Diabetics no longer need to "take injections every day"? Doctors reveal 4 advantages of "continuous blood glucose monitoring": painless and intelligent sugar control

Diabetics no longer need to "take injections every day"? Doctors reveal 4 advantages of "continuous blood glucose monitoring": painless and intelligent sugar control

She suffered from “gestational diabetes” and her blood sugar level soared over 300mg/dl! “1 instrument” helps get rid of the fear of hand pricking

Is it possible that people with diabetes no longer need to “get injections every day” and can control their blood sugar status at all times through new technologies? Dr. Hong Haozhang, director of the Clinical Trial Center and attending physician of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Chimei Hospital, said that a 30-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the hospital because her prenatal examination revealed that her blood sugar was too high, so she was immediately transferred from the obstetrics and gynecology department to the outpatient department of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism.

The blood glucose value of this pregnant woman was 300 mg/dl (normal value is 60-99 mg/dL on an empty stomach and 70-139 mg/dL after meals), and her glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) was as high as 13% (normal value is 4.0-5.6%) ), diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The doctor immediately prescribed insulin to control blood sugar and asked the patient to actively control his diet and self-monitor his blood sugar.

In addition to worrying about the impact of high blood sugar on the fetus, the pregnant patient is also worried about what kind of dietary content may increase blood sugar. She also faces the fear of pricking her finger to test blood sugar multiple times a day. At the suggestion of Dr. Hong Haozhang, the patient switched to a “continuous blood glucose monitor” to effectively self-manage his diet and blood sugar. After installing a continuous blood glucose monitor, patients can not only reduce their fear of needle sticks, but also be able to understand their blood sugar status in real time and make adjustments.

Is it more difficult to control sugar during the Mid-Autumn Festival? Does acupuncture monitoring easily make people with diabetes “lazy” and not want to measure themselves?

Dr. Hong Haozhang explained that during the Mid-Autumn Festival, when people gather around the full moon, in addition to admiring the moon, food appropriate to the occasion such as moon cakes, grapefruits, barbecues and other activities are indispensable. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, many diabetic patients have very poor blood sugar and blood lipid control due to their unscrupulous feasting.

For diabetics, close self-monitoring of blood sugar is crucial. In the past, the traditional single-time fingertip blood test for blood glucose monitoring not only required a lot of consumables, but also required needle sticks to measure diet and medication usage multiple times a day. In addition to pain, it was also unable to provide continuous data and instant alerts. For diabetes, Patients often suffer from life difficulties and are lazy and do not want to measure their blood sugar, causing a crisis in blood sugar control.

Using a continuous blood glucose monitor not only eliminates the need to suffer from acupuncture, but can also continuously track blood sugar changes, identify blind spots in sugar control, easily observe difficult-to-measure blood sugar values, prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. risk of long-term complications, while adjusting diet, exercise, and medications as needed.

Continuous blood glucose monitoring keeps blood sugar out of control. Doctor reveals “4 major advantages” to achieve painless smart sugar control

Dr. Hong Haozhang pointed out that continuous blood glucose monitoring equipment usually consists of a sensor and a receiver. The sensor is attached to the skin and can measure the glucose in the subcutaneous tissue fluid every few minutes and transmit the data to the receiver. Or on a smartphone, allowing users to check their blood sugar curves and trends at any time.

According to the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, many indicators of blood sugar control can be obtained by using continuous blood glucose monitoring. Currently, the most important indicator is the time in range (TIR) ​​of blood sugar within the ideal range. The current ideal range of glucose values ​​for continuous blood glucose monitoring is Between 70-180 mg/dl, and the TIR control target is to achieve at least 70%.

According to past research results, the advantages of continuous blood glucose monitoring include at least the following:

  1. Provide more information: Continuous blood glucose monitoring can provide more blood sugar information. Not only can you see the current blood sugar value, but you can also see changes in the past few hours and predictions in the next few hours, which helps to determine whether blood sugar is Stable, whether medication or diet needs to be adjusted.

  2. Timely remind patients: Continuous blood glucose monitoring can promptly detect signs of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and remind users through sound or vibration to take appropriate measures to avoid serious complications such as coma, stroke or heart attack.

  3. Understand response patterns: Continuous blood glucose monitoring can help users understand their own blood sugar response patterns, such as the impact of different foods, exercise, stress or sleep on blood sugar, so as to develop a more reasonable and personalized treatment plan.

  4. Reduce the discomfort of blood collection: Continuous blood glucose monitoring can reduce the frequency and discomfort of traditional fingertip blood collection tests, and improve the user’s quality of life and satisfaction.

Technology helps accurately control blood sugar and lifestyle adjustments can get twice the result with half the effort

Dr. Hong Haozhang said that according to the statistics of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2022, diabetes ranked sixth, with the number of deaths increasing by 7.3% compared with the previous year. There are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of diabetes. Many people often only discover it when they eat more, urinate more, and lose weight. Excessive intake of foods high in oil, sugar, and salt can cause difficulty in controlling blood sugar. Because there is no early detection, Therefore, blood sugar is not controlled in time, resulting in complications.

Continuous blood glucose monitoring is an effective and convenient way to manage blood sugar. It can help diabetic patients better understand their physical condition, especially the impact of different foods on blood sugar, and control blood sugar while enjoying delicious food. . However, Dr. Hong Haozhang still reminds that if you want to stably control blood sugar, you still need to rely on long-term lifestyle adjustments (diet, exercise, etc.), which is the most important key to sugar control!

Further reading:

It only works if you can breathe and sweat! Study: Regular exercise can help reverse the risk of type 2 diabetes

Is the Mid-Autumn Festival diet a “drug mine”? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reveals: If you want to drink alcohol after taking medicine, you need to wait at least “XX hours”

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