Is it difficult to metabolize Phenobarbital even if you drink a lot of water? Doctor: May affect children's cognition and attention

Is it difficult to metabolize Phenobarbital even if you drink a lot of water? Doctor: May affect children\'s cognition and attention

An incident of drug dosing in kindergartens has been reported in New Taipei City. Eight children have been found to contain residues of the controlled drug “barbiturates” in their bodies. According to public information from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, drugs such as barbiturates can depress the central nervous system, causing confusion and occasional euphoria. Long-term use can cause tolerance, dependence, and symptoms such as drowsiness, unsteady gait, inattention, and decreased memory and judgment. Due to its low safety, it is rarely used clinically.

Phenobarbital? Does Phenobarbital have serious side effects? Doctor: Fear of affecting cognition and attention

Liang Zhaoxuan, director of the Pediatric Department of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital and attending physician of the Department of Pediatric Neurology, pointed out in an interview that Phenobarbital is an old drug for the treatment of epilepsy. In the past, it was mostly used in certain conditions, such as the treatment of neonatal epilepsy, but due to The side effects are relatively large. After new epilepsy drugs were released one after another, the use of this drug in pediatrics has been greatly reduced. As for the other two controlled drugs called “Secrbarbital” and “Amobarital”, they are no longer in use.

Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan said that Phenobarbital is available in injectable and oral dosage forms. In the past, there were fewer anti-epileptic drugs in injectable dosage forms and it is easier to absorb in the gastrointestinal tract than other drugs, so it has its role in the treatment of epilepsy. However, Phenobarbital may affect children’s cognitive function or cause symptoms such as difficulty concentrating. Therefore, traditional anti-epileptic drugs such as Phenobarbital are used less and less. During the period of taking Phenobarbital, the blood concentration must be monitored regularly to confirm whether the blood concentration of the drug is sufficient.

After the drug-feeding incident, many parents worried that their children’s abnormal agitation was related to drug exposure. Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan said that in addition to drug factors, some encephalitis caused by infectious diseases in children may also manifest as emotional symptoms. In addition, Phenobarbital must be metabolized by the liver and kidneys. Drinking more water cannot help the drug to be excreted from the body. When parents find that their children have unusual agitation, uneasiness, and abnormal mood, they should seek medical treatment in the pediatrician as soon as possible and evaluate whether there has been any recent exposure to related drugs.

Is there a risk of withdrawal from Phenobarbital? If your mental symptoms change, seek medical attention immediately

Is BZD (benzodiazepem), another sedative drug that has attracted attention due to drug-feeding incidents, also likely to have an impact on children’s brains? Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan pointed out that children are rarely prescribed BZD to treat sleep disorders and other problems due to drug safety considerations. It is mostly used for children or infants with epilepsy. As for whether a patent medicine contains similar ingredients, it must depend on the ingredients of the pharmaceutical compound.

Will children have withdrawal problems if they are exposed to Phenobarbital and BZD drugs for a long time? Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan said that children who have been using Phenobarbital for a long time may indeed experience anxiety, dizziness, nausea or other mental state changes or emotional symptoms when they suddenly stop taking the drug. As soon as parents find that their child’s behavior is significantly different from the past, it is recommended to go to a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist for evaluation as soon as possible.

Where does Phenobarbital come from? Infection with encephalitis may also cause mood abnormalities

Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan pointed out that children’s body mechanisms are relatively unstable, and abnormalities in mood, thinking, or language may not only be related to drugs. Encephalitis or other diseases caused by infection must also be considered. However, Phenobarbital is a controlled drug and must be prescribed by a physician. Generally speaking, children without epilepsy will theoretically not be exposed to barbiturates and will not exist in the environment. Most enter the body through contact or ingestion.

There are rumors that some compound medicines, gastrointestinal medicines and cold medicines may also contain barbiturates. According to statistics from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, there are currently 75 medicines with drug licenses containing phenobarbital. Dr. Liang Zhaoxuan believes that drug management should take children’s exposure risks into consideration and try to avoid the risk of side effects caused by children being exposed to similar ingredients. The general public is not allowed to abuse controlled drugs unless prescribed by a doctor. If there are any changes in symptoms while taking the drugs, they should go to a medical institution for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Further reading: Barbiturates will not be prescribed for non-epilepsy patients! Pediatric neurologist: 3 types of withdrawal symptoms: seek medical attention immediately

Excessive amounts of barbiturates are neurotoxic? Poison experts warn: It may affect children’s brain development and impair intelligence

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