Diet and exercise failed! Intragastric Water Balloon Surgery Painlessly Reduces Weight by 30%? Doctors reveal the truth: 3 types of people are suitable

Diet and exercise failed! Intragastric Water Balloon Surgery Painlessly Reduces Weight by 30%? Doctors reveal the truth: 3 types of people are suitable

Failed to lose weight through diet and exercise? Intragastric water balloon implantation increases satiety

Obesity is the enemy of health. There are more than 1.4 billion adults in the world who are overweight or obese. Obese people are at higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. For people who cannot control their appetite and find it difficult to diet, are there any non-surgical weight loss options? Emphasis on method?

Dr. Fang Guanjie of Mingyi Clinic pointed out that weight loss of 5-10% for high-risk groups can help delay or prevent diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. However, in clinical practice, many patients do have weight loss problems and are difficult to control with various methods. Some patients may consider undergoing “intragastric water balloon implantation” to improve their weight.

Dr. Fang Guanjie explained that intragastric water balloon implantation is a non-surgical weight loss method performed through an endoscope. A gastroscope is used to place a soft, round, inflatable balloon made of medical-grade silicone into the patient’s stomach. Inject 400-700 ml of salt water to achieve temporary weight loss by reducing gastric capacity, increasing satiety, and thus reducing food intake. It is often used by people who have failed to lose weight through diet and exercise, and who are not suitable or willing to undergo bariatric surgery.

BMI and comorbidities should be considered! Who is suitable for intragastric water balloon implantation?

Dr. Fang Guanjie said that not all patients who are overweight and have failed to lose weight are suitable for intragastric water balloon treatment. Usually, based on BMI and comorbidities, there are three main categories of patients who are more suitable for intragastric water balloon treatment:

  1. Severe morbidly obese patients with a BMI greater than 37; and morbidly obese patients with a BMI between 32-37 and suffering from obesity complications. Due to excessive obesity, this group of people have higher surgical difficulty or higher risks. They can first undergo a course of intragastric water balloon therapy to achieve a staged weight loss goal and reduce the risk of subsequent surgeries.

  2. Patients with a BMI between 27 and 32 who also have obesity complications and are still unable to achieve or maintain weight loss through diet and exercise can usually achieve ideal weight loss through intragastric water balloon implantation. Effectiveness.

  3. Moderately obese patients with a BMI greater than 27 and suffering from obesity complications have tried other weight loss methods such as diet control, exercise, meal replacement, and drugs, but still cannot achieve the effect. Endoscopic intragastric water balloons are used to reduce weight. It is also an effective way.

Weight loss effect can reach 30%? Is it dangerous to leave a water balloon in the stomach for too long?

Dr. Fang Guanjie said that clinical studies have shown that intragastric water balloon therapy can indeed control weight quickly and effectively. It can help patients lose 10-15% of their weight on average, and in some cases the weight loss effect can reach 30%. It also reduces the risk of fatty liver, Metabolic syndrome and other chronic diseases caused by obesity.

However, intragastric water balloon implantation has its risks. For example, the water balloon may rub against the stomach wall and cause ulcers. In rare cases, there may be complications of rupture of the intragastric water balloon. If the insufficiently filled water balloon reaches the small intestine, due to the narrow width of the intestinal tract, it may cause ulcers. It may cause intestinal obstruction and require surgical removal.

Most of the causes of water balloon rupture are related to the prolonged placement. Currently, it is generally recommended that the intragastric water balloon needs to be removed or replaced about six months after insertion. If the weight loss goal is achieved early, the water balloon can be removed from the stomach. According to different personal needs, it can also be repeated according to the situation.

Willpower the savior of failed weight loss? How to maintain long-term weight loss

Dr. Fang Guanjie pointed out that the first week after the insertion of the intragastric water balloon is the adaptation period. You should not be too tired. You should drink more water, rest, and follow the dietary guidelines recommended by the doctor. Some patients will experience abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and vomiting, leading to dehydration. They should seek medical attention promptly and receive intravenous injection. If symptoms are severe, the water balloon needs to be removed immediately. In addition, if the water balloon leaks, the urine will appear blue. If you find the urine changes color, you should return to the doctor immediately to avoid complications.

Dr. Fang Guanjie said that intragastric water balloon implantation has been used in tens of thousands of cases around the world. It is one of the current non-drug and non-surgical mainstream weight loss treatments. It is not effective for controlling appetite by willpower, or it is not effective. Surgical surgery is a relatively effective treatment for those who have concerns but need to lose weight.

However, intragastric water balloon implantation is not suitable for everyone. Patients should fully communicate with their doctors before treatment, and develop a personalized weight loss plan through detailed assessment and examination. At the same time, they should cooperate with diet and behavioral monitoring and adjustment to cultivate correct habits. Diet and exercise habits can achieve long-term and effective weight loss results.

Further reading:

168 fasting method “myth busted”? American Heart Association: Weight loss is not as effective as “caloric restriction”

Why do weight loss efforts always fail? Research announces “4 major types of obesity”: These people eat 60% more calories to feel full

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