What should you do if you are diagnosed with a sore throat? What foods can be eaten? ENT medicine teaches pain relief tips

What should you do if you are diagnosed with a sore throat? What foods can be eaten? ENT medicine teaches pain relief tips

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In recent weeks, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan has continued to rise, and many people are quarantined at home or self-preventing the epidemic. Some of the people diagnosed are asymptomatic, and more people have conditions similar to upper respiratory tract infections, such as severe dry throat and sore throat, cough with a lot of sputum secretions, fever, tiredness, and congestion and runny nose. Not a few. Of course, if patients have lower respiratory tract symptoms, shortness of breath, chest tightness, or further discomfort, hospital intervention is required.

For most patients with mild symptoms, the most uncomfortable part is severe sore throat, fever and fatigue. Severe throat pain will first reduce people’s appetite, because the seasoning and temperature of food may irritate the inflamed throat mucosa, making the patient more uncomfortable; in more severe cases, even drinking water or swallowing saliva will cause pain. A tearing feeling like cutting. Reducing food and water intake may cause mild dehydration, increase body temperature, and worsen physical discomfort.

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In order to alleviate these uncomfortable conditions and restore physical strength as quickly as possible, special attention should be paid to diet.

First of all, avoid high-temperature hot soups and spicy, sour, fried and heavy-flavored foods. Secondly, choose warm or cold soft foods, such as cold noodles, tofu curds, jelly, cooled porridge, or other things that are not strong in taste and are delicious at low temperatures.

Low-temperature foods such as ice water and ice cream require patients to try them themselves. Although they can quickly relieve the heat, swelling and pain of throat inflammation and reduce pain, sometimes they can cause irritation due to too low temperatures. The throat and trachea may cause severe coughing, and the mucous membrane of the throat may be stretched, making it even more uncomfortable. It is recommended to try a small amount. If there is no discomfort, you can slightly increase the amount; however, children are very receptive to ice cream, but you should also pay attention to possible coughs and tracheal discomfort.

Finally, we would like to remind patients who cannot eat anything because of a sore throat. It is recommended to drink some liquid sugary drinks to supplement some calories. Don’t forget to supplement enough electrolytes and water.

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During the video consultation, patients can mention their pain to the doctor, and the doctor will usually make appropriate adjustments to the medication. In addition, you can also consider using local anti-inflammatory and analgesic sprays for the throat at your own expense, which can increase the short-term analgesic effect, and seize the time of pain relief to eat and drink as soon as possible to help the body recover as soon as possible.

As for any other little remedies? Patients with sore throats can use ice water or cold salt water to gargle, which can slightly relieve the pain; or they can press the Hegu point on the back of their hands, which usually has a good pain relief effect.

Further reading:

A must-see for home care or isolation! This is the correct way to reveal essential medical equipment and rapid drug screening

A must-read if you are diagnosed with quarantine! Detailed medical explanation of common medications: Correct knowledge on medication for fever, cough, and runny nose

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