How to deal with excessive pressure on make-up days? Psychologists teach tips: Do "one thing" to calm down when you are anxious

How to deal with excessive pressure on make-up days? Psychologists teach tips: Do "one thing" to calm down when you are anxious

Many office workers need to “make up” work this week. After just one day off, they are overwhelmed with work, which makes them feel out of breath and unmotivated. Psychologist Ni Jiazhen from Lianqing Clinic said that moderate pressure can indeed stimulate potential and serve as a driving force in the learning process. However, when stress exceeds the physical and mental load for a long time, it will begin to have an impact on health, and there are many similar cases in clinical practice.

Frequent headaches, constipation, and insomnia. Beware that stress has caused the soul to collapse.

Psychologist Ni Jiazhen pointed out that because stress is a “subjective” view and feeling, everyone’s tolerance to stress is also different. People can first make a judgment based on physical symptoms, such as frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, sweaty hands, severe insomnia, hyperacidity, gastric ulcers, or chronic fatigue, which may be symptoms of “excessive stress” a sign.

“In more serious cases, you may start to feel scared when you think about going to work, or you may find it difficult or difficult to complete things that you could do before, and you may be unable to concentrate, etc.”

Psychologist Ni Jiazhen further explained that stress not only has physical or cognitive signs, but may also cause behavioral changes, such as increasing the frequency of eating sweets, drinking too much coffee to refresh yourself, increasing the frequency of shopping, and even worse, through Take medicine or drink alcohol to digest it. The above-mentioned behaviors may have short-term effects, but in the long run they may lead to serious sequelae, and they will not be able to alleviate psychological stress from the root cause.

How to deal with excessive pressure on make-up days? Psychologists advise: Do one thing to calm down when you are anxious

If you want to prevent your body from “turning on the red light” due to excessive stress from overtime work, it is crucial to learn to relax and deal with emotions in a timely manner. Psychologist Ni Jiazhen suggests that people may use 4 tips to regulate stress and help improve work efficiency and mental health:

  1. Learn self-awareness. The most important first step in managing stress. Self-aware of the feelings, thoughts, and emotions you are experiencing now, and how you interpret the situation you are facing. Generally, stress sources can be divided into “external stress events (work, interpersonal relationships, family care, etc.)” and “internal stress events (self-requirements, future prospects)”. People can sort out and find out from these two major categories of stress sources. Here’s the real problem.

  2. Identify stressful events. After a stressful event occurs, you can further classify the event as “controllable” or “uncontrollable”. For example, you are worried about being late. It is beyond your control whether there will be a traffic jam or not, but you can choose to go out early. Therefore, when facing controllable pressure, you can try to find solutions to the problem; when facing uncontrollable pressure, you can adjust your own opinions or emotions.

  3. Use psychological scales. The “Stress Index Scale” is a reference tool to understand your own stress status. The public can go to the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration’s “Health 99” website for testing. In addition, it has also been found clinically that many people suffer from extreme physical and mental stress for a long time, but subjectively they do not think that their stress is excessive. It is also recommended to take stress hormone testing or autonomic nervous system testing to understand whether the body and mind are overloaded with stress.

  4. Learn to relax appropriately. Certain groups of people cannot really relax even when they are on vacation. Once they relax, they feel like they are looking for something to do. This may be the result of “over-internalization” of work responsibilities. It is recommended to practice breathing speed moderately, deliberately making exhalation longer than inhalation, and combine it with mindfulness stress reduction exercises, as well as dynamic activities such as yoga and Tai Chi to help relax the body and mind.

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Psychologist Ni Jiazhen said that exercise, diet, and sleep in daily life are also helpful to relieve stress. You can also choose foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamin B complex, folic acid, and Omega-3 in your diet, such as deep-sea fish, bananas, and whole grains. , nuts, green vegetables, pumpkin, milk, eggs, etc., can not only promote physical health, but also ensure nutritional needs on make-up days.

Finally, psychologist Ni Jiazhen pointed out that modern people’s stress sources are not limited to work, such as financial burdens, social relationships, marriage or the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, children’s upbringing or the care of parents’ old age and illness, all of which may be chronic and long-term stressors. If you have been feeling anxious or emotionally unstable recently and have difficulty regulating yourself, you should undergo a professional examination by a psychosomatic or psychiatrist, or the guidance of a psychological counselor to sort out and manage your psychological stress.

Further reading:

Are mobile phones causing easy distraction and overeating? Expert: You are just escaping reality! 4 tips to improve concentration

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