What is dental implant surgery? How to choose between dental implants and dentures? What's the key to affecting the longevity of dental implants?


What is dental implant surgery? Do I need to lay a foundation before dental implants?

Artificial dental implants refer to a treatment method in which “artificial tooth roots” are implanted into the missing teeth to replace the missing natural teeth. After the artificial tooth root implants and the alveolar bone have completed strong osseointegration, dentures are then made on top. Artificial dental implants can help patients restore their bite function without damaging the dentin of adjacent teeth, and the success rate can reach 95%.

The first condition for dental implants is a stable artificial tooth root. For example, the first priority of a civil engineering structure is the “foundation”, that is, the higher the osseointegration strength between the artificial tooth root and the alveolar bone, the better. If the teeth have been missing for a long time or the alveolar bone condition is not good, bone filling surgery and tooth filling surgery must be performed before dental implantation to help “ground preparation” to ensure a stable foundation before artificial tooth implantation. However, the length of time depends on the individual situation and dental implantation. Depends on location.

Generally healthy adults who have missing teeth can undergo artificial dental implant surgery after being evaluated by a professional dental implantologist. Only a small number of people who take special osteoporosis drugs or suffer from systemic diseases such as severe diabetes may affect the success rate of artificial dental implants. In addition, smoking and periodontal disease will increase the failure rate of dental implants. A complete evaluation and preoperative lifestyle adjustments should be made before taking appropriate dental implant treatment.

What is the process of dental implant surgery? What should I pay attention to before and after surgery?

Implanting artificial tooth roots requires the alveolar bone to have a certain height and width. Therefore, it can be divided into “one-stage dental implant” and “two-stage dental implant” according to the bone conditions. If some of the bones are in good condition and the cause of the missing teeth is not serious periodontal disease, you may have the opportunity to use “immediate extraction and implantation”, which combines tooth extraction and dental implantation at the same time, which is the so-called “immediate loading”. , shorten the number and time of treatments.

However, Taiwanese people generally suffer from periodontal disease problems of varying degrees, or alveolar bone atrophy due to long-term missing teeth without replacement. If the bone condition is not good, bone repair surgery is required before dental implantation. In severe cases, it may take 6-9 months to achieve ideal bone regeneration. For minor bone loss or partial bone repair surgery, it will take about 3 months to complete the “preliminary work” of site preparation.

In addition, before performing artificial dental implants, periodontal disease should be properly treated to reduce the risk of infection caused by long-term bacterial growth in the oral cavity and to avoid future inflammation around the implants. Smoking will affect wound healing and is not conducive to bone and gum regeneration. It is best to quit smoking as much as possible. After surgery, you should pay attention to cleanliness and reduce the intake of irritating and raw foods to avoid damaging the wound or causing infection. People taking anticoagulant drugs should consult their physician whether they need to stop taking them for three days to avoid bleeding problems.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants and dentures? How long do dental implants last?

In the same situation where a single tooth is missing and there are natural teeth in the front and back, the so-called “traditional fixed denture” refers to dental bridge treatment. The dental bridge requires “piers” as a supporting structure, so the front and back teeth are ground down and then Put on dentures. The advantages of dental bridges are that treatment is quick and relatively inexpensive. Disadvantages include irreversible damage to natural teeth, difficulty in cleaning the middle of the bridge, and increased risk of periodontal disease and tooth decay in the long term.

The biggest advantage of dental implant surgery is that it does not damage the front and back natural teeth, and does not require changing the original dentition. It can still be cleaned with dental floss. The only disadvantage is that the cost is relatively high, and if bone filling or tooth filling is required, the treatment time will be relatively long.

Is cleaning after dental implants more important? How to choose an implant dentist?

Artificial dental implants can significantly help oral health and bite function. Their functions are very similar to natural teeth. However, it is not a “once and for all” thing after dental implants are placed. It is very important to maintain oral hygiene around the implants. Peri-implantitis may occur if cleaning is not taken care of or if periodontal disease is not properly treated.

In addition, bad living habits and diseases, including diabetes, periodontal disease, smoking, betel nut chewing, alcoholism and poor oral health, will affect the lifespan of artificial dental implants. Dentures connected to artificial roots may also be cracked or broken due to bites or accidents. After dental implantation, you should pay attention to maintaining good oral hygiene and regular check-ups.

Although the method of dental implantation, the surface treatment of the implant material and the experience of the dental implantologist are all factors that need to be considered before dental implantation. However, the most important key to the effectiveness of dental implants is the trusting relationship between doctor and patient. Patients can observe the doctor’s detail and patience in explaining the treatment plan through actual consultation and communication. Establishing good trust during the consultation process is the foundation for achieving good therapeutic effects.

Dental implant materials and new technology? What are the key factors affecting dental implants?

Artificial tooth root implants have been developed for more than 40 years, and the technology and materials have become mature. The mainstream artificial tooth root material is mainly titanium alloy, which has good biocompatibility and sufficient strength. In addition, “surface treatment” will affect the growth of artificial tooth roots and bones. The better the surface treatment, the easier it is for cells to adhere. With the improvement of materials and surface treatment technology, the success rate of artificial dental implants has generally exceeded 90%.

In recent years, digital technologies such as 3D printing dental implant guides and dental implant navigation and positioning have been introduced to coordinate dental implant treatment. Its functions include accurately calculating the space required for implants and adjusting the position of dental implants through dental implant guide plates. with more accurate results. When patients consult about dental implant surgery, they can discuss treatment methods with the doctor based on their own conditions and ideal goals, so as to improve the accuracy of treatment and reduce the number of postoperative treatments.

The price, material, surface treatment, and structural design of artificial implants of each brand are different. Generally speaking, implants from large European and American manufacturers are more expensive but have rich clinical report data. Patients can choose according to their own conditions and consult a dental implant specialist. After professional evaluation, choose the implant brand that best suits you. If you have a complete missing tooth problem or need to implant 4-6 artificial tooth roots at one time, you should discuss it with your doctor in detail and choose a trustworthy and patient dental implant doctor to get the best treatment quality.

Further reading:

Will you risk periodontal disease if you use your toothbrush for too long? Dentists reveal the correct way to brush your teeth without hurting your gums!

What is the difference between dentures and dental implants? Which material is the most durable? Doctor: Missing teeth without filling may become a “big problem”

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