Delaying gastric emptying helps weight loss? Nutritionist reveals that this is the "most satiating" food: take in all the nutrients at once

Delaying gastric emptying helps weight loss? Nutritionist reveals that this is the "most satiating" food: take in all the nutrients at once

Can understanding the digestion time of food after it is eaten in the stomach help to lose weight with twice the result with half the effort? Nutritionist Gao Minmin stated in a social post that the complete process of food digestion through the stomach is called “gastric emptying.” The longer the stomach emptying time, the longer the feeling of satiety will last. Many doctors or nutritionists advocate the use of “gastric emptying” to help weight loss, which suppresses appetite by prolonging the feeling of satiety and prevents weight loss patients from eating excess calories.

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Nutritionist Gao Minmin emphasizes that the emptying speed of each food and the duration of satiety are different. Basically, the more “fat” content in the food, the slower the gastric emptying speed will be. However, a richer and more diverse food composition will also prolong the gastric emptying time. People who are in the process of losing weight can make more use of gastric emptying time to achieve better weight loss results.

In addition to people who are losing weight, people who have long-term indigestion, feel hungry easily, or even suffer from gastrointestinal diseases can also learn about the digestion time of different foods. As for how to know the digestion time of different foods? Nutritionist Gao Minmin lists the common dietary contents in life as follows:

  1. Liquid: 10-60 minutes.

There are a wide range of liquids, the simplest boiled water can be digested in about 10-20 minutes, beverages can be digested in about 20-40 minutes, and soups have a longer emptying time, about 40-60 minutes.

  1. Fruits: 20-40 minutes.

  2. Vegetables: 30-60 minutes.

  3. Dairy products: 90-300 minutes.

Dairy products are divided into types such as milk and cheese. Low-fat milk is about 90 minutes, full-fat milk and soft cheese are about 120 minutes, and full-fat hard cheese is about 300 minutes.

  1. Nuts: 120-180 minutes.

  2. Fish: 30-60 minutes.

  3. Chicken: 90-120 minutes.

  4. Beef/mutton: 180 minutes.

  5. Pork: 270 minutes.

  6. Pasta: 240 minutes.

  7. Sandwich: 270 minutes.

  8. Lunchbox: 350 minutes.

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Based on the above, nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that the emptying time of “bento” is longer than that of a single food type. Therefore, he calls on friends who are losing weight to choose healthy and diverse bento boxes as meals. In addition to delaying gastric emptying, In addition, it is easy to feel full, and at the same time, you can absorb rich protein, dietary fiber and other nutrients.

In addition, many people who lose weight often “change their color when they smell oil”. In fact, the human body needs oil to function normally. Therefore, you may wish to add oil to food in a timely manner during meals. This can make the body feel full and reduce the urge to snack after a meal, making it easier to achieve weight loss. If you are worried about eating too much oil or fat, you can also consume vegetable oil, nuts, avocado, and salmon as sources of fat.

However, food that is too greasy can indeed cause indigestion. It is recommended that people with bloating and poor gastric function can choose food that empties quickly, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, etc. The order of eating is also very important. It is recommended that Eat them in the order of vegetables → meat → starch, because fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, phytochemicals and nutrients, which can increase satiety and help digestion. Nutritionist Gao Minmin appeals that while enjoying delicious food, you can also master the secret of gastric emptying, which will not only effectively control your weight, but also make your body healthier.

Further reading:

Is there any concern that putting food in a microwave oven may cause cancer? Nutritionist clarifies: Frequent “4 behaviors” are more dangerous

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