If you are diagnosed with fever, cough, or sore throat, don't panic! Chinese medicine practitioner reveals "2 tricks" to help shorten the course of the disease

If you are diagnosed with fever, cough, or sore throat, don't panic! Chinese medicine practitioner reveals "2 tricks" to help shorten the course of the disease

Don’t panic when you are diagnosed with the “three major symptoms” of COVID-19. Doctors teach you acupoints and supplements to restore your vitality.

The number of confirmed local cases is rising day by day. Although the authorities have decided to coexist with the virus, the number of confirmed cases that are constantly broadcast on the news every day has really caused a sense of panic in many people. Dr. Colin Qiaomei, a traditional medicine doctor at Yatong Memorial Hospital, reminds the public that basic measures to avoid contracting the epidemic, such as wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, and maintaining social distance, are necessary. If you learn that you have been diagnosed, there is no need to panic. It can be regarded as fighting against the virus. The process of temporary immunity.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei said that if a confirmed patient encounters the following three clinical symptoms, they can recover from the symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible through measures such as massaging acupoints and supplementing food in a timely manner:

1. Fever and diarrhea.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei pointed out that both fever and diarrhea will deplete the “yin” in the body. Once the Yin component is lost, the heat signs will be more obvious, so it is very important to replenish water and electrolytes. Those diagnosed should choose lukewarm boiled water, as ice water will weaken the body’s ability to fight the virus. If the body temperature does not show a downward trend, you can also take Punatong if necessary, or use physical heat dissipation methods such as wiping the whole body with warm towels and antipyretic patches to help reduce fever.

During the period of isolation and recuperation at home, you can massage more acupoints, such as Yuji, Quchi, Hegu, and Zusanli, and Dazhui scraping can also help reduce fever. If the yin has been damaged, the mouth is obviously dry, and the lips are chapped, you should add some yin-nourishing ingredients in an appropriate amount, such as lily, lotus seeds, yam, fungus, etc.

2. Cough and excessive phlegm.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei said that severe coughs may lead to chest tightness, asthma and other conditions. At this time, cold, spicy and sweet foods should be avoided. It is worth mentioning that you should also eat as little fruit as possible, because most fruits are sweet and prone to dampness and phlegm. It is recommended to use vegetables instead. For acupoint massage, you can choose acupoints such as Liequ, Neiguan, and Chize.

3. Sore throat.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei reminds that when you have sore throat symptoms, you should avoid foods that are too warm and irritating, such as potato chips, supplements, sesame oil, wine, etc. Some traditional Chinese medicine throat sprays or throat tablets can be used; the acupoints can be pressed on the Shaoshang point.

Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment can help shorten the course of the disease! If you encounter 3 conditions, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible

Dr. Lin Qiaomei pointed out that the severity of symptoms after diagnosis varies from person to person. If diagnosed and treated through traditional Chinese and Western medicine, the course of the disease can be effectively shortened. In addition, the symptoms caused by the new coronavirus are mainly “heaty”, so “Qingguan No. 1” can effectively help alleviate it. If you are unable to obtain Qingguan No. 1, you can prepare medicinal materials according to your personal constitution, including many of the antiviral medicinal materials in Qingguan No. 1, which can achieve good curative effects.

Dr. Lin Qiaomei said that while recuperating at home, you need to pay attention to if your blood oxygen is lower than 95, your fever persists despite taking antipyretics, or your shortness of breath continues to worsen, you can see a doctor via videoconference to confirm your condition before taking the medicine. Dr. Lin Qiaomei urged that the long-term sequelae of the virus are still unknown. If short-term symptoms such as diarrhea damaging the spleen and stomach, coughing and wheezing damaging the lungs are not resolved, people should seek medical treatment as soon as possible for further diagnosis and treatment.

Further reading:

Who is Qingguan No. 1 suitable for? What symptoms is it effective for? What should I do if I get diarrhea if it’s too cold?

What should you do if you are diagnosed with a sore throat? What foods can be eaten? ENT medicine teaches pain relief tips

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