obvious “left vocal cord atrophy” and incomplete closure. After arranging hospitalization, autologous fat combined with “high-concentration platelet plasma (PRP) vocal cord injection was performed into the larynx. After the “minimally invasive plastic surgery” treatment, the postoperative recovery was good, the atrophied vocal cords became full, and the originally laborious breath sounds became able to speak with less effort, and the quality of life was greatly improved as a result.

Vocal cord insufficiency has multiple causes and overuse of the vocal cords often leads to “voice loss”

Dr. Wang Yujun explained that hoarseness, or “burning voice” in Taiwanese, is a common voice problem that may be caused by a variety of reasons, such as overuse of the vocal cords, or vocal cord infection, inflammation, nodules, polyps, and cysts. , atrophy, paralysis, white spots, and even tumors. These lesions can cause incomplete closure of the vocal cords and affect the quality and function of vocalization.

Vocal fold atrophy is not uncommon, and vocal fold atrophy can cause the thickness and elasticity of the vocal cords to decrease, so that they cannot vibrate effectively to produce sound. Vocal cord atrophy may be related to age, hormonal changes, smoking, chronic inflammation and other factors. Without immediate treatment, vocal cord atrophy may seriously affect the patient’s quality of life and increase the difficulty of communicating with others.

What treatments are available for vocal cord atrophy? Autologous fat + PRP becomes a new choice

Dr. Wang Yujun emphasized that different voice problems can be solved in a variety of ways, such as medication, speech therapy, surgery (such as laryngeal direct endoscopic microsurgery), or the newer local vocal cord injection treatment. However, it should still be diagnosed by an ENT specialist and given corresponding treatment. In terms of surgery, most common vocal cord diseases use “throat endoscopic microsurgery”. Minimally invasive surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The vocal cord lesions are exposed using a microscope, and the imaging system is used to enlarge the surgical field of view to perform microsurgery. Instruments or lasers can accurately remove lesions.

For the treatment of vocal cord atrophy, “vocal cord injection laryngoplasty” is currently most commonly used. The surgical method is to inject a filler, such as gelatin sponge, hyaluronic acid or autologous fat, between the vocal cords and thyroid cartilage to thicken the atrophic vocal cords. , increase the vibration and closing ability of the vocal cords, thereby improving the quality and intensity of the sound. Among these absorbable fillers, autologous fat can last longer and has less rejection problems.

How to prevent vocal cord atrophy from affecting your life? Five rules of medical exposure: Stay away from cigarettes and spicy food

Dr. Wang Yujun pointed out that the novel vocal cord injection laryngoplasty method uses autologous fat combined with PRP for minimally invasive vocal cord repair; PRP is a liquid containing high concentrations of growth factors and cytokines, which can promote tissue repair and regeneration. , will be produced from autologous blood. PRP not only stimulates the natural repair of vocal cords, but also enhances the survival rate and stability of fat cells, extending the duration of its effects.

In addition to vocal cord atrophy, this surgical method can also be used for vocal cord insufficiency caused by unilateral vocal cord paralysis. No matter what kind of vocal cord surgery, you will be silenced after the operation, and you should pay attention to the maintenance of your vocal cords, avoid speaking loudly, singing or talking too much, and avoid irritating foods and smoking. In other words, if you want to regain your voice, you still need to protect your vocal cords with good daily routine and eating habits.

Dr. Wang Yujun said that damage to the vocal cords not only affects daily communication, but may also affect personal psychology and social interaction. Therefore, it is crucial to find out the cause of hoarseness and burning voice in time and carry out treatment. You should also maintain a good daily routine, replenish water and eating habits in a timely manner, avoid smoking, drinking, eating spicy food and other irritating substances, and use and protect your vocal cords appropriately to reduce the risk of hoarseness.

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