Dependence on asthma-relieving inhalants increases risk of emergency room visits and death! Doctor: Inhaled steroids can strengthen the foundation

Dependence on asthma-relieving inhalants increases risk of emergency room visits and death! Doctor: Inhaled steroids can strengthen the foundation

Asthma attacks are like “earthquakes”, with mortality rates reaching 90% due to dependence on relief drugs

“An asthma attack is like an earthquake. If you only use “relieving inhalants”, the airway will be easily collapsed like a thatched house. It has no anti-inflammatory effect at all, and asthma control will become worse and worse!”

In Taiwan, it is not uncommon for asthma patients to overuse relief inhalants (first aid). The poor medication habits of asthma patients are mostly caused by misconceptions. When an asthma attack occurs, people tend to use “relieving inhalants (first aid)” to relieve the discomfort, ignoring the need to follow the “inhaled steroids” prescribed by doctors to control the condition.

Professor Wang Hejian, chairman of the Taiwan Society of Thoracic and Intensive Care Medicine and vice president of the National Taiwan University Hospital Cancer Center Branch, pointed out that according to health insurance database data, asthma patients who use more than three relief inhalants a year are considered overly dependent. The risk of acute hospitalization will increase by 72%, and the risk of death will be as high as 90%.

Professor Wang Hejian reminded that an asthma attack is like an “earthquake” and the airway is like the structure of a house. Inhaled steroids such as “Brickhouse” can fundamentally fight inflammation, control tracheal inflammation, achieve maintenance purposes, help stabilize the respiratory tract, and reduce the risk of emergencies and death. Asthma patients are reminded to use inhaled steroids correctly. Relief inhalers should be used sparingly when symptoms occur, as over-reliance will lead to poor asthma control.

Inhaled steroids are a fundamental warning system for tracheal care to help improve medication behavior

“Some asthma patients will go to various departments to get prescriptions for inhaled emergency drugs for relief. Once symptoms appear and they feel they are very breathless, they will spray it. They feel that they are relieved soon after taking the medicine and no longer have asthma, which leads to them becoming more and more dependent on relief drugs. type of drugs, the symptoms are becoming more and more frequent!”

Professor Zheng Shilong, deputy chairman of the Respiratory Committee of the Taiwan Society of Thoracic and Intensive Care Medicine and director of the Department of Thoracic Medicine at Yadong Hospital, pointed out that the most important principle in treating asthma is to reduce instability, and asthma patients should avoid overuse of relieving inhalants. Regular use of inhaled steroids in accordance with doctor’s instructions is the basis for tracheal care.

Professor Zheng Shilong explained that in order to help control the medication behavior of asthma patients, Yadong Hospital has launched the “Relieving Inhalant (First Aid) Warning System” online. As long as a patient is found to have prescribed more than 3 relieving inhalants in a year, the system will jump out. Warning messages help doctors evaluate prescriptions in real time.

Professor Zheng Shilong said that excessive use of reliever drugs will cause acute worsening of asthma and more frequent attacks. The warning system can detect medication behavior in real time, helping early detection of incorrect medication patterns in asthma patients. It also educates patients on the importance of “inhaled steroids” and understands that proper use of inhaled steroids is like building a brick house to control asthma. More stable, helping patients change their medication behavior.

There are more than 2 million asthma patients in Taiwan. Medical officials join hands to promote correct concepts

There are more than 2 million asthma patients in Taiwan, and incorrect medication habits will increase the risk of emergency visits and hospitalization. Asthma care in grassroots clinics is even more important. Dr. Chen Honglin, chairman of the Taiwan Medical Clinics Association, said that the mission of grassroots clinics is to be patient-centered and allow patients to receive comprehensive care locally. Therefore, clinics must have the ability to handle asthma, diabetes, and hypertension at the same time, and must follow treatment guidelines and provide case management.

Chairman Chen Honglin said that clinics are the gatekeepers of community health, and the “Asthma Lighting Project” has been launched this year, and the number of participating clinics has increased from 1,636 to 1,864. It is expected that more primary care will join in the future, in line with the concept of hierarchical medical care , enhance the energy of on-site asthma care.

May 3 is World Asthma Day every year. Wang Hejian, Chairman of the Taiwan Society of Thoracic and Intensive Care Medicine, pointed out that at the end of 2021, the Taiwan Society of Thoracic and Intensive Care Medicine, the Taiwan Medical Clinics Association, and the National Health Insurance Department will jointly start to promote “abandoning asthma”. The “No Asthma” health education campaign has involved 236 hospitals, 849 clinics, and thousands of medical institutions. It will continue to promote the correct concept of medication, reduce the waste of medical resources caused by repeated asthma emergency hospitalizations, and ensure the safety of people’s medication.

Professor Wang Hejian once again reminded that when an asthma attack occurs, only “relieving inhalants (first aid)” can be used to relieve symptoms. It is like a thatched house that is easy to collapse and has no long-term protective effect. Frequent use is more likely to cause repeated asthma attacks. It is recommended to follow the doctor’s advice and use “inhaled steroids” regularly to fight inflammation at the root, so that it can be as safe and stable as a brick house, consolidate asthma treatment, maintain daily maintenance, and truly control asthma.

Further reading:

A cough that doesn’t go away for several weeks after a cold may be an “asthma” attack! 4 Symptoms: Beware of Trachea and Call for Help

Exercise can improve asthma and lung function. Why do patients not want to exercise? I’m afraid it’s an “inferiority mentality” at work.

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